Ability to read magazine as a magazine

Don't know if it has ever been suggested or not, but I would love to be able to read the published magazines as an actual digital magazine, instead of just having to go through each chapter manually. After the chapters have all been released of course. It would be nice to just click on a specific magazine release, and have the whole things load to be able to go through, with pinup art, interviews and all without having to go back and forth between the magazine page.
I, too, would like having this option.
I support this, I would like that option too
I would like this too.
YQII FAKKU Translator
It's been suggested before, but I don't think it's a priority with our development team.

Out of curiosity, why do you want this feature? Magazines are collections of 15-20 chapters that has nothing to do with each other. Magazines exist mostly as a way to reduce costs for physical releases, and that has no real impact on a digital platform. To me it feels like asking for a feature to watch every new episode that came out a certain week on a streaming site. It makes a lot more sense to offer playlists for each series, which is what we do with collections.

I suspect what you really want is the convenience of reading multiple chapters in a row, in which case we can extend the functionality of the random feature.
YQII wrote...
It's been suggested before, but I don't think it's a priority with our development team.

Out of curiosity, why do you want this feature? Magazines are collections of 15-20 chapters that has nothing to do with each other. Magazines exist mostly as a way to reduce costs for physical releases, and that has no real impact on a digital platform. To me it feels like asking for a feature to watch every new episode that came out a certain week on a streaming site. It makes a lot more sense to offer playlists for each series, which is what we do with collections.

I suspect what you really want is the convenience of reading multiple chapters in a row, in which case we can extend the functionality of the random feature.

The biggest reason would be so I could discover new artists based on the curation of the magazine publisher. It happens all the time with regular manga, such as Shounen Jump, Time Kirara, Shounen Sunday, etc. Publishers put in a ton of effort to curate their magazine to appeal to their fans, and whenever a new magazine gets announced or when publishing an older magazine, it's hard to get interested when you're not sure what's in there beyond a brief fetish list. It might be different for ero-manga than normal manga, but being able to read a whole magazine has helped me find tons of manga I would have never found otherwise that appealed to me, that may be outside of the usual genres I read.

Basically it's the same idea as still buying digital albums from musicians rather than just singles. Sure you can find the most popular stuff, but without knowing the full collection, you may never find the ones that will actually be your favorites.
ntfakku Reads & Collects Stuff
To me, having some semblance of the physical medium that actually exists is a second kind of cool. How awesome would it be to be able to see even the ads that appears in said magazine (even though they have virtually no value overseas)?

It's about as close a thing to actually being in a store in Japan grabbing an actual copy. That said, it's not high up on my list of what I really want but more of a "would that be cool to have?" kind of experience.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Seeing how this feature exists for collections (except our own...), it should not be too difficult to make the magazines behave as (unlisted) collections as well.
YQII FAKKU Translator
Like I said, it's not a high priority for the dev team, but I'll take this feedback with me for future discussions. Thanks for your input.

luinthoron wrote...
Seeing how this feature exists for collections (except our own...)

It actually does! It's probably still a work in progress as we haven't really advertised it, but you can in fact read all the chapters of one of your own collections by simply adding /read to the URL. Here's an example of this: fakku.net/users/yqii/collections/tews/read

It naturally takes a while to load for bigger collections. I got it working for one with 1,300+ pages, but it gets a bit unruly when you have over a thousand pages. I've thought about the possibly of making this a crowdsourcing effort where users can submit their own collections for a magazine and compile them all into a topic on the forums for others to read. If that's something people are interested in, I can look into it some more and see if we can set that up.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
YQII wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
Seeing how this feature exists for collections (except our own...)

It actually does! It's probably still a work in progress as we haven't really advertised it, but you can in fact read all the chapters of one of your own collections by simply adding /read to the URL. Here's an example of this: fakku.net/users/yqii/collections/tews/read

Good to know. I only tested this back when it was first mentioned (similarly without an actual button) for the official collections and it didn't work then, didn't think about trying it this time when I saw the button there but not on my own.
Monster Girl
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