About the Favorites Backup/Export Tool

The introduction might have gotten a bit too lenthy so there's a TL;DR further down

So, understandably, there is a lot of mixed and hard feelings around here because of the big takedown. A lot of people don't want to stay because of the upcoming payment model, others because of the removal of mangas and doujins which currently are not and possibly never will be licensed.

Now I'm not saying I want to leave: Personally, dependent on the pricing model and release output I probably will stay.
But the latest removal of mangas which are either controversial or unlicensed (not sur eif the latest one is already active yet) and therefore their silent disappearance of everyones collections & favourites is a blow.[EDIT: Since some seem miss my point, I want to stress it's not about the content, but the metadata/titles/existencial information about those works]
This affects both, leavers and stayers, as even the ones who'll stay will have to look up things they like but never reach fakku (and IMHO everyone with 100+ favs cannot hope to remember all those titles). It's a frustrating experience to see years of collecting just vanish, just because you trusted the service of a website and didn't meticulously write down everything yourself instead.

Jacob has stated here that he will create an export tool which includes information about all favourites, even locked/removed ones, a fact which has often been repeated elsewhere by others, but its progress has never been mentioned since that post a month ago.
Now, I know with the conventions etc. that you guys were under a lot of pressure and I don't want to badger anyone, but communication with the community is the most important part when it's undergoing such great changes.

So my question is:
Can we get an official statement if there is active development on that tool?
I don't want to rely on something that might just have been a one-time idea, and wake up in a few days with the rest of my favs gone. I just don't know if I shouldn't just grab all favs I still have (which is tedious with the broken API) or not.
I don't even care if its just formatted for devs, I or someone else will write a converter to more Human Readable formats eventually.

Not having access to all favourites, even if just Read-Only/Metadata, is a blow foll everyone, including subscribers.

  • Is there official, active development on the favorites-exporter tool?

  • Will it be done before the cleansing?
One month later and no update - can we at least have a comment about this, please?
i posted a similar thread, because jacob told me personally that he was working on it, and it got ignored as well, all those who truely cared about it have left the site, or are waiting and just not posting

Edit: that post he made was after the one he made on my thread, just to clarify

Second EDIT: oh and as for me, i simply forget about fakku most days like i stated would happen in my last thread, not because i want to, but sense i dont hold value to coming to fakku, only times i really remember it, is when i read a hentai that i first read on fakku

also they need to fix their about, i dont think they are "largest English speaking hentai community in the world." because a lot of people are getting tired of waiting, and are giving up
Ya'll got no chill. Come back later when the subscription's in place and all unlicensed material has been removed. Go use other sites or hell, buy a book from Fakku. Or both! No one cares!
Just chill, it's not like Jacob to leave us hanging.
yahooeny wrote...
Ya'll got no chill. Come back later when the subscription's in place and all unlicensed material has been removed. Go use other sites or hell, buy a book from Fakku. Or both! No one cares!

How does that make any sense in relation to the topic? It's not about leaving or buying books, it's about our data (nonetheless of books which may never be released again on fakku, with or without price tag)
I'm not here to moan but to get information. How could I possibly buy a book or find it elsewhere of which I don't even know the name of?
FinalFox wrote...
yahooeny wrote...
Ya'll got no chill. Come back later when the subscription's in place and all unlicensed material has been removed. Go use other sites or hell, buy a book from Fakku. Or both! No one cares!

How does that make any sense in relation to the topic? It's not about leaving or buying books, it's about our data (nonetheless of books which may never be released again on fakku, with or without price tag)
I'm not here to moan but to get information. How could I possibly buy a book or find it elsewhere of which I don't even know the name of?

Check this topic -=Discussion: Unlicensed Content Removal=-, the information is in through out it, took me causing a huge mess, and getting angry for me to find it out, best way is to check Jacob's post history