Can we get ANGEL Club to be the next magazine?

Angel Club has a lot of work which interests a group of those that aren't all that into Vanilla work. Not only that the art in it is really amazing. I think it'll also be a great addition because there is so few translated work on the projects inside ANGEL Club.

We need some non-vanilla content.
tomanonimos wrote...
Angel Club has a lot of work which interests a group of those that aren't all that into Vanilla work. Not only that the art in it is really amazing. I think it'll also be a great addition because there is so few translated work on the projects inside ANGEL Club.

We need some non-vanilla content.

I have met with this publisher and discussed the magazine, I agree it would be awesome to get on FAKKU! Possibly in the future, but we've mostly decided on our next magazine (it's not ANGEL Club). We'll announce our 4th magazine later this month!
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
*crossing finger* pls be Mujin, pls be Mujin, pls be Mujin, pls be Mujin...
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
My guess for the next magazine is Kairakuten Beast...
Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
GODsHandOnEarth wrote...
My guess for the next magazine is Kairakuten Beast...

Or Comic Unreal, lets hope for the best ;)
ntfakku Reads & Collects Stuff
Mayhaps it's Shingeki, Masyo or MILF? All magazines mentioned so far have artists I'd love to see uncensored and in english!
Jacob wrote...
I have met with this publisher and discussed the magazine, I agree it would be awesome to get on FAKKU! Possibly in the future, but we've mostly decided on our next magazine (it's not ANGEL Club). We'll announce our 4th magazine later this month!

Not asking about the 4th magazine, but... have you considered quarterly and biannual magazines? Like Girls for M and Towako.
Jacob wrote...
We'll announce our 4th magazine later this month!

We're waiting :^) Tomorrow it is.
Ohhh girls for M. I can get behind that.
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
Jacob wrote...
We'll announce our 4th magazine later this month!

We're waiting :^)

Monster Girl
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