FAKKU General Bug Report/New Design Rant Thread

luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Individual chapter pages of books are missing the chapters tab and the sample screenshots all link to https://www.fakku.net/subscription
luinthoron wrote...
Individual chapter pages of books are missing the chapters tab and the sample screenshots all link to https://www.fakku.net/subscription

adding on to that, when i try to access a specific chapter of a purchased book, nothing happens and i just get redirected to the individual chapter page. i have to access the whole book and then use the "end" key on the keyboard to "scroll" between chapters.
honest to goodness question to the fakku team: is this site meant to be anything more than a meme? it's been 3 goddamn years (!!) since the website downgrade/"new design" (lmao) and in addition to old shit not working for YEARS at this point (the half assed block feature that at least worked in the past - among other things), new bs crops up every other month or so. why not just go back? stuff used to work just fine. nobody ever gave any positive feedback aside from a single paid shill that got -5 rep in the forums for that comment.
Monster Girl
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