[Locked] FAKKU State of the Union 2016

-Saika- wrote...
Last year, I had almost a thousand favs in this website, now I don't have any anymore.

I promised I'll never come back and never publish anything again of the forum since then.I still lurked because I searched some titles but that was it. I was ok at first with some of the "fakku books" that I never read because freaking expensive. But when you guys removed the unconventional content, it seriously pissed me off. I was personaly ok with removing the loli content, because it's child porn and "forced" because it's rape and it's illegal, but the hell was wrong with others like incest. By removing this, you simply deny reality and refuse to accept form of love and consentant sexual practice that basically happen in reality.

That is why I decided to backup my favs, and get the fuck off this website. But you know, that's not the only reason I moved. I also moved because you guys actualy want to drain the milk of people by only hosting licensed content.
That's nice and all, be good people proposing licensed porn mags with outrageous prices, but at least show some respect to scanlaters and don't remove thousand of hours of work in your twisted name of Great Justice.

I know very well the work of scanlaters, since in one of my more brighter lifes I'm working with them( SFW content btw ). Do you realise how hard we work to propose decent content you guys would never had the chance to read otherwise ?
Why do you think scanlation is for in the first place ? Do you think we are actually happy to scanlate a whole series while the author will gain nothing out of it ?
The main goal of scanlation is not to publish a whole series and takes the work of editors, it's to bring popularity to unknow authors that did not have the chance to see their work published worldwide. Oh yeah, and to give them enough popularity to convince editor to publishes them too.

Reality is, editors won't publish if they know it won't sell like pancakes, and it's sometime not even enough. I can tell you countless series with high potential not being published because it's dedicaced to a certain portion of readers.

That's all I'm gonna say, this post will only list at best a few hours and will be removed for the horrible reasons if being hateful and giving credit to bad groups stealing the money of the poor editors so they won't officialy publish poor poor autor in the world anyways.

This time, I freaking swear this is my last post on FuckU.next Fakku.net.
Farewell, and if you want remove my account for all I care.

Wait, so loli and forced are illegal, but incest isn't? You do realise everything they removed as 'controversial' was illegal in some way or another, yeah?

Again, the cost of the mags is not outrageous in the slightest. It's cheaper than getting the mag itself posted, it's better quality (because uncensored and translated english well), as well as it also being incredibly cheap for adult content. Adult content costs more.

You also can't host legit content and stolen content, without pissing people off, and finding yourself without a business. It would have been in the contract with wani to remove the pirated work. Let alone to actually get more content, and avoid more legal action from other publishers.

As for scanlators; since you know so much about them, you'd know how they need money to operate, but people just take their content, much in the same way they took the original content. It's not about convincing publishers to publish them at all, or they wouldn't be pushing them in the west (where they don't sell them).
There is very little income for people in the hentai industry, let alone when people pirate their work. Pirating it, and translating it so people outside of the area they are shooting for publishing in, will not help them or their cause. It gets their name out there, but not to the people that matter.

The reality is; it's all business. Fakku was threatened legal action for having illegal wani content, so the option was go legal, or shut down (whether immediately, or after time due to other publishers jumping on the wagon and threatening legal action). If they had shut down, you would have lost all the scanlations anyway. But, this way, we've gained high quality uncensored content done better than a lot of scanlators (some do a good job, but there is only so much you can do with a scanner and heavily censored work). As well as content from artists not all that well known. It's a win win. Over time, more mags will jump on board, and there will be more and more. More artists that aren't known will be able to jump on fakku and upload their content (as a few have done already). So far, it's been pretty good for getting lesser known creators out there, as well as the quality, and being adult content. The pricing is quite good. The amount of content isn't heaps currently, but it'll only grow from here.
I subscribed before because it was optional and I wanted to support you guys because I been a fan for years. But when I go through my favorites now, like 80% of the stuff I had is gone and you guys are making it a mandatory subscription. So unfortunately its sad to say but this will be my last month here.
My my my such a hypocrite we have for a site owner. Its official My man you have become a sell out. I have no doubt this will be deleted because the Owner is such a delicate flower. Its funny someone who deals in Sin himself Thinking himself better than his fellow sinners.

Sure support the artist in japan,but your not actually doing that are you? No any money put foward to you will go into YOUR pocket. So its with a heavy heart I have to leave but Maybe a few thousand Anons will come back and visit from time to time making this site so exspensive to run with DDOS mitigation that you eventually go ou tof business. You enjoy the Firestorm buddy.

Oh Do send me a reply to this Site owner. Sheesh. Surrounded by sell outs these

Oh and...FUCK YOU
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
zandra wrote...
Sure support the artist in japan,but your not actually doing that are you? No any money put foward to you will go into YOUR pocket.

Do you really think any artist would let him bring themselves to conventions over here if he would lie about that? Or produce artwork for the skateboards? Or do those 'thank you' drawings for us?
So you've killed the site.

Fakku has never been particularly good. Everything and then some I could get from purinin (birth and ovi and pregnant listings vs preggo here) before it went to hell, and now you've gutted your content and have the balls to try and charge people for the remains?

As a site you've literally never been worth supporting, I made this account just to say these things. It is just that mind-blowing that you expect people to pay, with limited options for perhaps a 5th of the again- horribly limited content you had a month ago
1. Gutting your old content is bad. That is easy foot 👣 traffic to your site and those old scans can be used as samples to entice new subscriptions. The damage was already done. Archive em and use em to make sales.

2. Artist know what they are getting into. They still make money. Have you seen their studios? Japan needs to figure out how to secure artist work. Not you. You are a business.

3. Are you a business, or just a fan site that wants to be friends with all the artist and get your signed skateboards etc?

4. Your prices are too high. Most people already pay 15 bucks a month for an MMO, gym membership, Spotify, etc. No one wants to pay yet another 12 bucks for porn, from 1 gutted site, unless they are hardcore fans.

Lower the prices to 3 or 5 bucks a month and you'll probably have better success.

Fakku books: great
Fakku subscriptions: ok
No free Fakku: bad

We live in a micro transaction world now. 90% free, 10% bonus pay.

5. These artist you wish to support make doujins. Doujins are literally the perversion of other artist work. Example: Nise Midi….…
Im sure the artist who made Card Capture Sakura wasn't thrilled to see his character turned into one of the largest loli toons on the net. Capcom and SNK are probably pissed with all the KoF and Street Fighter porn.

See the problem here? You want to support a large majority of artist who have cashed in (and ruined) other peoples works. No one is a true victim here.

It took you 6 months to come to this decision. Im sure it'll take another 6 to rethink it. From a business standpoint its a bad move… unless we dont know the whole story.
SenatorSmash Lord Knows I'd Smash
Gressnor wrote...

It took you 6 months to come to this decision. Im sure it'll take another 6 to rethink it. From a business standpoint its a bad move… unless we dont know the whole story.

It's almost as if you didn't bother to read the reasons why all these changes had to be made in the first place.

I won't re-list everything that has pretty much already been explained and emphasized throughout this thread, but I will tell you that if you put enough effort into researching about the reasons why people make certain decisions before you make a post like this, people will take you more seriously.
Just need to find an another website :(. 13$/month?! Crazy, it is not a MMORPG, maybe 3-4$/month will be better, i come on this site 1-3 month, 13$ is too expensive.
Allow me to share my opinion about this while I'm jerking off to some weird fetish of mine from another site. Here goes:

I've been a lurker in this site since 2010. This has been my refuge/solitude when life gives me trouble. However, ever since the Subscription was introduced, it felt like my paradise is being slowly demolished, and now, it's all gone. Personally, I feel sad on how I "lost a buddy" since I don't have anywhere else to read those stuffs (but I think Google-sensei will provide me answers soon), but I guess change is indeed inevitable. Jacob's friend is also starting to change, where he blogs less now *cough*Danny Choo*cough* since I'm also an avid reader of his.

Here are my two cents when it comes to the subscription:

1. The price is ridiculous, in a sense where that money can be used to buy something else that's important that cleaning your personal dolphin.
2. I'm not sure if anyone is aware of this, but in my country, Spotify subscription cost P129/$3 and it's succeeding and they're having a promo now where the 3-month subscription is P9 or just around $0.1c. Point is, if there's a way to have a separate rate per country, that'll be good for all since not everyone can afford $12 like I said earlier.
3. This is third so make it my three cents. Though I don't think this is doable but for the scanlated ones, how about doing a weekly spotlight or say, these contents get uploaded on the site on a certain day and then it gets removed on the next day. I guess that's a win-win situation for all.

Lastly, to end my own State of The Nay-Shun 2016, I'll still remain a lurker, hoping for anything good to happen. If there'll be none, consider me as your once bestfriend. That'll be all. Thank you.
I can understand why the content was removed, but unfortunately that's why I used Fakku. The priced content here is just too much for me to spend so I guess I'll have to depart from the community.

Not to request sites that take away traffic from Fakku but does anyone have an alternative site for licensed content?
only CC Payments??..

Fakku GTFO from my bookmark,...

i still remember when fakku had the download link in it, it was awesome xD
Good luck Fakku, it was all good and I respect the decision.
I will no longer be using this site, $13 a month is crazy
I sad to see much of the content that put this site on the map to be thrown out. the window classics like mega milk isn't even on the site anymore. I can buy a t shirt for it but not read it anymore. I haven't be a big fan of the sub manga coming out but i left the sub to support the site however this decision to abandon the manga the site was build on i cant get behind. RIP FAKKU.
well i already guess it from fakku start add subscribe or buy the book.
in case of this you guys better add some freebies or someone who want to release a H-manga for free for new artisan and his release was not yet chained or bind by any corporation. that mean he new in H manga and try release his art in fakku to get feedback his art is good or not. so fakku it be better not only became distributor, marketing, and support; but also provide the new artisan
zandra wrote...
My my my such a hypocrite we have for a site owner. Its official My man you have become a sell out. I have no doubt this will be deleted because the Owner is such a delicate flower. Its funny someone who deals in Sin himself Thinking himself better than his fellow sinners.

Sure support the artist in japan,but your not actually doing that are you? No any money put foward to you will go into YOUR pocket. So its with a heavy heart I have to leave but Maybe a few thousand Anons will come back and visit from time to time making this site so exspensive to run with DDOS mitigation that you eventually go ou tof business. You enjoy the Firestorm buddy.

Oh Do send me a reply to this Site owner. Sheesh. Surrounded by sell outs these

Oh and...FUCK YOU

It's gotten to the point that the second someone cries "sell out", I dismiss them immediately. They have no facts or arguments. When did Jacob say he was better than anyone else?...I'm waiting.
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
derman190 wrote...
zandra wrote...
My my my such a hypocrite we have for a site owner. Its official My man you have become a sell out. I have no doubt this will be deleted because the Owner is such a delicate flower. Its funny someone who deals in Sin himself Thinking himself better than his fellow sinners.

Sure support the artist in japan,but your not actually doing that are you? No any money put foward to you will go into YOUR pocket. So its with a heavy heart I have to leave but Maybe a few thousand Anons will come back and visit from time to time making this site so exspensive to run with DDOS mitigation that you eventually go ou tof business. You enjoy the Firestorm buddy.

Oh Do send me a reply to this Site owner. Sheesh. Surrounded by sell outs these

Oh and...FUCK YOU

It's gotten to the point that the second someone cries "sell out", I dismiss them immediately. They have no facts or arguments. When did Jacob say he was better than anyone else?...I'm waiting.

At this point they all look like butt-hurt parrots, they are not interesting and are mostly factually incorrect.
Likhos01 wrote...
derman190 wrote...
zandra wrote...
My my my such a hypocrite we have for a site owner. Its official My man you have become a sell out. I have no doubt this will be deleted because the Owner is such a delicate flower. Its funny someone who deals in Sin himself Thinking himself better than his fellow sinners.

Sure support the artist in japan,but your not actually doing that are you? No any money put foward to you will go into YOUR pocket. So its with a heavy heart I have to leave but Maybe a few thousand Anons will come back and visit from time to time making this site so exspensive to run with DDOS mitigation that you eventually go ou tof business. You enjoy the Firestorm buddy.

Oh Do send me a reply to this Site owner. Sheesh. Surrounded by sell outs these

Oh and...FUCK YOU

It's gotten to the point that the second someone cries "sell out", I dismiss them immediately. They have no facts or arguments. When did Jacob say he was better than anyone else?...I'm waiting.

At this point they all look like butt-hurt parrots, they are not interesting and are mostly factually incorrect.

And if any of them are serious and not simply trolling, then they need to actually read what and why this is happening and not jump to conclusions.
Zenteth wrote...

Okay ... I am alittle pissed ... I just went to check my fav list because I saw a post about being able to download a list deleted favs. I officially have NO favs left WTF. I will be patient and wait to see where these changes lead but for now I will lurk and spectate. Thank you and Goodnight.

Upper right. Export Collection. That's your only option at this point, but it does at least include stuff that was deleted during the controversial content purge.

Drifter995 wrote...

Wait, so loli and forced are illegal, but incest isn't? You do realise everything they removed as 'controversial' was illegal in some way or another, yeah?

Eh... not so much, no, unless you're referring to them being unlicensed rather than the content. Or unless we mean in "at least one given country", in which case I think every single item on the site would qualify. I'd be curious where monster girls are illegal that pornography in general isn't.
zandra wrote...
My my my such a hypocrite we have for a site owner. Its official My man you have become a sell out. I have no doubt this will be deleted because the Owner is such a delicate flower. Its funny someone who deals in Sin himself Thinking himself better than his fellow sinners.

Sure support the artist in japan,but your not actually doing that are you? No any money put foward to you will go into YOUR pocket. So its with a heavy heart I have to leave but Maybe a few thousand Anons will come back and visit from time to time making this site so exspensive to run with DDOS mitigation that you eventually go ou tof business. You enjoy the Firestorm buddy.

Oh Do send me a reply to this Site owner. Sheesh. Surrounded by sell outs these

Oh and...FUCK YOU

cant defend what is not proven, Jacob could be a sellout.
but I can prove that you're just a leecher.

should I choose the sellout who actually did the right thing? or a leecher that doesn't do anything right?

no contest, right?

ilbellobellenda wrote...
I wait for the time when you will know you've made a mistake and come back to normal

following the moral and legal choice in life is a mistake? maybe you're mom also did make a mistake, you.

thimble89 wrote...
This was an inevitability. And as such, it was also inevitable that the majority of the fanbase will drop off.

FAKKU is now the same as all the rest of the paid porn sites out there. Scraping a living while futilely trying to compete with free sites.

wha? fanbase? you mean leechers.
fans give support. leechers desert when they have an duty to perform.

enigmicazn wrote...
As a Long time user of Fakku and one of the first supporters of Fakku Books, i'll just give my opinion on this.

The price you're asking for the content you currently have is ridiculous. Like it's not even in the same atmosphere of sane. You would literally need 15-20x more content for me to even contemplate it. People can honestly just go to other sites now that do what Fakku did before so you as the company have to make it beneficial to me as a Paid subscriber.

There has to be a tangible benefit to justify spending 12 dollars a month on this. Let's be real, nobody pays for Porn. You need to make it worth it to the consumer. Currently i don't see that.

I'll still support you guys and the artist by buying Fakku books since i personally love physical copies of the things i buy and the artwork and product is great.

Best of luck.

that's an issue that has to be fixed. porn isn't free. hentai manga isn't free.
someone just ripped authors off before. and you can access it.

sure there are still sites there, but that's not the issue at hand. it's to support the authors that made you fap.

also, do check what adult sites do cost for a change. just because you've been going to free sites doesn't mean porn is free. it's being pirated, and fakku/Jacob's goal is to fix that. (didn't you fuckin read the starting page? or you didn't understand it one bit?)

jirojiro wrote...
Just for people to know
NETFLIX has just arrived in Vietnam and its costs just 180.000VND (approximately 9$) per month, with a first 30 days for free (hurray!).
I bet that NETFLIX > FAKKU (contents, number of productions..), so why NETFLIX's cost < FAKKU's???
Yep, I've read several opinions which bias toward the statement that 12$ is probably worth it.
However, don't you think twelve dollars is a bit high price to pay for FAKKU! now since the obvious number of books and contents that Fakku is having are againsting it?
=> So my question is: Why can't we reduce the price a little bit and everyone would be happy ?

is Netflix an adult service?
did you check official adult websites to see how much they charge a month?

Monster Girl
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