Forum Improvement Suggestions

In the spirit of the current book giveaway I figure I'd give some suggestions to improve the forum. In no particular order:

1)Make a list of rules. I looked around on the forum and couldn't find any official forum rules anywhere. If they exist and I just missed them I still think they need to be made more visible.

2) Make the moderators more active and/or get more moderators. I think I've seen a few people with moderator titles around on the forum but I've never seen any of them do any kind of moderating. This is probably related to my previous point, since if there are no rules there's nothing to moderate.

3). Make a dedicated "help me find this hentai" subforum. In almost every subforum there are a bunch of topics where the author wants help to find some half-remembered hentai, often accompanied by phrases like "Not sure of this is the right place for this". Considering how frequent these topics are I'd suggest giving them their own dedicated subforum and encouraging people to post there.

4) Make a new releases/general hentai subforum. This one I'm admittedly less sure about since right now the anime/manga subforum usually fulfills this role, but since that subforum is under the special interest topic I assumed the implication was it was for non-pornographic anime and manga since hentai isn't really a special interest on a hentai website. Even if I'm wrong and it's currently working as intended I still think it's a better idea to separate the porn and non-porn discussions.
Droyer wrote...

1)Make a list of rules. I looked around on the forum and couldn't find any official forum rules anywhere. If they exist and I just missed them I still think they need to be made more visible.

The stickies in Feedback, Suggestions, and Support directly above where you made this thread.
Whoops, I am very observant lol. I still think it should probably be visible from every subforum though.
There was a "requests" subforum a while back. It was removed. I think it had something to do with the fact that people were mostly using it for unlicensed content, which is not served on Fakku. Probably not coming back as things stand.

Your last suggestion reminds me of something I suggested a while back. Basically the idea I had was to convert comment sections into forum posts. Each upload would spawn a forum thread. Comments posted in the comments section would actually be posted to the forum thread, while also being viewable on the content page. In the comments section it would mostly look and feel the same, but there would be a link or something for "further discussion". I'm still not really sure if it's a good idea. I don't really know if it would do anything to drive more forum activity or even generate better discussions. The main benefit would probably be that you could potentially have better discussions as the comments are rather limited. Plus it would probably take a bunch of work and hacking to make this happen. It's not exactly a clean solution.
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
There was a "requests" subforum a while back. It was removed. I think it had something to do with the fact that people were mostly using it for unlicensed content, which is not served on Fakku. Probably not coming back as things stand.

Your last suggestion reminds me of something I suggested a while back. Basically the idea I had was to convert comment sections into forum posts. Each upload would spawn a forum thread. Comments posted in the comments section would actually be posted to the forum thread, while also being viewable on the content page. In the comments section it would mostly look and feel the same, but there would be a link or something for "further discussion". I'm still not really sure if it's a good idea. I don't really know if it would do anything to drive more forum activity or even generate better discussions. The main benefit would probably be that you could potentially have better discussions as the comments are rather limited. Plus it would probably take a bunch of work and hacking to make this happen. It's not exactly a clean solution.

I think a thread per upload would be a bit overkill and would probably result in a bunch of threads with no one posting in them. It would be enough to set up the subforum and then let people make threads themselves, since then at least the OP would have something to say which could lead to further discussion.

Also yeah it is going to take a bunch of work, but if Fakku wants to make these forums more popular there isn't really any getting around that. Back when I first joined Fakku a couple years ago I checked out these forums and left almost immediately because most threads were either incredibly vague "help me find this hentai" threads or barely edited nonsensical screeds, and coming back now very little has changed. Chances to win free books or w/e is going to create short-lived spikes in posting but if Fakku wants long-term growth it's on them to create an enjoyable posting environment and that's going to require work.
YQII FAKKU Translator
1/2: I brought this up when we merged some of the subforums a couple weeks ago, and an updated rules sticky will definitely happen in the near future.

3: Request threads will likely be against the rules once they're updated. As already mentioned, requests are often for unlicensed content, and we can't allow discussions related to piracy or other illegal activities on the site. This will be in line with pretty much any other legit service online.

4: Not sure I understand this suggestion. If you want to discuss a certain release, that should be done in the comments section of that chapter. Bigger releases such as books and games already have their own discussion topic in their respective section on the forum.
YQII wrote...
4: Not sure I understand this suggestion. If you want to discuss a certain release, that should be done in the comments section of that chapter. Bigger releases such as books and games already have their own discussion topic in their respective section on the forum.

I think it's just porn discussion. The discord has a hentaichat channel where just stuff about hentai is talked about such as new releases, what's going on in the industry, members' collections, yadda yadda. The funny thing is I believe we had a hentai subforum before the cleanup iirc.
Monster Girl
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