Harder to browse items now

The new way things are displayed on the site as a single page of images vs being a list of manga sucks. It is hard to browse things now. Names of manga are cut off. Please add an option for list view vs current view.
I also hate the new system. The recent changes for tag sorting being "random" is also stupid. I read chronologically and this has screwed me...
For anyone wanting to revert to something resembling the older setup.
Just turn off the 'beta' setting to change the display. I have no idea why this isn't listed as part of our account settings. Hell, I had to google to find this. https://www.fakku.net/forums/feedback-suggestions-and-support/front-page-layout
BTW shout out to animefreak_usa, for posting this info in the past.
Tablet version also looks like crap. Can’t get back to previous version unfortunately. Guess they had to break what wasn’t broken.
Seeing this complaint a lot. The grid view is definitely here to stay as the default, but we are happy to add a toggle for list/grid for everyone to use (your preference will be saved to your browser). A lot of staff at the company also miss the list view, so it'll definitely be back soon.

Elderspy wrote...
I also hate the new system. The recent changes for tag sorting being "random" is also stupid. I read chronologically and this has screwed me...

What was it previously? I'll get this fixed.

I also made a new thread to track bugs like this with the new design, keeping it in one place will help get them fixed faster.
Jacob wrote...

What was it previously? I'll get this fixed.

I remember before that if you did a search for a tag it displayed works in the order in which they were added to the site. Now it just seems to display works in an order I do not understand at all. A work from 3 years ago will display above one from one year ago, and on the second page of results there will be a work from last week. It makes it nearly impossible for me to just try and look for the newest works under a particular tag.
Monster Girl
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