Maybe we need a temporary sticky RE the store outage

I've noticed that three people have already asked about the store being down or not being able to purchase from the Fakku site which have all been locked. I'm sure the outage is just as frustrating, if not more, for the Fakku staff as it is for the customers. Could Fakku perhaps put a sticky up top in this forum with whatever updates can be provided so people don't feel the need to open new topics over and over? Whatever transparency regarding the issue and updates or expected timelines that can be safely provided could help to reduce customer anxiety.
I agree and would go further, suggesting a message be posted directly on the homepage warning that the store is currently unavailable.
You may have posted the info on Twitter, but some of us (myself for one) don't spend their time on twitter and rely on websites to provide relevant information about themselves on the site itself. After all, what's the point of having a website if you rely on third parties to provide crucial information to your users? And you clearly can post such a message, since you're perfectly capable of warning when you're having a sale in the store...

PS: also, this clearly not a small easily and quickly fixable issue since the store has been down almost a week now. At this point, we are clearly entitled to get more info than a brief "store is down and we're working on resolving the issue" post on twitter
There should be something somewhere considering this has been going on for days and this is the first thread I found when I went looking for information about it.
Monster Girl
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