"Related Content"

Gravity cat the adequately amused
I'm reading Chapter 1 of "Sense of Values of Wine", but I notice that the Related Content dropdown in the manga reader has a small problem; any manga that is already selected when the page is opened, usually the first one, can be selected but the page won't redirect.

You can select another manga, go Back, select the first one and it'll redirect just fine, but shouldn't have to do that.

For reference

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1884885-WBY6EDG.png

This happens on all manga. Cleared cache to no avail.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
This problem has been on here for a while now.

The other issue I notice with some is when you try to go the alternative way by clicking on the artist's name (whether it is on the hentai or by searching through the artist section manually) it will only show some of their works (such as with hentai).