Sorely lacking in the yuri department

I've held my free account for awhile now and decided to pull the trigger and upgrade. However upon visiting the yuri section I noticed a massive number of men. As in the only link in which I didn't see one was for a book I would have to buy separately.

I'm a little upset. I massively approve of the move to above board sales but the nonexistence of dickless yuri in the online format is upsetting.

This is after I had to call my bank to have the payment code authorized for a day.

P.S. Subscription canceled due to dissapointment.
Felrin wrote...
I've held my free account for awhile now and decided to pull the trigger and upgrade. However upon visiting the yuri section I noticed a massive number of men. As in the only link in which I didn't see one was for a book I would have to buy separately.

I'm a little upset. I massively approve of the move to above board sales but the nonexistence of dickless yuri in the online format is upsetting.

This is after I had to call my bank to have the payment code authorized for a day.

P.S. Subscription canceled due to dissapointment.

I hear you loud and clear, we definitely need more yuri! It's something we are actively looking to fix and will hopefully have taken care of in 2017. That said I don't ever expect the subscription to have a significant amount of yuri, it's probably something that will be more frequent in books/doujin releases.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Felrin wrote...
I'm a little upset. I massively approve of the move to above board sales but the nonexistence of dickless yuri in the online format is upsetting.

Yuri itself is a very small niche in the publishing industry, not many books and magazine focus on that one genre (Heck, there's actually NONE in Japan at the moment.

So, it's not Fakku's fault for the lack of Yuri Content, I understand that dropping your sub is a understandable decision. But simply learn the scope of the whole industry first before making a decision.

(correct me on this, is there ANY existing publisher that releases a magazine focused only on Yuri?)
Kaimax wrote...

(correct me on this, is there ANY existing publisher that releases a magazine focused only on Yuri?)

Hentai... i don't think so. Non h they have Comic Yuri Hime and Tsubomi before they ended.
Well I'll admit I thought I'd see a lot of what was there before the move. However I do understand that what isn't there can't be made available. I work in shipping and there are a lot of people that can't seem to wrap their head around me not being able to give them boxes that haven't made it to the local facility yet.
I'm not upset so much as dissapointed. But the thing for which I subscribed was not available so I unsubscribed. No ill will over this.

P.S. Knowledge of a whole industry isn't a couple of Google searches. You're suggesting I should spend weeks of my life on dedicated research before subbing. I don't get angry easily and 15 isn't a whole lot of money. I had prior experience with the site that information is what I acted on. I decided a continued subscription was not worth it and unsubbed. No purchase is without risk. No hard feelings.

THoughton I may use the remaining days to do some reading I wouldn't otherwise
Kaimax Best Master-San
Felrin wrote...
P.S. Knowledge of a whole industry isn't a couple of Google searches.

To be fair I actually did a google search before posting my reply, and actually got the results which was then confirmed by Animefreak.
The whole yuri adult manga Industry was just that small.

Like I said, your decision is completely understandable, and the wisest is just unsubscribing rather than waiting the off-chance an artist decided to do yuri. I just felt that your disappointment is misplaced.
YQII FAKKU Translator
Commercial manga rarely has a lot of—in lack of a better word—sub-genres, which can be something as mundane as yuri or something more extreme like bestiality. If they do it's often only a handful of chapters per year at best. Commercial manga is produced for a large market, so as a publisher you want to fill your magazines with content that appeals to as many people as possible. The only real exceptions that come to mind are loli and futanari where there are magazines that have had longtime success as a 100% niche magazine.

As Jacob mentioned, the doujinshi scene is typically where you find these genres. Being self-published with the goal of only selling a few hundred of copies, artists are able to target a smaller niche audience. Of course, if their work doesn't sell, they're the only ones suffering and take a relatively small monetary lost over their hobby. When a magazine shuts down, that's hundreds of people effected and in worst case they lose their livelihood. Running a business comes with greater responsibilities.

As has already been said, it's unlikely the subscription service will ever provide a substantial amount of yuri, but that's precisely why we're expanding into the doujinshi market. Hopefully we can provide you with some yuri content that way instead.
Huge Yuri fan here, but I'm content with what fakku is doing and would rather you guys keep up your progress on getting more quality, normal releases than putting too much effort in getting a genre that's one of the minor even in Japan. One Yuri story in a while would be awesome, but some people just don't understand that it's not on Fakku to create such story, it's up to the artists, and my speculation is most of them either are not into that genre, or just want to take the "safe" way of drawing casual opposite sex chapters.
I know how you feel all of my favorite tags are either nonexistent or slim pickings on fakku but i still enjoy the Subscription
Kaimax wrote...
Felrin wrote...
P.S. Knowledge of a whole industry isn't a couple of Google searches.

To be fair I actually did a google search before posting my reply, and actually got the results which was then confirmed by Animefreak.
The whole yuri adult manga Industry was just that small.

Like I said, your decision is completely understandable, and the wisest is just unsubscribing rather than waiting the off-chance an artist decided to do yuri. I just felt that your disappointment is misplaced.

But it isn't a thing I would know to look for. So where as you knowing what you're looking to confirm can find it one search I would have to spend a much longer time learning about the entire industry to get the understanding that lead you to your knowledge.

YQII That makes sense and I will be looking more towards books in the future. I get that magazines have to make much higher sales numbers to be profitable.

Thank you all for your time and effort in responding. See you around.

Monster Girl
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