sort by series?

what happened to the old function where u had a list of all the series? it is alot more convientent then typing in a series and having to search through all the results : (. ive also noticed there is a huge error that when u get it u cant go to any part of the site after this error apears.

here is the error message

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't create a new thread (errno 12); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug in /home/fakkune/public_html/foldernames.php on line 3
Unable to connect
i agree with this, either have sort by series or the ability to search for Manga without a series...
yay...browse by the series is better :wink:
At least praise the new search bar Jacob implemented >_>;

What you type in the search bar should also include the series. However, it doesn't seem to work when you try to find "None" for no series.
yay browse by series is back lol, the search bar is usefull too if you know the name of a specific manga you want....
There are some limits to MySQL fulltext searching, which is what the search engine is built using. Those limits are that the search word must be greater than 3 characters and the results must me less than 45% of the total records. But that doesn't explain why none isn't working...
well thats all i really one is to be able to sort them by "None"
maybe it has something to do with code making "None" return no results?
Monster Girl
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