Sorting Library

b1ackhand5 Loli-Yuri Lover
Is it possible to move games from library to its own category. It can be confusing at times as I use library to keep track of books that I haven't bought.
A way to manage one's library would be welcome, as in only showing stuff that we want to see by choice. With the addition of the games it got totally blown out of proportion, I'm afraid...
Yes, it would be much better to move the games to their own separate library.
I agree on adding a way to better sort our libraries. It's too cluttered with things I haven't bought, not to mention all the missing pictures in the thumbnails makes it look like a mess. I think it'd be cool if we could toggle, or separate books, doujins, games, etc. I personally just want it to only display the things I've purchased.
I also came here to suggest to have games, books, doujins in their own library, its just a mess now.
I was about to purchase a few books and I use the library to track which books I already own, the new library made it a lot more annoying.
Another change I suggest would be to identify which books you already own in the store.
I've been working on something for it. Should hopefully be done soon. Stay tuned.
Thanks for reverting the book library to how it was.
Thanks for the hard work, but I still can't sort or organize my library yet. The library only showing things I already bought was a big improvement though.
Monster Girl
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