Sub-forum Suggestions

It's probably just me, but the forum seems cramped XD
One of my major pet peeves are people not naming their topics accordingly.
ANYWAYS, other than that, my suggestions for sub-forums:

Under General:
-To emphasize the new YouTube feature, there should be a sub-forum where people can post their videos or their favorite videos. Since it would be in a totally different section, it would warn people who use dial-up or those who lag to stay away from such threads.

-Make Anime & Manga its own subforum rather than being a subsubforum (to General). It probably should have these subsubforums: General ("What's your favorite anime" and such), Specific Anime Discussion (I detest that single "What's your favorite anime?" thread. Here, each title gets its own thread! That way, it can be discussed to the fullest extent =D), Torrents (For those hard to find old anime, DVD versions and OVAs)

Under Hentai Manga & Doujinshi:
-Apparently, the Doujinshi category in the Images section is fairly inactive. So, I propose that User Uploads be split into two subsub...subforums: "Link Uploads" and "Image Uploads". Like the last three School Rumble doujins that Jacob posted for me, all the images are uploaded on that post. This would benefit people, who don't want to waste space and just want to view it online, because they can just view the Image Uploads. Why is this better than the Doujinshi category in the Images section? It would be MUCH more organized and efficient (because I constantly have to create new folders every time a doujin is uploaded).

Also, I was wondering what the point of FAKKU Releases were. I suggest a single thread that can be updated at any time. and will have a complete list of mangas, etc. or w/e and it can even have links. I just don't see a point in the Releases subforum because it seems like a potential forum where people will post misc. topics.

Anyone else have any ideas regarding the forums?
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
Those are very good points, and I very much like the idea of having separate areas for the doujin uploads. The only thing I'm wondering is how cluttered the list would be. Perhaps if this were done, there could be some kind of thing allowing the expansion/collapsing of categories (a la Windows). Without a page redirect would be cool, but either way I'd see that as an easier way to browse. I know that I personally don't enjoy having to scroll down so much just to click on all the forums to check them, so something like that could be a time-saver.
Monster Girl
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