[Suggestion] Credits/Points for purchases in the Store

InTraining ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Was wondering if a points/credit system could be or would be included to the shop some time in the future. If its been asked or suggested already, then I apologize for the redundant suggestion.
SneeakyAsian CTFG Vanguard
[color=#993300]And what would you use the points for exactly?
Josephl64 Shizuka-chan ~
I'm assuming you mean points like how CDJapan gives you 1 point per 100 yen or so which is equivalent to 1 yen credit which you can spend at the store or for shipping?
Really good idea, something like this shouldn't be hard to implement. Once we have a larger catalog of books I'll make a post asking for suggestions.