Support Not Responding

Hello, I was wondering if there is an event or something going on? I sent a message to support last week and haven't heard anything even though I got an email that said that they would reply within 3 business days and I even send follow up messages and got nothing. I received an incorrect book in my order and had a question about the return shipping since it seems like I would have pay for it to go back and get the correct book. Im just looking for a solution and someone to respond to my query.
Crazy Ben FAKKU Store Manager
Hello, my apologies that you've not been replied to for your issue. I can help you with your order issue if you can email me at: and give me a brief rundown of what happened.

I'm sorry for the lapse in prompt reply's this past week, I'll do my best to address the issues on our end so that the same problems will not happen again.


Crazy Ben
Monster Girl
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