Text in align tags does not show up

luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Noticed this with my signature first where there should be spaces between the three small images/links; testing shows that no text entered inside the 'align' bbcode tag shows up at all. Same also for actual posts, apparently.

See here:

Since the page source actually shows the text and there is no such problem with images, there probably is a problem with the CSS for these tags, although I was not quite able to see what exactly it could be.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
I think I figured it out, correct me if I'm wrong. Since there is no default style defined for the div tag and none of the bbcode-align classes define a font size, it just grabs the font-size:0; from * at the very beginning of the stylesheet.
Nice catch! Just fixed it, should be working now.

If you notice anything else like this let us know, we'll get it fixed ASAP.