WTF!! Where r the images!!

I don't know if it's just a problem with my computer or not, but all of the recent mangas that were uploaded aren't there! When I click to view them online all I get is the title and a blank screen! Plz, someone fix this problem! I can't get off as well on a manga I have already read!!
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
It's something Jacob's going to have to fix when he gets back (tonight, maybe?). I'll make sure he knows about the issue.
Well, I just posted the same problem below. And I wish I knew. It's just a matter of time before someone answers, I'm sure. I'm sure you can hold it.
The recent mangas were uploaded by me and Nikon. I think the view online images are more of a manual thing or involves some extra steps. We were only given basic instructions to upload manga. Sorry for the inconvenience but at least you can download them =/
gaaa i tryed dling it but all i get is a whole bunch of funny symbols. well i'll show you some.

PKq?k6H>???>H[FAKKU] Naruto - Night of Crying Sand/[SaHa] Night of Crying Sand 01.jpg?zy????y=???|?~>?u?9g??7???????cG>~>??????f?>?`e?` ? ?Q|??' ?_??<??o???U~?^?y???Bo?1Q>??U????= ?j?y ??Oz??Pho?????????????? ?t ?`e? ???[x??s_.??Z???#?_???s? ??(??<???O??y?j?????? ??Y???r?????j-)??JNgM?~?, ???V<???? ?7? ?I???JIK??IJo?Yz??mRb+c??????????F ??[$$$?,O[~?H??,???6?>?_?O@??;?KU????r=??XMY?????B?ED??S???/?F?o????B?? ????R?vl??d??Y%????????%m?p^g_??.S??????}??ue2?#U????a??I???n?1?B??7=???j?^+???3?YY
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and it just keeps growing. like its going to go on forever
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
Try letting that page load completely, then go to File > Save Page As... > "(desired title).zip"

That might do the trick.
wow thanks alot it worked!
I wanted to make manga uploading as simple as possible for Nikon and Azumax, so rather than force them to upload each individual image to their respective view online folders I decided I would just do it on my own. And on the weekends I can't get online so it wasn't done, but I'm doing it now. In the future I will come up with a way for them to do this without it being tedious, I believe using PHP there is a way you can open .zip files and have it automatically extract the contents but I don't know. Good to see you using the view online feature though!
Monster Girl
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