3 More Days to Win!

Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
Hey all, just a reminder that there are only 3 days left to enter to win some awesome prizes.

AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Life is great, eh? Just continuing to be thankful to be alive XD.

Good luck everybody~
New years soon and competitions for H? More win much? Charlie Sheen can't even say "Winning" more than enough!
Well i am very grateful with my parents that encourage me to continue studying, although i am not very sure of my own future. BUT thanks to them i have all i can need to satisfy my vices.
About Fakku i'm very delighted with the web, men i can read all the mangas i can handle, i really love vanilla mangas and here there is all i can want of a hentai web.... Thank you for all dudes, from a little country in south america.
I am thankful for the life that god has given me....
and about all the various things that god created for me to enjoy.......
Monster Girl
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