Black Friday Sale!

The Black Friday sale on the FAKKU store has officially started! We will be dividing the sale into two different parts, with new items going on sale Saturday.

[color=#9D0A0A]Most of the products will be 50% off all weekend and we are now taking pre-orders for our new Golden Boy shirt![/color] If you haven't seen Golden Boy, stop what you're doing and go watch it. That is unless you're buying things from the FAKKU store in which case do that first, but then go watch Golden Boy.

Click the image below to head over to the store to check out the Black Friday sale! Your FAKKU account will carry over to the store, so keeping track of your orders should be easy. And if you have any questions send a message to Crazy Ben, he will be taking care of orders throughout the weekend. Be gentle with him.

Crazy Ben FAKKU Store Manager
Just a side note:

I will do my best to begin shipping all the orders out come Monday. The sale ends Sunday at midnight, so keep that in mind when store browsing that evening. It will take me a few days to send out all the orders as well, so if you do not see the tracking info for your order show up in a day or two...give me a bit of time. PM me or email me at should any questions arise.

Now, back to pie.

ALSO: As I have done with previous pre-orders, I will be sending you the other items in your order (if you ordered more than just the pre-order item), and then I will ship out the pre-order item when it is released. Just a heads up so many won't be confused when they receive 3 out of 4 items they bought on the store.

Haha, I ordered shirts two weeks ago, and now they're on sale? Enjoy my money, you filthy awesome merchandise store.
My face is stuck in an expression of immeasurable exuberance.
Just bought the first volume of Strange kind of woman.
I have cash money, but I don't have a credit/debit card. Can't buy what I want.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
...I uh, Am still too poor even with the 50% discount...Hard times in the economy, but that's boring talk. Maybe i'll go borrow some cash from my buds.
Forum Image:


Also thanks to Crazy Ben for a quick solution to my question.
That Golden Boy shirt is fucking tits! I want one so bad.
Interesting... Gotta check the stash first. Then consult with my other half...
Black friday on fakku huh?Well,im glad to see that you guys can still get what you want on the store via ordering stuffs online instead of having to go outside and.....ya know what the media've showed us how shit works on that day.I neither living in the state nor having any of credit cards so the only useful information i can take from OP is about thing called golden boy,should i gamble on your advice and dropping other series for a while just to watch it?
I am the ally of the Swedish.
Huhu.. shipping costs aprox the same amount as my order. Well sure didn't stop me from ordering;

- Velvet Kiss - Volume 2
- An Ideal Day to Fall in Love
- Love Selection

Neat! I can't wait to see what's new today.

Also, any chance Crazy Ben wants to take on an apprentice? I'd sell half my soul to work for Fakku ;3;
I just placed an order for a OBK shirt since I've wanted one for a while now.
Crazy Ben FAKKU Store Manager
We have updated the deals on the Black Friday Sale page.

This means that the previous deals or discounts on the items that were initially up have now reverted back to their original price. The T-shirt pre-orders will remain the same throughout the sale.

If you have any questions or concerns about this, PM me or email at and I will assist you however I can.
gizgal wrote...
Neat! I can't wait to see what's new today.

Also, any chance Crazy Ben wants to take on an apprentice? I'd sell half my soul to work for Fakku ;3;

If only you were in Texas! Crazy Ben could always use an apprentice, but be warned he will make you stay up late watching anime and work... crazy hours.
Who wouldn't want to work for someone named Crazy Ben?
picked up Domin-8 ME and Love & Hate the 2 I was hoping would be in the sale.
Monster Girl
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