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Anime Expo was an amazing time. I want to thank everyone who stopped by the booth over the weekend and those that attended the Danny Choo + FAKKU meetup. The ESPN Zone hit max capacity almost immediately so I want to apologize to everyone who was stuck outside. Next time we will make sure to book a larger space. And I want to personally thank Danny Choo for inviting me to attend and host the meetup with him, I had an awesome time. Additionally I want to thank Ultimate Anime Shop and J-List for sponsoring the meetup and providing prizes to giveaway.

I will make a formal writeup of the weekend sometime soon, but there are a lot of bugs on the site that need to get fixed right away. So I have plenty of work to do over the next few days. Below are some pictures from the meetup, and click here to see more. If anyone has their own pictures feel free to post them here.



It was really fun. Hoping to see and enjoy more next year.
I'm REALLY going to have to come to one of these events at some point.
Um looks like it was AMAZING! I am so jealous of all you guys who attended! :o

But it's great to see that there is such a nice big community of Fakkuza out there.
There should totally be a Fakku-con... :)
This post makes me very happy. Thanks for sharing all the great pictures!
I could not go because the f_cking plane that I was going to take got something and in top of that my banking account was hack.
Can this go any better\

and I really happy for Fakku to go AX 2010
Keep up the work

The one time I Really wanted to go is the one time I coudn't. Well at least the fireworks in Tahoe were spectacular. Though some of my relatives were quite annoying this time...
Kiss-Shot Soba-Scans Staff
God damn it I need to move to the U.S so I can go to one of these events, I'm missing out on seeing the glory that is Jacob's beard.
I've already Made sure I'm going next year.
This is wonderful if only I got money for travels ;P
What did Danny get? :o
UPPER ROOM CREW! I'm the clown with the scarf.

Those are all excellent pictures. I wish I knew everybody's name. Only one that stuck in my head was Jacob.

Goddamnit, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Futanari wrote...
UPPER ROOM CREW! I'm the clown with the scarf.

Those are all excellent pictures. I wish I knew everybody's name. Only one that stuck in my head was Jacob.

Goddamnit, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


lol looking at those pics is fun, it was only like 2 days ago.
Though the beer helped a lot didn't it?
You can tell Jacob is thinking "Get that Robot Penis out of my face!"

Forum Image: http://i50.tinypic.com/2gv4lte.jpg
Looking4Moar wrote...
Futanari wrote...
UPPER ROOM CREW! I'm the clown with the scarf.

Those are all excellent pictures. I wish I knew everybody's name. Only one that stuck in my head was Jacob.

Goddamnit, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


lol looking at those pics is fun, it was only like 2 days ago.
Though the beer helped a lot didn't it?

I had a coke and a glass of water, then turned on my super power of converting sugar directly into beerjuice, fueling the rocket of obscenities that comprised my contribution to URC.
Futanari wrote...
UPPER ROOM CREW! I'm the clown with the scarf.

Those are all excellent pictures. I wish I knew everybody's name. Only one that stuck in my head was Jacob.

Goddamnit, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Yeaaaaah! Upper Room Crew!!! I am the udon chef with the light saber! That photo of us is the stuff of legend!
Jacob wrote...

Forum Image: http://i46.tinypic.com/2572edg.jpg

Woot I'm there! (One in red Fakku shirt)
Thank you Jacob for signing my badge.

Couple of photos from there, one with Jacob in horsehead and one with Danny Choo
Forum Image: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs081.snc4/35419_1150865989605_1766280493_283126_5581504_n.jpg
Forum Image: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs067.snc3/13447_1150869509693_1766280493_283169_1240431_n.jpg
The meet and great was amazing
it was great to meet people who all so use the site

There where a lot more of us there in Fakku! and hen-tie shirts than I was expecting. It was nice seeing everyone.
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