If It Ain't Broke, Fix It.

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[size=15]FEAR THE NINJA[/h]
Scion in chains The Forgotten Faggot
This set up made my kitten meow in displeasure. & I dont really like it either. It looks like you just stacked everything on top of each other & to me it just looks awkward. Try again dood.
Looks simple. It works for me.
I have no complaints.
I like in general where the design seems to be going, especially the details such as the hover effects in the related section. As it is though, having two separate colors (#efeeef, #ffefef) for info_wrap and content-navigation disrupt the flow of your navigation's design. Maybe consider having just one main background color for those two div sections? That way you won't have to use border-specific tags (eg. border-right, border-bottom, etc) for colors in sections like manga_images.

But heck, it's your site, and web design really just boils down to personal choice. Don't let us users bully you over something like site design lol
I like the new style, but the site really needs some new systems. Can't fault you for improving something thats alrdy workin perfectly fine though.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
this seems like a ridiculously good feature, why do you keep giving us soo much Jacob?
[size=15]FEAR THE NINJA[/h]
lazyasschillypepper wrote...
Yea, "fix" something that isn't broken as you've mentioned, instead of doing something that could have been really useful to the website...like oh...I dunno...A TAG SYSTEM?

You know, the tag system you said you were going to implement "soon" on February? https://www.fakku.net/viewtopic.php?t=35167

You want feedback? Here it is: not Go do something that's in this list instead of doing something that wasn't even necessary to begin with.

haha, i was waitin for that, too. ah well, all in good time i suppose
lazyasschillypepper wrote...
Yea, "fix" something that isn't broken as you've mentioned, instead of doing something that could have been really useful to the website...like oh...I dunno...A TAG SYSTEM?

You know, the tag system you said you were going to implement "soon" on February? https://www.fakku.net/viewtopic.php?t=35167

You want feedback? Here it is: not Go do something that's in this list instead of doing something that wasn't even necessary to begin with.

This is actually the first step towards adding tags to all of the manga. Tags will make these pages more cluttered, so with this redesign I am hoping to find a place on the page to list tags.

chiwa wrote...
I like in general where the design seems to be going, especially the details such as the hover effects in the related section. As it is though, having two separate colors (#efeeef, #ffefef) for info_wrap and content-navigation disrupt the flow of your navigation's design. Maybe consider having just one main background color for those two div sections? That way you won't have to use border-specific tags (eg. border-right, border-bottom, etc) for colors in sections like manga_images.

The difference in colors is to make it clear that there are other versions of the page (information, related manga, etc.)

sh1k1 wrote...
Here's a small suggestion that might help further organize Fakku's gigantic collection:

Take for example, this entry (Tayu Tayu Chapter 1 by Yamatogawa-sensei). It's pretty obvious that it forms part of a whole book, the Tayu Tayu tankōbon. You could add another link (besides View Online/Download/etc.) that would go something like "View Parent Book". This way, if there was another list of tankōbon entries besides the individual chapter/manga entries, and said individual chapter/manga entries could be associated to said tankōbon entries, it'd be a HUGE step in further organizing the collection of entries. It's basically the behavior of the "parent entry" label in -booru imageboards. There could be a new viewer page (like viewgroup.php or viewbook.php or whatever) that, when given a group/book ID, would load all the individual chapters that belong to said group/book, so people that want to get all the chapters in any given single book can do so more easily. ^^

Actually I think we already have something like this, you can see it for Shoujo Material Chapter 1 (https://www.fakku.net/viewmanga.php?id=2582). But for some reason Tayu Tayu isn't added to a volume page yet.

japsa wrote...
I think you should design the comment bar the same way as the Quick reply bar. Apart from that it looks smooth

That's how the comment bar used to look, but I am hoping that this new way will result in more comments being posted. However I will try to find a better way to achieve this as the comment box is the main complaint about the new design.
I kinda like the older one this one is nice but I felt the older one was simpler. Simple is best in my book and as the saying goes "If it aint broke dont fix it." Well it aint borke so why change it?
I think it looks nice but still lacks some style. It is like somehow plain for me.
I don't like it. I prefer the older layout.
isn't there any uncensored version?
I c wat u did thar, Jacob.

But to keep on topic, I'd much rather keep the old layout than spend hours upon hours trying to make it NEW, HIP, AND EDGY.
Just my two cents.
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