Image Section + Hentai

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PolkaGnome wrote...

Edit: Still uploading and I already have a suggestion... if it isn't too difficult to implement, could you set it up so that we could upload more than one image at a time and set tags for each one separately and not as a group? For example: 3 images with catgirls, but one is lesbian, the other anal, and another is masturbation. As it is (unless I'm missing something) we either have to upload them one at a time to get all the tags we want on them, or do general tags on all three and then edit the tags individually later... annoying either way.

That`s an pretty good Idea.

I was also thinking about a Tag Scrollbar, so you can see which Tags are already existing and choose the ones that fits your picture.

If it wasn`t already mentioned. A Report Button Function for the Gallery would be pretty helpfull for the Moderation, i asume. Enabling Users to easyly Report Rule brakes, Double Postings, Missing Tags.. etc.
I'd just edit my post for this, but it already feels fairly cluttered and a bit confusing... while I'm pretty sure I read somewhere they don't want to update the images link in the nav bar at the top of the site, could you guys at least update/fix the link in people's profiles that goes to the images they've uploaded? I was going to use it to fix the tags on some of my images but it doesn't work... or at least it doesn't for me (using Firefox 3.0). I try to tag everything as well I can, but there's times where something will slip my mind until later, and then I have to hunt through all the images using nothing more than a couple of tags that are attached to it to filter it down. Not a huge thing, but an annoyance (to me).

Also lemme know if I'm going overboard on how I'm tagging my images.

Edit: Updated the tags of three images with the artist (Niki), although I'm wondering... should I just put the artist's name or should I do something like artist:Niki?

Another edit: I really should pay a lot more attention as to who here works on what portion of the site, but whoever fixed/updated the user's uploaded images link rocks (just slightly harder than the rest of you). Now I just need to make good on my promise to upload more hentai... tomorrow, if I don't get too caught up in Bioshock.
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