Right Handers Rejoice!

That's a Leopold FC200R isn't it?
I'm left handed.... Both ways...
Well Im left HAnded!! :)
I'm lefty so... HA HA.
OH GOD... NOW I CANT PRESS CTRL+D TO BOOK MARK THE PAGES..... First hentai problems.
THIS IS GENIUS but when I browse on doujinshi's my left hand is busy. If you know what I mean 8D
Hey man, the right hand is the clicking hand. But it's still a good idea.
F*** YEAH! Thank you Jacob! This is definitely one of the best things that ever happened to Fakku!
Jacob wrote...
From this day forward you will be able to navigation

Hey Jacob! You mis-conjugated the verb. Just thought I'd let you know.
I'm a right handed that originated and continues to use his left hand.. pretty weird, honestly.
Like many others I also adapted and became left handed for such pleasures. Ambidexterity for fapping ftw?
I'm... left-handed. Lul!
'tis another momentous day for the site. all hail!
This is definitely going to come in handy... i hope doing this wasn't too much of a handful...but anyway Thanks Jacob
shogrran wrote...
OH GOD... NOW I CANT PRESS CTRL+D TO BOOK MARK THE PAGES..... First hentai problems.

I never had a problem with left/right hand since I can use both anyway, or I just move they keyboard x) But there is some things I would like to get fixed:

Like Shogrran said the Ctrl-W/D/S/A doesn't work, those who are important are at least W and D.

Also you added a smooth scrolling feature that I don't like, how am I supposed to wait for that slow scroll to see the rest of the page? O.O Also if you use the arrows it makes the scroll a little f*cked up since it'll speed up at the end :P

Solutions to these could be a disable choice for your account, which I think is the best solution if possible. Othervise individually, the Ctrl button disables the WASD scrolling while being pressed.

Don't get me wrong! I love the new WASD function, but if I had to pick I would prefer my Ctrl-W :P Thanks for your continuous awesomeness!
W,S,D,A... Why didn't I ever think to use that on some of my image viewers...
Silly me.
Praise based god!!
I got used to viewing Fakku one handed, but this dose make it easy,now if I can just fix my browser not responding problem my world will be perfect.

I just got used to fapping with my left lol.
after a year i just cant return to my right hand but oh well.