Scanlator Appreciation Month!

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Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
I promised you something awesome happening during the month of October, so here it is...


I dub this month Scanlator Appreciation Month! Every so often this month, we'll post updates featuring some of our favorite scanlators. Today, I'm featuring Rally T. He's a relative newcomer into the scanlation world, having started in late June of this year. Originally starting to help improve his Japanese and Kanji skills, he recieved such positive feedback that he started doing more translation work. He's started doing some of the more popular artists such as Yamatogawa so I highly recommend you bookmark his page and keep up on his releases. His site located here so be sure to check in periodically.

Canvas Cyber+Rabbit I404 Library+Love Umbrella

5 New Releases

[spacer=4][color=darkred]Canvas[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Cyber Rabbit[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]I404[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Library Love[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Umbrella[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]

And don't forget to take a look at some of his other translations we've put up on the site before.

Tayu Tayu Chapter 1 Tayu Tayu Chapter 2 Tayu Tayu Chapter 3

3 Previous Rally T Releases...

[spacer=4][color=darkred]Tayu Tayu Chapter 1[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Tayu Tayu Chapter 2[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]
[spacer=4][color=darkred]Tayu Tayu Chapter 3[/color] [color=green](English)[/color]


Does anybody know when tayu tayu 4 will be released?
Cool Rally T's getting some cred, I see him on /h/ quite a number of times, he should join Fakku, is he a member?
does rally t have a profile i wanna +rep the hell outta him for tayu tayu serie
ha! already another update! ty!
i'll watch out for the scanlators. :shock:
For the record,

I <3 you guys.
Mucho Gracias senior and seniora Scanlators, we love you very very much, long long time.
Much love for this guy, his stuff is great
Rally T., if you're reading this, thanks for the Yamatogawa and Library Love especially.
Probably you all guys who work at the Scanlations already know this, but We love you guys. Many thanks for everything you've done, and keep up the good fight!

Many thanks!
Great info - much appreciated - you seem to find the new "rising stars" and bring them to us .
yup he is great, thanks to him we have all the yamatogawa stuff besides witchcraft :D

for next scanlator appreciation i proposed desudesu :roll:
Uuuhh, i liked cyber rabbit very much! Thanks rally!
I've read of this new scanlator. It's too bad that I'm rather into doujinshi. Therefore his scanlations aren't that interesting for me. Of course, it's always great to have another scanlator for hentai. Let the love spreads all over the world! (Ok, I'm aware that in hentai, sometimes there isn't much love, but I mean the love from scanlator towards readers, vice versa and among the readers.)
It was awsome, i cant wait for the chapter 4(if there is one)
thanks Rally! Really appreciate the work you've put into!
i only know the scanlators KPT and rally t
I really appreciate all the work that has been done by all the scanlator in FAKKU. Happy Scanlator Month =p
fakku is to cool
Yeah, much love to all the scanlators out there!
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