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Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
A fantastic community with some talented users. I'm looking for you talented people to aid me in something. As you know, I love Clannad. And as you may also know, Key made a hentai game following the Tomoyo arc entitled Tomoyo After ~It's A Wonderful Life~. This game is absolutely fantastic, but unfortunately it remains un-translated after over a year. Don't believe me about how awesome it is? Give it a try with a partial translation!

Done trying it? Well, here's why I'm bringing it up. As I'd mentioned before, there is a translation project for this fantastic game going on over at Baka-Tsuki. Unforunately, this project has been going for a year and seems like it's stalled. What do they need? They need willing Japanese translators to finish translating the game. HOWEVER... what I'm asking for isn't just your every day run of the mill translators. I'm looking for people with a working knowledge of Japanese and that can translate it into working English. What exactly do I mean? Well, if you have less than two years education or experience with the language, this project isn't for you.

This is important! The community needs this game to happen because otherwise it will probably never be translated into English. Have any questions? E-mail me (nikon at fakku dot net) and I'll try to answer any questions you have. I'll leave you with this...

I want this both to happen and never come to be; I absolutely love Tomoyo, and Tomoyo After was a beautiful story that rivaled Nagisa's, yet I don't want to end up weeping again like the children I fap to.

Even though I could never qualify for a translator, (I only know some basic Japanese, if that), I am glad that someone is putting the spotlight on this terrific game. I've only read a manga summary of it, but the story is fantastic. So, here's hoping that fellow Fakku members get on this project asap!
i want to help... but not so well in translating. hope this will come out though soon.
errr, i want this game!!! willing to help with the coding... im a student, studying c++. made a game using C# and DX9.. hope i can help <3
So Im guessing the editing work I did on some of the seens (small as it is) is gonna go to waste. Cant really complain though if the game gets translated.
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
Wrengear wrote...
So Im guessing the editing work I did on some of the seens (small as it is) is gonna go to waste. Cant really complain though if the game gets translated.

This is not the case. I'm trying to make sure none of anyone's hard work goes to waste! We must complete this project! I will edit also, once there are more translations.
Good to hear. Actually now that I see that theres some kind of interest in the project again I might go back and do some more.
i will help u as i can.. but my skill is not much.. must study hard again..
Awe, i wish i could help T.T - I'm currently in the beginning stages of learning Japanese ><
The picture is so deceiving, for a moment I believe that the Tomoyo After Visual Novel was completely translated or at the very least continued on further then where it currently is.

Sorry I can't help the project either...
Sindalf Used to do stuff
I cant help much at all with Translation or hacking. I will ask a few people I know but thats it.

If anyway my fansubbing experience can help at all maybe with the opening video or something. I will be around.
I thought it was translated o.o cause i have a english copy of it,but its badly translated,my fren gave it to me,i think he translated it due to the java script still on hes com.
Sindalf Used to do stuff
iLaughDonuts wrote...
I thought it was translated o.o cause i have a english copy of it,but its badly translated,my fren gave it to me,i think he translated it due to the java script still on hes com.

I would like to see this if its true. It must not be very well translated since if it was any useful everyone would know about it.
Can't get enough of Tomoya! You guys inspire me to continue learning Japanese and maybe one day I could aspire to become a translator! (I understand and can speak a bit of JPN but I'm struggling with kanji DX)
Please translate it. i already finished the game without understand it! Feel like Keima playing in the god mode, but he know, i don't!!!!!
Thats HOT...... really Hot...
This. Is. Important.

With that said, if you are a translator and fall under the explanation (see quote below) you should report in and finish this now! This is important!

Nikon wrote...
HOWEVER... what I'm asking for isn't just your every day run of the mill translators. I'm looking for people with a working knowledge of Japanese and that can translate it into working English. What exactly do I mean? Well, if you have less than two years education or experience with the language, this project isn't for you.
good luck on the translations, wish i could help but i can only understand simple japanese. not much to the project. sorry!
Greetings, as some of you might have noticed, I am(was) one of the translators on this project.(Albeit, my (old) translations were pretty poor)

I'd love to get this VN translated, even if I had to do it all by myself! However, being alone on something like this isn't really motivating, especially when there's so many other things that demand your attention. It'd definitely be more encouraging and motivating to have more people on the project.

There is one thing though, according to this guy https://www.fakku.net/viewtopic.php?p=481671#481671 , he has paid some people money to do a full English translation with the necessary hacking/re-coding. So, while I'd like to pick up this project again, I wouldn't want to start translating again, only to have a complete translation come out in a few months or so.

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