[Locked] Katawa Shoujo Developer Q & A

Lawls8 wrote...
anyone done the no girl rout
you end up not going to the festival and your on the roof with kenji and then you fall off. You hear a bad landing (hope that in the game that rout doesn't end there its like saying no girl = no life and you die)

i get that route at m first try --a..
is it a super bad ending ?
-zero-dream wrote...
Are there by any chance there will be Katawa Shoujo 2???

If we were to work on another game, it would most likely be an original.

It would almost certainly be a much smaller undertaking than KS, and would be planned in much greater detail.

Taken from cpl_crud which was addressed to the same question, which can be found here
To start off people taking this topic and skipping to the last page, it might take some kind of commitment, but you should check the other pages first if your question has been already asked(and perhaps maybe answered) because redundancy is no one's friend except for those who enjoy a cheap laugh. Just got through reading all of those pages myself, it took about half an hour, but it was time well spent since it answered so many questions and saw many answers to questions that I didn't even think about asking until at that point.

Damnit, missed the majority of the Q&A, hopefully there's more to come later as our developers rise from the bed. People were expected to ask questions in an intelligent and mature manner, means that people shouldn't make comments just based on personal bias or opinions like "Oh, Hanako is the cutest girl ever! More scenes of her, yes?" "I think this is kind of sick(you're on a h-website under general mass-approval of incest, don't think it bothers everyone)" or just stuff like that. Besides, this game's characters show little to no sign of actually being "handicapped", so don't worry too much about that.

*Compliments-Although it might not relate to the devs, it really does personally connect to me since I've been on many occasions in the same predicament and it's surprising how many things Hisao think of in similarity, so you get the ribbon on how authentic this really is.
To Aura, Rin has become my favorite character after trying to get Shizune and Lilly out of pure interest, but found myself in a real bind trying to draw away from such an interesting character who can say things that either lead you to dramatically overthinking things that are meant to be simple and can be thought of as nothing else entirely, like a wild card, but I'm sure you know that best. The level of work in her scenario in Act1 appears to be the largest and most independent after making the final few decisions, it was a really nice treat to end the demo and found myself even more drawn to your character. To Blue123, the music blew me away, it would take too much additional space to rant on to compliment your works before I ask some questions, so I hope you'll settle for: It's awesome.
And even to those who cannot be here with us at this Q&A, to the devs at 4LS, thank you very much!

*Questions-Blue123, is it possible for you to list what works you've composed so we can credit seperately and not make the mistake of crediting someone else with your works or reversely?
Aura, just as a note of personal curiosity, how were you able to study the workings of people who are disabled?
I was following both of these threads during the Q & A, it's quite fun to see what the reactions were as information was revealed.



Like everyone else I want to thank you for your answers and wish you the best of luck over the next year as you finish the game ^_^ Be sure to keep us updated on how it's progressing.
so yeah i just finished the demo and I AM SOO BUYING THE GAME OMFG
Xioxus wrote...
so yeah i just finished the demo and I AM SOO BUYING THE GAME OMFG

Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's not for sale, it's for download.
Xioxus wrote...
so yeah i just finished the demo and I AM SOO BUYING THE GAME OMFG

You don't need to, since you can both play the demo and the full version for free, they don't plan to sell the game.
wtf, Lelouch is in the same class as everyone, u can see him when the protagonist is introduced into class
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
ROLDY wrote...
does 4LS realize that such a game featuring having sex w/ physically disabled people/ kids could end up being flamed by some activist?

what will 4LS do in the event that an activist grps starts to protest the development of the game?

Just my opinion on this: There really shouldn't be a problem with any activists, once they realize what the game is like. After all, it's not a game about disability fetishes, but a one that shows that disabled people are normal people as well. Rather than protesting, they should support this game.

Of course, I do also understand that it might be rather difficult to get this through the heads of some of them...
I resurrected an old e-mail account that I used to make my account on the original Katawa Shoujo board just for this post. Unluckily, seems like the name I used to post on the original boards is taken on Fakku.

I wanted to say that how truly amazed I am at how far you've all come. Looking back to the dinky little forum from...3? 4? years ago that was formed mere days after that /a/ sticky, I can't even begin to imagine how you made it this far.

I remember believing that there was no way in hell it would get anywhere. I wanted it to get off the ground but, in my youth, I lacked both the dedication and the maturity to stick to one project. I toyed with the idea, forming half-thought scenarios and rough drafts of the characters in my mind. After writing two pieces on the subject, I dropped it. I pushed it to the back of my mind and then forgot about it.

Now, after all this time, you've all returned as something of a legend, like a knight who goes off to battle only to return years later. From a single page, you've brought about an incredible story that touches the heart. And I...I wish my younger self had been able to be as dedicated as you all. I wish I could have stood on the same ground as you all did, spoken, argued, and through blood, sweat, and tears, created something amazing that will likely never be forgotten. This VN, once completed, will be something of a milestone in your lives, and those of everyone who reads it. And you'll be the ones who brought it about.

Looking at my younger self I rail at him, spitting caustic questions and bitter remarks, wondering why he, why I couldn't have stuck with it. Great things are begun with small steps and yet I couldn't even take that one step. I wish I could have. I wish I could have been with you all. I can only imagine the incredible feeling you guys got when you heard the praise for your work. And I can only imagine how you'll feel once it's completed.

And just because my emo whining can't end without a desire for e-peen strokage, here are the things I wrote back in the day. Amazingly still there.

posts No.1690439 and the others in that sequence.

I played act one, but it seemed to me that Shizune would notice someone would talk to her. Is she deaf? or is she simply mute?
DoubleCheque wrote...
I played act one, but it seemed to me that Shizune would notice someone would talk to her. Is she deaf? or is she simply mute?

Yes, Shizune is deaf.

We tried the script with "Misha taps Shizune on the shoulder..." every second line, but it just got in the way.

So it is assumed that, if someone talks to Shizune, that she is informed somehow.
Well... Shicchan is remarkably smart, so she'll be able to get a lot out of facial expressions made by the person she's observing than the average person, I believe, but not sure. It might save a dev some time to answer that way, it took me a while to figure out Shizune too, just imagine Misha is signing frantically everything that everyone is saying to Misha and/or Shizune, so it'd be like a robot doll that Shizune uses to communicate with everyone that has emotions and with no volume control who's easily taken advantage of, although extremely loud sound waves can cause vibrations in the air too, although haven't seen Shizune pick up on that yet... Halfway through the first time while not really getting if Shizune was either just mute or both deaf and mute, began to wonder if somewhere along the line she just learned how to read a person's lips.(idea much?) Aww man... mouth-agape mute(during H?) kind of adds an unexpected flare than I previously thought.
Just visted the site looks interesting. I'll DL and play ASAP.
Will you notify us here as soon as the full game is out?

Are you open for suggestions on how to make the game better?

Will Hisao Nakai ever learn sign language?

What does "katawa-shoujo" mean? I'm still learning Japanese so I have no idea on the title's meaning. ^^;

Why must the cutest girls (Hanako Ikezawa and Shizune Hakamichi) be the hardest to talk to? XD
Catcher wrote...
Raisengan wrote...
"is all over Hanako"

Isn't everyone? :)
But I personally think Rin is the best thing that ever existed.

I think Hanako and Shizune are the best. ^^
DoubleCheque wrote...
I played act one, but it seemed to me that Shizune would notice someone would talk to her. Is she deaf? or is she simply mute?

She's deaf, not blind. How do YOU tell someone's talking to you if they don't say your name? Because they're looking straight at you and moving their mouth.


Ugh is it too much to ask that people read the first few pages of the thread or maybe check the website or at least make SOME kind of effort to find the most basic of info about the game before they go off in here spouting dumb questions that were answered in the thread, answered in the post on the front page, answered in the "History of Katawa Shoujo" blog post linked to in the post on the front page, AND answered on their main website? Especially when Jacob suggested that everyone do exactly that and provided some nice links when he first announced this Q&A?
Is Lilly a newtype? Her little face off with with Shizune just seemed to have a bit of a Char/Amuro vibe to it. the lightening strike (Newtype Flash!) in the background sorta didn't help with that impression either.
If anyone is going to ask more questions please read through the entire thread to make sure it wasn't answered already.

xxxMEMNOCHxxx wrote...
What does "katawa-shoujo" mean? I'm still learning Japanese so I have no idea on the title's meaning. ^^;

Katawa Shoujo = Disability Girl
DoubleCheque wrote...
I played act one, but it seemed to me that Shizune would notice someone would talk to her. Is she deaf? or is she simply mute?

"I'm blind, not deaf!" - Illidan Stormrage

oh wait.. it's actually the opposite..
Monster Girl
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