An open letter.

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To all you faggots who think this is a secret club and criticize new people for "trying to fit in":

You're all dumb. Get used to it. Users come and go, we've accepted that. Or at least the 'go' part.

Get used to the idea of people with little post count fitting in, because a lot of them are lurkers, and do understand that it's all just shit that happens in here. You feel as though you are losing something when new people join. What you're not understanding is that you're also gaining new opportunities for new shits and giggles; and instead, you waste your time defaming and flaming them. How about making them feel a little more welcome, instead of alienating and name calling every new poster that happens to come by?

It happens in most threads on IB, a few "oldfags" call people out on being new. It's not funny. It doesn't make people feel welcome. What you are doing is acting like an asinine fuckwad. Instead of trying to make things fun for anyone, you just kill it.

I completely expect this to be flame-ridden and derailed in about three posts. You all seem to be exponentially good at not contributing anything of value or helping new users feel at home.
For a minute, I thought this was about my studio... @_@
But now I see it isn't~
@Space Shut up newbie. <3
You whore, go to bed. Also, brb making a newb flame thread.
I actually tried to make the new users feel at least a bit welcome...



But I just dont care anymore...
damn space their some anger behind your words... i understand what you getting about and agree for the most part.
This community is kinda hard to get into yeah, and most users aren't making it easier. Shit, I've soon been here a year and still feel like a newfag.

imb4 Who the hell are you.
Annoyed with people who act like complete shit. Just wishing the forums could be a better place, even if IB and Random are just port-a-potties.

Chlor wrote...
This community is kinda hard to get into yeah, and most users aren't making it easier. Shit, I've soon been here a year and still feel like a newfag.

imb4 Who the hell are you.

I do know you :3
It's summin we all has to go through, nothing to whine about. All makes a fool out of themselves when they're a newfag; that's how they learn how to behave, and if you can't take it, then it sucks to be you. The Internet isn't kind enough to let any pisshearted faggot roam as he please, you gotta learn to be an asshole.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
A little hazing isn't bad. Though it should remain primarily in IB.
Tegumi "im always cute"
Judge people by the content of their posts, not their seniority.
Tegumi wrote...
Judge people by the content of their posts, not their seniority.

You are a goddess.
Space, you newfag!
oldfags and newfags is also a FAG
Iam1vs100xp wrote...
oldfags and newfags is also a FAG

I dont know if I should state the obvious. Forum Image: meh~
Indeed sir. Indeed......
Harontiar wrote...
Indeed sir. Indeed......
No man, I think I get what this is about. This is like an initiation ritual into the secret club. If newbies stay, they have hair on their balls and are worthy. If they fight back and own an oldfag, they instantly join the fakkuza.

Also, doesn't this ritual weed out dickwad oldfags from the other oldies? Shit's useful.
Dont care about people's feelings. All was lost when lolies were banned.
Real oldfags don't call people out for being newfags
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