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ErErErgo "Weiss, You Dumbass!"
say what! wrote...
Someone do me (202) 727-9099.

I think I read that in the wrong context.
ErErErgo wrote...
say what! wrote...
Someone do me (202) 727-9099.

I think I read that in the wrong context.

Nope, you read right call me maybe.
I would but somehow my horse is too high even for that.
Lollikittie wrote...
I would but somehow my horse is too high even for that.

I can knock you from that.
animefreak_usa wrote...

I can knock you from that.

Or any other appropriate way to decline.
The next time a stranger talks to me when I'm alone I'm gonna pretend I'm really shocked and whisper him --"You can see me?"


I still think the Chatroulette version of that is better.
Well, atleast funnier.
Kadushy wrote...
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I sent TxT messages when I was probably at 3rd grade, used a different SIM to hide my number, not exactly the message as OP suggested though. I sent them mostly to the girls, since they were more sensitive on it. I sent our class rep. a text message saying "Your family had been sent to the hospital because of a car crash, they are in critical condition and your advised to visit them", not the exact words but rather in a simpler and native language. She had a breakdown and cried a river, afterwards they had to call his dad to make her stop crying, good times, good times...
Chyort wrote...
I sent TxT messages when I was probably at 3rd grade, used a different SIM to hide my number, not exactly the message as OP suggested though. I sent them mostly to the girls, since they were more sensitive on it. I sent our class rep. a text message saying "Your family had been sent to the hospital because of a car crash, they are in critical condition and your advised to visit them", not the exact words but rather in a simpler and native language. She had a breakdown and cried a river, afterwards they had to call his dad to make her stop crying, good times, good times...

You're a despicable human being.
Joking about that was below funny.
You're a bad person, and you should feel bad.
bfg10k17 wrote...
Chyort wrote...
I sent TxT messages when I was probably at 3rd grade, used a different SIM to hide my number, not exactly the message as OP suggested though. I sent them mostly to the girls, since they were more sensitive on it. I sent our class rep. a text message saying "Your family had been sent to the hospital because of a car crash, they are in critical condition and your advised to visit them", not the exact words but rather in a simpler and native language. She had a breakdown and cried a river, afterwards they had to call his dad to make her stop crying, good times, good times...

You're a despicable human being.
Joking about that was below funny.
You're a bad person, and you should feel bad.

As I said, that was years ago, I already admitted that when I was at 6th grade, got slapped, afterwards we made up. Though, I still feel uneasy around her.
Chyort wrote...
bfg10k17 wrote...
Chyort wrote...
I sent TxT messages when I was probably at 3rd grade, used a different SIM to hide my number, not exactly the message as OP suggested though. I sent them mostly to the girls, since they were more sensitive on it. I sent our class rep. a text message saying "Your family had been sent to the hospital because of a car crash, they are in critical condition and your advised to visit them", not the exact words but rather in a simpler and native language. She had a breakdown and cried a river, afterwards they had to call his dad to make her stop crying, good times, good times...

You're a despicable human being.
Joking about that was below funny.
You're a bad person, and you should feel bad.

As I said, that was years ago, I already admitted that when I was at 6th grade, got slapped, afterwards we made up. Though, I still feel uneasy around her.

a pathetic excuse for a human being

if it makes you feel better, I know of someone equal if not worse case than you
there was this girl who had nothing to do and probably wanted some attention
so she sent messages to her classmates and friends, pretending to be her mother telling them that she was dead.
well! some of her clasmates cried and IDK if it went to the point where they'd set-up some solicitations to help her family
the mother was also surprised by the 'news' that her child was 'dead'
she decided to 'suddenly' show up. one of our professors had to touch her just to make sure she was 'alive'. most people did not take her joke as funny. stupid girl!
thanielle wrote...
Chyort wrote...
bfg10k17 wrote...
Chyort wrote...
I sent TxT messages when I was probably at 3rd grade, used a different SIM to hide my number, not exactly the message as OP suggested though. I sent them mostly to the girls, since they were more sensitive on it. I sent our class rep. a text message saying "Your family had been sent to the hospital because of a car crash, they are in critical condition and your advised to visit them", not the exact words but rather in a simpler and native language. She had a breakdown and cried a river, afterwards they had to call his dad to make her stop crying, good times, good times...

You're a despicable human being.
Joking about that was below funny.
You're a bad person, and you should feel bad.

As I said, that was years ago, I already admitted that when I was at 6th grade, got slapped, afterwards we made up. Though, I still feel uneasy around her.

"a pathetic excuse for a human being

You say that, so that means your perfect eh? Everyone makes mistakes, it takes a real human being to stand up and admit he's wrong, what's important is that he learns from he's mistakes, sorry I'm not a perfectionist like you.
Chyort wrote...

so that means your perfect eh?

hey! now when did this come to the topic of being perfect?
why'd you get so butthurt about such comments and start accusing me?!

you may have performed that 'joke' a long time ago but you chose to tell us your story NOW as if to relive it again
correct me if I'm wrong but it gives me the impression that you might want us to laugh with you and sympathize
sorry, you won't get it from me though, don't expect everyone to agree to you,
I even gave another example which is somewhat similar to what you did, just to point out that you are not alone.
seems you aren't content with that.
thanielle wrote...
Chyort wrote...

so that means your perfect eh?

hey! now when did this come to the topic of being perfect?
why'd you get so butthurt about such comments and start accusing me?!

you may have performed that 'joke' a long time ago but you chose to tell us your story NOW as if to relive it again
correct me if I'm wrong but it gives me the impression that you might want us to laugh with you and sympathize
sorry, you won't get it from me though, don't expect everyone to agree to you,
I even gave another example which is somewhat similar to what you did, just to point out that you are not alone.
seems you aren't content with that.

No, you didn't mentioned perfectionism, but you showed it in another way. Plus I am very well aware that is is IB, I'm not going to post something that I really mean, I jumped to the point of an emotional stage to see whether how you or others will comply, however, I don't regret what I did, what done is done.
[If my previous post was on /b/, hah.]
I see Toronto. I think of GoodDay.
Ryssen wrote...
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