Do you believe in a deity?

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Do you believe in a supreme being? Jacob doesn't count.

Total Votes : 42
Placing this in IB because it isn't that big a deal and it is not meant to become too serious. Most of the time, if a religious thread is taken seriously, rage ensues, flaming takes place and it just gets outta hand really fast. Additionally, this thread was probably done before. Maybe it won't be too big a deal if it was, since I'm placing it here. So yeah, a simple (hopefully non-controversial) topic.

Do you believe in a deity?
That is all.
Feel free to vote without posting.


p.s. The reason for this thread is to allow me to get a general idea of just how many of Fakku's users are atheist. Most people on the net tend to be atheist... it's a pretty interesting occurrence. I happen to believe in a God but follow no religion in particular. As one who believes in God, I feel as though I'm among a very small minority and want to see just how many others there may be.
Not sure, I don't want to believe in the Christian nonsense but the thought that there might be a God waiting to punish me is terrifying.
I don't believe in a deity, but there is the wonder of nature...

And I believe in myself!
*insert famous Kamina quote here*
There are already other threads like this, in SD, but whatev :)

Im an atheist, I havent believed in any deity since around 4th-5th grade.
Captain Badass wrote...
There are already other threads like this, in SD, but whatev :)

Im an atheist, I havent believed in any deity since around 4th-5th grade.

Yay for growing up!

And yes, there are tons of religious threads here... but I have posted my opinions in most all of them. x3
Due to our lack of knowledge of, well... everything, we don't particularly know for a fact if there is or isn't.

If there were a higher power, I wouldnt believe that it's a single being, just an undiscovered force we have yet to comprehend.

I can definitely tell you right now, though, that I dont believe in any of the religions we have today.
The only deity in my life

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I am inherently agnostic but a lot of the times, I believe there is a god out there that is not as we know him/her/it to be through our current religions. I don't assign human imperfections to an omnipotent being, like wrath or jealousy. I also don't express anger for what this god hasn't given me. I see this god functioning in an indifferent universe, being amused at the universe's cruelty in the most compassionate way possible - a god who sees true, empathetic beauty in everything. A god like that can't have any semblance of human emotion if he/she/it has this kind of empathy.
Nashrakh Little White Butterflies Staff
Rovencrone wrote...
The only deity in my life

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catfish wrote...

If there were a higher power, I wouldnt believe that it's a single being, just an undiscovered force we have yet to comprehend.

I can definitely tell you right now, though, that I dont believe in any of the religions we have today.

The force! I have now converted to Jediism and I await Master Yoda's visit, I wonder what he'd teach me.

Roven, of my fuckin god where in hell is that???!!! I must go and see this god someday and have a pic taken, I wish I can climb up and stand on the head.
ashcrimson wrote...
The force! I have now converted to Jediism and I await Master Yoda's visit, I wonder what he'd teach me.

Roven, of my fuckin god where in hell is that???!!! I must go and see this god someday and have a pic taken, I wish I can climb up and stand on the head.

the force is strong in this one...
May the force be with you Roven
ashcrimson wrote...
The force! I have now converted to Jediism and I await Master Yoda's visit, I wonder what he'd teach me.

He'd teach you stuff that I already know.
Nothing can convince me to believe that there's some dude on a cloud/in different dimension/in the universe/wherever else religions can come up with, who's watching me and can eventually help me if I pray to him long enough.
As I said before, if someone gets the need to pray to someone for getting their fuck-ups solved, somehow I get a feeeling they're a sissy (no offence intended).
Captain Badass wrote...
ashcrimson wrote...
The force! I have now converted to Jediism and I await Master Yoda's visit, I wonder what he'd teach me.

He'd teach you stuff that I already know.

So youre a Jedi Master too? I hope youre not a Sith, I dont want to join the Dark Side of the Force.
I believe in one deity.

The Fierce Deity.
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My Deity. Jashin-sama.


Unos Filipino Curry Lover
The Wind Deity
I believe that there may or may not be a higher power, but as we are now we cannot scientifically prove either standpoint.
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