Feminism is a movement of equality and tolerance :)

"I think you need to be castrated. Why you ask? Well deary You cant have these opinions and get away with it, its like being a pedophile - Thats why you need to be castrated!"
Girl power, yall lol :)
Seriously, there's nothing I hate more than those pseudo intellectual tumblr social justice warrior feminazis.
Are these the same idiots people who were conned approximately 17000 dollars off a shady con called Dashcon?
If feminism is mainly against rape, then how come rape is one of the most common sex fantasies among woman?

Also: How come the first part of this gif he is considered rape, and the second part he is considered a womanizer when he is clearly defending himself against a rapist.
Forum Image: http://a.pomf.se/udpwgp.gif
Forum Image: http://i60.tinypic.com/2dgwbk3.jpg

oh what is this thread about? My bad
Hahahaha you made a statement then showed some people contradicting it, get rekt feminist movement

Medzy wrote...
If feminism is mainly against rape, then how come rape is one of the most common sex fantasies among woman?

I mean this in the nicest possible way, but are you fucking retarded
doswillrule wrote...
Hahahaha you made a statement then showed some people contradicting it, get rekt feminist movement

Medzy wrote...
If feminism is mainly against rape, then how come rape is one of the most common sex fantasies among woman?

I mean this in the nicest possible way, but are you fucking retarded

Forum Image: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/5108870144/h33B89A09/
doswillrule wrote...

Medzy wrote...
If feminism is mainly against rape, then how come rape is one of the most common sex fantasies among woman?

I mean this in the nicest possible way, but are you fucking retarded

I mean, I find the "Patriarchy" and tumblr feminists pretty retarded but even I have to agree with doswillrule. You know, the whole fantasy =/= reality thing...
623 wrote...
doswillrule wrote...

Medzy wrote...
If feminism is mainly against rape, then how come rape is one of the most common sex fantasies among woman?

I mean this in the nicest possible way, but are you fucking retarded

I mean, I find the "Patriarchy" and tumblr feminists pretty retarded but even I have to agree with doswillrule. You know, the whole fantasy =/= reality thing...

It's a grey area for sure. I think there is a misconception with the whole liking fantasy rape vs actually wanting to be raped.

Usually most eroge out there depict a sexy woman getting screwed by a attractive man with the dick of a beast. They screw and cum like rabbits and feel rush of endorphins like they've been doing acid or something. With this in mind, it doesn't matter the genre, with this kind of theme you couldn't help but fantasize and want a piece of what they have.

Women want the excitement and the pleasure that these works depict (and the hot man too if they can get it), not the brutality that is in the works. It is most women's greatest fear to be raped and no fantasy should equate to saying yes. I also think that people should watch what they say they want until they have more experience. I've known women to openly admit to wanting a rape-esque fantasy scenario, but if you say this openly without thought, you are asking for trouble.
This is pretty damn retarded.
Feminism in its roots is an actual social justice movement. It got a substantial amount of stuff done, and most are happy with the changes it made.

Nowadays with the dumbest being the loudest it's devolved into some kind of female justification for disliking people with conflicting opinions. Feminism in itself is not a bad ideology. At the same time though, communism in itself is not a bad ideology either. It's what people do with it that makes it kind of shit at the moment.
Why can't we all be nice to each other?
Renovartio wrote...
Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
Why can't we all be nice to each other?

Cause the world is filled with dumb cunts

Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
Why can't we all be nice to each other?

Cause the world is filled with dumb cunts


I think what he meant by the rape fantasy thing is.

women have rape fantasies but condone men that have rape fantasies
Renovartio wrote...
I think what he meant by the rape fantasy thing is.

women have rape fantasies but condone men that have rape fantasies

It's a stigma since it's more common to think of a man raping a woman and I don't think it's fair.

Personally, if it's a fantasy then who cares. It's not like a Nightmare on Elm Street will occur if you fantasize about shit. If you force a person to have sex regardless of the gender and the other person says no then this just wrong.

I don't see a problem with fetishes and fantasies so long as they are done in a safe way where both parties agree to things and with the rougher things having a safe-word used that isn't no.
Revelation Defender of DFC
All people are dumb. There are no exceptions. There are no outliers. It's just the way humans are.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
I've posted this video on a SD a long time ago. Warren writes some pretty interesting stuff. Lately they've been burning books and sending death threats to MRA's and hotel staff that accommodate events made for/from them.

Personally I don't like many aspects of 2nd and 3rd wave feminism but I do understand where a lot of them are coming from and am glad that they did get some concessions.
cruz737 wrote...
I've posted this video on a SD a long time ago. Warren writes some pretty interesting stuff. Lately they've been burning books and sending death threats to MRA's and hotel staff that accommodate events made for/from them.

Personally I don't like many aspects of 2nd and 3rd wave feminism but I do understand where a lot of them are coming from and am glad that they did get some concessions.

Erin Prizzy is a pretty good writer about the subject too. I just watched this video and she was talking about stuff like death threats made against her by feminists as well.
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
Why can't we all be nice to each other?

Does it even matter anymore? I mean like really. Humanity has been doing hurtful things to each other for centuries now. You can scream what's right or whats wrong to a kid but in the end it's how they do them. Now not saying don't give a damn, just be mindful that you've heard this for years. You can empty shells and scream your heart out aiming towards the wrong doer but in the end, you only suppressed peoples feeling to a certain extent. Once that point is reached and go beyond then you can really see what a 'lost' person looks like.
Monster Girl
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