Foxes keeping me awake.

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Drifter995 Neko//Night
As would I.... Silly australians, we can't have foxes, they are illegal, and worth lots if found :( or maybe thats just down here
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Show them the way of nirvana by giving them CoD, a 360 and a headset :D
yurixhentai wrote...
Winged-Fapper wrote...
I seen a fox at the airport I work at, I rode by it on my mt. bike. It just sat in the middle of the service drive and just watched me go by. It never made a sound!

I thought that said you rode the fox up a mountain at first. Would've made your post a lot more interesting.
I'd have to agree, it would grab my attention too!
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