I was tricked.

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Not to mention he has taken being a weeb to a completely new high.
At least the music isn't that bad.
the video got blocked on copyright ground.
damn it.
I liked the song that was on that page.
For those of you that got tricked, who cares if he doesn't have a vagina [size=1]there's always another hole ;p[/h]
Gravity cat the adequately amused
If it's pretty, fuck it.
Forum Image: http://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/2012/3/12/a498b0c1-fd64-4d57-9d37-67e38cea2ede.jpg

Never heard of him, i guess he's a nobody in Sweden then.
Zero_Hour wrote...
At least the music isn't that bad.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
It didn't fully hit me until I heard his voice. That is a trap at its finest.
Arinaz wrote...
so how were you tricked?

I have awesome gay radar and my trap hunter status... I knew she wasn't japanese but i though at first glance... it was a cumduster class girl.. not a backdoor jizz holder.
animefreak_usa wrote...
Arinaz wrote...
so how were you tricked?

I have awesome gay radar and my trap hunter status... I knew she wasn't japanese but i though at first glance... it was a cumduster class girl.. not a backdoor jizz holder.

and at 16 years old
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Gravity cat wrote...
If it's pretty, fuck it.

Of course, pretty can be subjective. In my opinion, I wouldn't tap that, guy OR girl.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
artcellrox wrote...
Gravity cat wrote...
If it's pretty, fuck it.

Of course, pretty can be subjective. In my opinion, I wouldn't tap that, guy OR girl.


Nor would I
iMuse Kuroneko is mine
Hmm actually a really good singer
I would masturbate to him feriously without reserve.

..so.. um..
Loner the People's Senpai
My-only-Jun wrote...
He doesn't sound or look bad. What's not to like?

I'll get you a CD and poster of him then.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
OK, so I just fully heard Sky Limit... and he's actually pretty good. Did not even expect that hard rock edge to it, because of the intro. Though... he could probably use a better guitar tone. The sound of the guitar in the outro is a little... off to me.
HE CAN SING.. i was fapping to it's grav shots. AWESOME.

Just kidding.. i was sounding.
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