IB is my personal blog

Kadushy wrote...
Man, this popcorn sure is delicious.

Thank and bow before me... and my popcornz.
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
fgd49 wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
fgd49 wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
Everyone step the fuck back. I'm here now.

O shit we got a bad ass /sarcasm.

Keep it coming, I haven't whipped ass on the forums in over a week.

.... What are you talking about

Lolicon. What are you talking about?

Hey look we got ourselves a good one. This here folks is the famous wannabe copycat troll. He has not an ounce of creativity or intelligence inside the poor excuse of a brain, People have claimed to have seen sperm cells that are bigger than this beast's supposed "brain." Please limit your exposure to this foul animal because mental retardation of this level is highly contagious. Your nearest animal signing out.

inb4 herpderp this guy's mad

I'm not mad. I respect your opinion, though I do disagree with it. In my opinion you are mad. My opinions stands because you found it necessary to attack me over the forums because I was trolling. Therefore, you are mad that your low intelligence makes it hard to comprehend that I wasn't being serious so you attack me for no reason to seem smarter. I am happy to inform you it is definitely working and everyone who ever reads what you wrote will say to themselves, "Wow, that guy must be the smartest person in the world."

Indeed you have stumped my low intellect with your fancy 'words' and your complicated 'sentences'. I pity myself as I am a simple redneck with no true understanding of the fact that IB is definitely not where trolls go to make crude and unnecessary jokes. How I have been beaten by a genius, I have to go tell my 'ma' through the 'magic talky box' that you people call a 'cell phone'.

'Tis the fancy word you doth desire you simple child? Then fancy words I shall use to ensnare upon your mind a simple little fact of truth. We neither care nor do we goeth about being enraged at your simple sentences. We simply mock you for your pitiful attempt to troll and we gladly do have a light hearted chuckle at your expense.

Oh woe is me, what ever shall I do? No one cares about my trolling. If only I cared, then that might have hurt my feelings.

Ah but your feelings are hurt child, why else would act so defensively. You post something claiming you're pretty much god tier, we kindly inform you otherwise, and you with your hurt feelings claim you were trolling. Not the first time this has been done child. And as for the fact of my commenting upon your situation; I am merely attempting to educate your lesser mind how to properly behave yourself in IB, or if you would prefer educate you to troll better because your "trolls" leave something to be desired.

Let me clear the air so you understand the very first post. I wasn't claiming that I am "god tier". I had been off for a couple of days and simply thought it would be a fitting post as I have internet again and am back online. Secondly, I wasn't acting defensively I was responding to what you wrote in the manner I saw fitting based on how you worded your posts. Third, chill the fuck out and back the fuck up this is IB not SD. Get your shit straight and come back when you can read what I say without getting butt hurt.
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
fgd49 wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
fgd49 wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
Everyone step the fuck back. I'm here now.

O shit we got a bad ass /sarcasm.

Keep it coming, I haven't whipped ass on the forums in over a week.

.... What are you talking about

Lolicon. What are you talking about?

Hey look we got ourselves a good one. This here folks is the famous wannabe copycat troll. He has not an ounce of creativity or intelligence inside the poor excuse of a brain, People have claimed to have seen sperm cells that are bigger than this beast's supposed "brain." Please limit your exposure to this foul animal because mental retardation of this level is highly contagious. Your nearest animal signing out.

inb4 herpderp this guy's mad

I'm not mad. I respect your opinion, though I do disagree with it. In my opinion you are mad. My opinions stands because you found it necessary to attack me over the forums because I was trolling. Therefore, you are mad that your low intelligence makes it hard to comprehend that I wasn't being serious so you attack me for no reason to seem smarter. I am happy to inform you it is definitely working and everyone who ever reads what you wrote will say to themselves, "Wow, that guy must be the smartest person in the world."

Indeed you have stumped my low intellect with your fancy 'words' and your complicated 'sentences'. I pity myself as I am a simple redneck with no true understanding of the fact that IB is definitely not where trolls go to make crude and unnecessary jokes. How I have been beaten by a genius, I have to go tell my 'ma' through the 'magic talky box' that you people call a 'cell phone'.

'Tis the fancy word you doth desire you simple child? Then fancy words I shall use to ensnare upon your mind a simple little fact of truth. We neither care nor do we goeth about being enraged at your simple sentences. We simply mock you for your pitiful attempt to troll and we gladly do have a light hearted chuckle at your expense.

Oh woe is me, what ever shall I do? No one cares about my trolling. If only I cared, then that might have hurt my feelings.

Ah but your feelings are hurt child, why else would act so defensively. You post something claiming you're pretty much god tier, we kindly inform you otherwise, and you with your hurt feelings claim you were trolling. Not the first time this has been done child. And as for the fact of my commenting upon your situation; I am merely attempting to educate your lesser mind how to properly behave yourself in IB, or if you would prefer educate you to troll better because your "trolls" leave something to be desired.

Let me clear the air so you understand the very first post. I wasn't claiming that I am "god tier". I had been off for a couple of days and simply thought it would be a fitting post as I have internet again and am back online. Secondly, I wasn't acting defensively I was responding to what you wrote in the manner I saw fitting based on how you worded your posts. Third, chill the fuck out and back the fuck up this is IB not SD. Get your shit straight and come back when you can read what I say without getting butt hurt.

Forum Image: http://troll.me/images/yaoi-ming-f-dat-face/you-amuse-me.jpg

No seriously you do. Come back to me when you gain a few IQ points.
Fuck popcorn. It's miller tiem.
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
fgd49 wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
fgd49 wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
Everyone step the fuck back. I'm here now.

O shit we got a bad ass /sarcasm.

Keep it coming, I haven't whipped ass on the forums in over a week.

.... What are you talking about

Lolicon. What are you talking about?

Hey look we got ourselves a good one. This here folks is the famous wannabe copycat troll. He has not an ounce of creativity or intelligence inside the poor excuse of a brain, People have claimed to have seen sperm cells that are bigger than this beast's supposed "brain." Please limit your exposure to this foul animal because mental retardation of this level is highly contagious. Your nearest animal signing out.

inb4 herpderp this guy's mad

I'm not mad. I respect your opinion, though I do disagree with it. In my opinion you are mad. My opinions stands because you found it necessary to attack me over the forums because I was trolling. Therefore, you are mad that your low intelligence makes it hard to comprehend that I wasn't being serious so you attack me for no reason to seem smarter. I am happy to inform you it is definitely working and everyone who ever reads what you wrote will say to themselves, "Wow, that guy must be the smartest person in the world."

Indeed you have stumped my low intellect with your fancy 'words' and your complicated 'sentences'. I pity myself as I am a simple redneck with no true understanding of the fact that IB is definitely not where trolls go to make crude and unnecessary jokes. How I have been beaten by a genius, I have to go tell my 'ma' through the 'magic talky box' that you people call a 'cell phone'.

'Tis the fancy word you doth desire you simple child? Then fancy words I shall use to ensnare upon your mind a simple little fact of truth. We neither care nor do we goeth about being enraged at your simple sentences. We simply mock you for your pitiful attempt to troll and we gladly do have a light hearted chuckle at your expense.

Oh woe is me, what ever shall I do? No one cares about my trolling. If only I cared, then that might have hurt my feelings.

Ah but your feelings are hurt child, why else would act so defensively. You post something claiming you're pretty much god tier, we kindly inform you otherwise, and you with your hurt feelings claim you were trolling. Not the first time this has been done child. And as for the fact of my commenting upon your situation; I am merely attempting to educate your lesser mind how to properly behave yourself in IB, or if you would prefer educate you to troll better because your "trolls" leave something to be desired.

Let me clear the air so you understand the very first post. I wasn't claiming that I am "god tier". I had been off for a couple of days and simply thought it would be a fitting post as I have internet again and am back online. Secondly, I wasn't acting defensively I was responding to what you wrote in the manner I saw fitting based on how you worded your posts. Third, chill the fuck out and back the fuck up this is IB not SD. Get your shit straight and come back when you can read what I say without getting butt hurt.

Forum Image: http://troll.me/images/yaoi-ming-f-dat-face/you-amuse-me.jpg

No seriously you do. Come back to me when you gain a few IQ points.

Nope. You are the first person on these forums I regret talking too. You have given me a migraine and you take things way too serious. I prefer a calmer, more mature company who can laugh at a joke without clenching their anal muscles.
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
fgd49 wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
fgd49 wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
Everyone step the fuck back. I'm here now.

O shit we got a bad ass /sarcasm.

Keep it coming, I haven't whipped ass on the forums in over a week.

.... What are you talking about

Lolicon. What are you talking about?

Hey look we got ourselves a good one. This here folks is the famous wannabe copycat troll. He has not an ounce of creativity or intelligence inside the poor excuse of a brain, People have claimed to have seen sperm cells that are bigger than this beast's supposed "brain." Please limit your exposure to this foul animal because mental retardation of this level is highly contagious. Your nearest animal signing out.

inb4 herpderp this guy's mad

I'm not mad. I respect your opinion, though I do disagree with it. In my opinion you are mad. My opinions stands because you found it necessary to attack me over the forums because I was trolling. Therefore, you are mad that your low intelligence makes it hard to comprehend that I wasn't being serious so you attack me for no reason to seem smarter. I am happy to inform you it is definitely working and everyone who ever reads what you wrote will say to themselves, "Wow, that guy must be the smartest person in the world."

Indeed you have stumped my low intellect with your fancy 'words' and your complicated 'sentences'. I pity myself as I am a simple redneck with no true understanding of the fact that IB is definitely not where trolls go to make crude and unnecessary jokes. How I have been beaten by a genius, I have to go tell my 'ma' through the 'magic talky box' that you people call a 'cell phone'.

'Tis the fancy word you doth desire you simple child? Then fancy words I shall use to ensnare upon your mind a simple little fact of truth. We neither care nor do we goeth about being enraged at your simple sentences. We simply mock you for your pitiful attempt to troll and we gladly do have a light hearted chuckle at your expense.

Oh woe is me, what ever shall I do? No one cares about my trolling. If only I cared, then that might have hurt my feelings.

Ah but your feelings are hurt child, why else would act so defensively. You post something claiming you're pretty much god tier, we kindly inform you otherwise, and you with your hurt feelings claim you were trolling. Not the first time this has been done child. And as for the fact of my commenting upon your situation; I am merely attempting to educate your lesser mind how to properly behave yourself in IB, or if you would prefer educate you to troll better because your "trolls" leave something to be desired.

Let me clear the air so you understand the very first post. I wasn't claiming that I am "god tier". I had been off for a couple of days and simply thought it would be a fitting post as I have internet again and am back online. Secondly, I wasn't acting defensively I was responding to what you wrote in the manner I saw fitting based on how you worded your posts. Third, chill the fuck out and back the fuck up this is IB not SD. Get your shit straight and come back when you can read what I say without getting butt hurt.

Forum Image: http://troll.me/images/yaoi-ming-f-dat-face/you-amuse-me.jpg

No seriously you do. Come back to me when you gain a few IQ points.

Nope. You are the first person on these forums I regret talking too. You have given me a migraine and you take things way too serious. I prefer a calmer, more mature company who can laugh at a joke without clenching their anal muscles.

Oh, I'm sorry for hurting your precious little feelings. Here, these people will welcome you with open arms.

My-only-Jun wrote...
mantisprime1250 wrote...
My-only-Jun wrote...
mantisprime1250 wrote...
Mine too

Dear diary/blogg

today OP was gay. DEAD END

Stop hiding >(

If i do, will you promise not to rape me?

And I thought it suppose to be the other way around <3

Put me a collar and aleash cus I leik it ruff
May-Z linda >:3

This thread.........it amuses me >:]
Loner the People's Senpai
Dear Diary,

So there's this guy, and I really hate his guts. I mean like, I completely trashed the place last time me and him got into it. Anyways, today I was just chillin minding my own business when all of a sudden this different guy with long ass hair starts asking me questions. Come to find out it's that guy I hates brother and they don't like each other either. Long story short I help the original guy I hate beat up his brother. I kind of ended up shooting a killing both though.

Before he died the brother we fought told us about his asshole friends that would come and kill me so I'm like "bring it the fuck on." I decided to watch after my newly deceased partners kid because I kind of felt bad for killing his dad.

Til Tomorrow.
If this is your blog, it's starting to stuck.
well, wha'ts the update kadouchey.
IB is my favorite section to post in.
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
fgd49 wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
fgd49 wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
Everyone step the fuck back. I'm here now.

O shit we got a bad ass /sarcasm.

Keep it coming, I haven't whipped ass on the forums in over a week.

.... What are you talking about

Lolicon. What are you talking about?

Hey look we got ourselves a good one. This here folks is the famous wannabe copycat troll. He has not an ounce of creativity or intelligence inside the poor excuse of a brain, People have claimed to have seen sperm cells that are bigger than this beast's supposed "brain." Please limit your exposure to this foul animal because mental retardation of this level is highly contagious. Your nearest animal signing out.

inb4 herpderp this guy's mad

I'm not mad. I respect your opinion, though I do disagree with it. In my opinion you are mad. My opinions stands because you found it necessary to attack me over the forums because I was trolling. Therefore, you are mad that your low intelligence makes it hard to comprehend that I wasn't being serious so you attack me for no reason to seem smarter. I am happy to inform you it is definitely working and everyone who ever reads what you wrote will say to themselves, "Wow, that guy must be the smartest person in the world."

Indeed you have stumped my low intellect with your fancy 'words' and your complicated 'sentences'. I pity myself as I am a simple redneck with no true understanding of the fact that IB is definitely not where trolls go to make crude and unnecessary jokes. How I have been beaten by a genius, I have to go tell my 'ma' through the 'magic talky box' that you people call a 'cell phone'.

'Tis the fancy word you doth desire you simple child? Then fancy words I shall use to ensnare upon your mind a simple little fact of truth. We neither care nor do we goeth about being enraged at your simple sentences. We simply mock you for your pitiful attempt to troll and we gladly do have a light hearted chuckle at your expense.

Oh woe is me, what ever shall I do? No one cares about my trolling. If only I cared, then that might have hurt my feelings.

Ah but your feelings are hurt child, why else would act so defensively. You post something claiming you're pretty much god tier, we kindly inform you otherwise, and you with your hurt feelings claim you were trolling. Not the first time this has been done child. And as for the fact of my commenting upon your situation; I am merely attempting to educate your lesser mind how to properly behave yourself in IB, or if you would prefer educate you to troll better because your "trolls" leave something to be desired.

Let me clear the air so you understand the very first post. I wasn't claiming that I am "god tier". I had been off for a couple of days and simply thought it would be a fitting post as I have internet again and am back online. Secondly, I wasn't acting defensively I was responding to what you wrote in the manner I saw fitting based on how you worded your posts. Third, chill the fuck out and back the fuck up this is IB not SD. Get your shit straight and come back when you can read what I say without getting butt hurt.

[spoil]Forum Image: http://troll.me/images/yaoi-ming-f-dat-face/you-amuse-me.jpg

No seriously you do. Come back to me when you gain a few IQ points.

Nope. You are the first person on these forums I regret talking too. You have given me a migraine and you take things way too serious. I prefer a calmer, more mature company who can laugh at a joke without clenching their anal muscles.

Oh, I'm sorry for hurting your precious little feelings. Here, these people will welcome you with open arms.


Stop fighting you two, IB is supposed to be a magical place

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/863310-4MG4FND.jpg
mantisprime1250 wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
GracefulDiscension. wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
fgd49 wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
fgd49 wrote...
Taro Tanaka wrote...
Everyone step the fuck back. I'm here now.

O shit we got a bad ass /sarcasm.

Keep it coming, I haven't whipped ass on the forums in over a week.

.... What are you talking about

Lolicon. What are you talking about?

Hey look we got ourselves a good one. This here folks is the famous wannabe copycat troll. He has not an ounce of creativity or intelligence inside the poor excuse of a brain, People have claimed to have seen sperm cells that are bigger than this beast's supposed "brain." Please limit your exposure to this foul animal because mental retardation of this level is highly contagious. Your nearest animal signing out.

inb4 herpderp this guy's mad

I'm not mad. I respect your opinion, though I do disagree with it. In my opinion you are mad. My opinions stands because you found it necessary to attack me over the forums because I was trolling. Therefore, you are mad that your low intelligence makes it hard to comprehend that I wasn't being serious so you attack me for no reason to seem smarter. I am happy to inform you it is definitely working and everyone who ever reads what you wrote will say to themselves, "Wow, that guy must be the smartest person in the world."

Indeed you have stumped my low intellect with your fancy 'words' and your complicated 'sentences'. I pity myself as I am a simple redneck with no true understanding of the fact that IB is definitely not where trolls go to make crude and unnecessary jokes. How I have been beaten by a genius, I have to go tell my 'ma' through the 'magic talky box' that you people call a 'cell phone'.

'Tis the fancy word you doth desire you simple child? Then fancy words I shall use to ensnare upon your mind a simple little fact of truth. We neither care nor do we goeth about being enraged at your simple sentences. We simply mock you for your pitiful attempt to troll and we gladly do have a light hearted chuckle at your expense.

Oh woe is me, what ever shall I do? No one cares about my trolling. If only I cared, then that might have hurt my feelings.

Ah but your feelings are hurt child, why else would act so defensively. You post something claiming you're pretty much god tier, we kindly inform you otherwise, and you with your hurt feelings claim you were trolling. Not the first time this has been done child. And as for the fact of my commenting upon your situation; I am merely attempting to educate your lesser mind how to properly behave yourself in IB, or if you would prefer educate you to troll better because your "trolls" leave something to be desired.

Let me clear the air so you understand the very first post. I wasn't claiming that I am "god tier". I had been off for a couple of days and simply thought it would be a fitting post as I have internet again and am back online. Secondly, I wasn't acting defensively I was responding to what you wrote in the manner I saw fitting based on how you worded your posts. Third, chill the fuck out and back the fuck up this is IB not SD. Get your shit straight and come back when you can read what I say without getting butt hurt.

[spoil]Forum Image: http://troll.me/images/yaoi-ming-f-dat-face/you-amuse-me.jpg

No seriously you do. Come back to me when you gain a few IQ points.

Nope. You are the first person on these forums I regret talking too. You have given me a migraine and you take things way too serious. I prefer a calmer, more mature company who can laugh at a joke without clenching their anal muscles.

Oh, I'm sorry for hurting your precious little feelings. Here, these people will welcome you with open arms.


Stop fighting you two, IB is supposed to be a magical place

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/863310-4MG4FND.jpg

Forum Image: http://www.myfacewhen.net/uploads/290-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic.png
Damoz ~Not A User~
Sneakyone wrote...
IB is my favorite section to post in.
mantisprime1250 wrote...
My-only-Jun wrote...
mantisprime1250 wrote...
My-only-Jun wrote...
mantisprime1250 wrote...
Mine too

Dear diary/blogg

today OP was gay. DEAD END

Stop hiding >(

If i do, will you promise not to rape me?

And I thought it suppose to be the other way around <3

Put me a collar and aleash cus I leik it ruff
May-Z linda >:3

This thread.........it amuses me >:]

LOL Only when you are done studying
Hobogunner wrote...
Also, I generally use the CTFG for my diary side of it, if I ever leave that area.

Oh god, I feel sorry for you...
My-only-Jun wrote...
mantisprime1250 wrote...
My-only-Jun wrote...
mantisprime1250 wrote...
My-only-Jun wrote...
mantisprime1250 wrote...
Mine too

Dear diary/blogg

today OP was gay. DEAD END

Stop hiding >(

If i do, will you promise not to rape me?

And I thought it suppose to be the other way around <3

Put me a collar and aleash cus I leik it ruff
May-Z linda >:3

This thread.........it amuses me >:]

LOL Only when you are done studying

When I'm done I expect a reward
Callonia wrote...
well, wha'ts the update kadouchey.

March 4, 2012

At 12:24 p.m. I saw these Mormons walk up to the front door of my house. I went away and hide until they were gone since I don't want to talk to them. After several knocks and a few doorbell rings, they went away. Mission accomplished.
Mormons don't come where im at.. to far from the temple of moronism. T_T the witnesses church is a block away.
Monster Girl
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