If you could have sex with an Anime/Manga/Hentai character..

Kanzaki Kaori from Toaru Majutsu no Index. YASSS
Hmm tough call.

But I would go for Zero Kiryu (Vampire Knight) tattoo, piercings, silver hair, attitude and body does a lot for me & Moka Akashiya(Rosario Vampire) With the necklace off preferably, I would get my ass kicked but something tells me it would be worth it and I still have another nice pink haired option available and not have to get my ass handed to me

lol well I've just realised I'm more in to vampires then I originally thought.

Human characters would be Korra (Legend of Korra- Not an anime I know but whatever) Physically strong,quite intelligent plus she's the avatar and Lelouch Lamperouge(Code Geass)Because reasons
oh, so so many...

pretty much any female character in any anime and hentai have sex appeal, there's not particular ones i 'wouldn't' have sex with. which sounds incredibly creepy but lets be honest, anime art style girls are just too cute!

tossup between Horo from Spice and Wolf and Maina Ooizumi from Idol Sister.
I don't care if it isn't original. Give me Saber from Fate/Stay Night any day.
Lala from To Love Ru
Nami or rebecca from one piece or sento from amagi brilliant park
Heredity wrote...
I'd definitely love to give Super Sonico a nice titfuck, that's for sure.

My character would be Nico Robin from one piece which you can see in my profile picture. She can summon multiple hands along with other body parts and you could basically have an infinite orgy. And kudos to Heredity for Super Sonico also. I have a 550.00 dollar statue in my room of her.
I haven't really ever thought about it but pro ally one of my fav tsundere girls like

hinagiku or maki-chan or so
I got to go with Yakumo from School Rumble, <3 can't ignore my waifu!
Male: if i had to pick only one i guess right now it would be Yami Marik from Yugioh!

Female: currently Nemesis from To Love Ru~
with mikuru and your sweet big boobs

and too binbouda of binbougami ga! and your little pentako
Stuck between Sena Kashiwazaki from Haganai and Yuno Gasai from Mirai Nikki.
That's a difficult question.

For me it would have to be either the Shrine Priestess from No Game No Life ( her character design that suggests fierce intelligence which I like, plus the combination of her long blonde hair and big, fluffy tails is just to much for me!) or Kiryuin Satsuki from Kill La Kill ( there's some thing about this immensely powerful female figure that really turns me on...and she just happens to have a killer ass).
Well I have a list, so here is my top 5(not in order)

Kyou - Clannad
Cocoa - gochumon
Kongou- Kancolle
shiburin - cinderella girls
Rias of course HAHA -HS DxD
Nanase Haruka from Free! :)
How about Mina Tepes from Dance the Vampire Bund. In her adult form. Couldn't find a damn picture, sorry.
Kon-Kits Character in Kaya-sis at beach

Romulo Melkor Mancins - Naughty In-law Character

Two girls in Ga-Chuku

Nanami Honda
For me it would have to be Laura from Infinite Stratos. German, loyal, petite, and fiesty is just my type!
Probably have to be Rukia from Bleach.
Monster Girl
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