It's christmas in 9 days.

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Gravity cat the adequately amused
This is what I think about Christmas.

I'm being a Scrooge because we're having family round. All this will consist of is awkward conversations about each other's lives and we've each got to pretend that we all give a shit about what each other has to say. Then watch TV, maybe a film or two, depends whatever's on the BBC, annoy the cat for an hour, then slag each other off later when everyone's gone on their merry way home.
Even worse, we don't have enough alcohol to even get tipsy on.

Permission to derail.
[font=verdana][color=green]Your Christmas sucks. I would hate it as well.
I bear with the relatives for the food. Half my family are excellent cooks.
It's a wonder I'm not obese.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Watari wrote...
I bear with the relatives for the food. Half my family are excellent cooks.
It's a wonder I'm not obese.

Our oven's fucked as of a week ago, so all we can eat is anything that doesn't require oven cooking. The grill still works, funnily enough

But yeah I'm in it for the food too
ah yes, christmas... the day when santa was born
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
1st world problems.
Excellent reason to drink like hell and not being punished about it.
I would be Santa's little helper for a day.
Dining with family and friends, then go up north and snowboard overnight <33

I will mail you some drinks then
I like christmas because I get a day off, and there is good food.
I'm just looking forward to having off from school.

Not looking forward to fact that most all of my family, including myself, are low on funds, so we're having a much smaller Xmas. And I can't afford nice gifts... but I'll make them something nice I guess. :)
Now that I read the context I can post srs

My family gets all together, 10 - 12 people (grandpas, uncles, cousins)
We talk very little, we're not much of a drinkers so a bottle or two of champaign/wine is more than enough
Have dinner
And give the gifts and go home
Sums up a total of 6 hours maybe and later on reunite on new year's eve, or not
I don't celebrate Christmas, Thus I do not care about it...
mochure wrote...
I don't celebrate Christmas, Thus I do not care about it...

mantisprime1250 wrote...
mochure wrote...
I don't celebrate Christmas, Thus I do not care about it...


Don't care about it.
It's not something you really need to care about to celebrate, but it sounds like you might have other reasons not to...
How come jesus always has a better birthday party than me? A bunch of people have been in more pain than him. =(
Sneakyone wrote...
I like christmas because I get a day off, and there is good food.

Yup, sneaky right for the day off loves them
It's okay, Grav.
[size=8]Lollie's here.[/h]
-dons santa hat-
I'll make sure your Christmas isn't a complete shitfest.
I fucking hate pagan holidays.

However the economic boost and spending is a much needed one to small businesses in this rough economic time so i'll give it that.
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