My First Epic AMV!!

I finally got the right software to make an AMV and the idea for this amv
has been in my head for almost a year and a half and now I finally made it so please give me some feedback on it if you can.
Needs much more editing. You basically played one clip straight through the entire this. Need more effects also. With how the song is [speed and energy of the song], there should definitely be more action or flashiness, more and faster scene changes. I know Bible Black doesn't give you much to work with but try you best. Just my opinion, though.
gurocon finds this work disturbing.
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
Needs much more editing. You basically played one clip straight through the entire this. Need more effects also. With how the song is [speed and energy of the song], there should definitely be more action or flashiness, more and faster scene changes. I know Bible Black doesn't give you much to work with but try you best. Just my opinion, though.

Ya I know it needs more editing but come on, its my first amv plus the whole idea of this amv was about the altar of sacrifice not altar of sacrifice and a bunch of random clips that have no relative link to the song.
Monster Girl
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