My whole reaction to the Kathy thing

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Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Was to go "Wait, she was still getting work?"

I'm absolutely baffled she was someone that even had a slight bit of relevance still.
Meh. Who cares. Wanker being wankers.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
animefreak_usa wrote...
Meh. Who cares. Wanker being wankers.

I would say it was one of the most amazing cases of career suicide I've ever seen.

If I could bring myself to call what she had a career.
I love that she's crying about her life being over now.

I'm putting $20 on she becomes a 'feminist' march front runner after this
shes still alive?
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Apparently she's worth 20 Million, as far as comedians go, that's pretty good.

I'm all for freedom of speech but that was a pretty edgy gag so complaining about the negative response is stupid. If you're going to do something controversial at least stick to your guns instead of crying and complaining about people no longer wanting to associate with you. I think the term for her behavior is crybully and it's absolutely pathetic.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Cruz wrote...
Apparently she's worth 20 Million, as far as comedians go, that's pretty good.

I'm all for freedom of speech but that was a pretty edgy gag so complaining about the negative response is stupid. If you're going to do something controversial at least stick to your guns instead of crying and complaining about people no longer wanting to associate with you. I think the term for her behavior is crybully and it's absolutely pathetic.

I hope she has that 20 million in tangible assets.

Cause her intangible assets are going to take a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig drop.

Ah, who am I kidding.

I hope she goes fucking broke for this.
For as long as I can remember, I've never liked Kathy Griffin. Like, since I was a teenager even. I thought she was unattractive, had an annoying voice, and any role I saw her in on TV was also annoying. So if this can drive her further into irrelevancy that's fine by me.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
animefreak_usa wrote...
Forum Image:

I must admit.

This shit made me laugh pretty hard.
I didn't know who she was before this. I still don't, but know of her now
Stone the bitch. 100% halal.
Manes wrote...
Stone the bitch. 100% halal.

Soooo you want to eat her? I thought you were down with the dong.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Takerial wrote...
Cruz wrote...
Apparently she's worth 20 Million, as far as comedians go, that's pretty good.

I'm all for freedom of speech but that was a pretty edgy gag so complaining about the negative response is stupid. If you're going to do something controversial at least stick to your guns instead of crying and complaining about people no longer wanting to associate with you. I think the term for her behavior is crybully and it's absolutely pathetic.

I hope she has that 20 million in tangible assets.

Cause her intangible assets are going to take a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig drop.

Ah, who am I kidding.

I hope she goes fucking broke for this.

She probably will lose business and venues for her stand up comedy but it doesn't mean matter to me if nothing really changes for her. It's just another edgy joke that shouldn't mean anything to anyone except the for those who feed of outrage culture.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Cruz wrote...
Takerial wrote...
Cruz wrote...
Apparently she's worth 20 Million, as far as comedians go, that's pretty good.

I'm all for freedom of speech but that was a pretty edgy gag so complaining about the negative response is stupid. If you're going to do something controversial at least stick to your guns instead of crying and complaining about people no longer wanting to associate with you. I think the term for her behavior is crybully and it's absolutely pathetic.

I hope she has that 20 million in tangible assets.

Cause her intangible assets are going to take a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig drop.

Ah, who am I kidding.

I hope she goes fucking broke for this.

She probably will lose business and venues for her stand up comedy but it doesn't mean matter to me if nothing really changes for her. It's just another edgy joke that shouldn't mean anything to anyone except the for those who feed of outrage culture.

The main issues with the whole thing is first, she's trying to play the victim in the whole thing now. Being sorry just because people are mad at you doesn't make you a victim and if she's trying to sue or something since she has a lawyer she is trying to set an extremely dangerous precedent.

The other main issue is that comedians like her think that anything is fine to make as a joke.

Too many don't realize the difference between the idea that any topic is fair game for making a joke versus any joke is fair game.

The former is true, the latter is not.
She should just go full hog with it. Go on Colbert and smash a Trump watermelon sculpture dressed like Gallagher.
animefreak_usa wrote...
Manes wrote...
Stone the bitch. 100% halal.

Soooo you want to eat her? I thought you were down with the dong.

I said stone, my dong is allergic to vagina nowadays.
Manes wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Manes wrote...
Stone the bitch. 100% halal.

Soooo you want to eat her? I thought you were down with the dong.

I said stone, my dong is allergic to vagina nowadays.

Halal is a Muslim dietary requirement just like kosher. Haram means forbidden.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
Cruz wrote...

I'm all for freedom of speech but

Classic Alex Jones line. xD
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Had to Google her.

So she's the one who held up a fake head of Donald Trump.
That's newsworthy?
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