Phone Call

*Phone rings and I pick up*

Me: I'm pregnant.
Person on the phone: Wha?
Me: Oh I'm sorry. Hello?
Person on the phone: Uh.. may I talk to Jesse please?
Me: He's not home.
Person on the phone: Thank you.
Me: kthxbye

HAHA, I should do something like that next time some telemarketer calls.
And thus you probably just ruined a relationship
Rape center. You rape them we scrape them.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
You could cash in on your rape claim
animefreak_usa wrote...
Rape center. You rape them we scrape them.

Marks Funeral Home. You Stab Em We Grab Em!
answer the phone... LYEK A BAWS!
Sounds fun to me.
Loner the People's Senpai
Person on phone: Is Jack available?
Me: Yeah, let me hand the phone to them.
Me with different voice: Hello?
Person on phone: Jack?
Me with different voice: No, let me hand the phone to them.

I continue to do this until I run out of different voice or the person hangs up.
Did someone said phone calls ?

Call me maybe ? lol

even if you don't like the vid at first, watch it if you want to laugh your ass off at some reactions
Loner wrote...
Person on phone: Is Jack available?
Me: Yeah, let me hand the phone to them.
Me with different voice: Hello?
Person on phone: Jack?
Me with different voice: No, let me hand the phone to them.

I continue to do this until I run out of different voice or the person hangs up.

Lololol. I should do that next.