Random reflection.

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animefreak_usa Child of Samael
I'm Freak and I'm not sure what I am.
I just know there's something dark in me and I hide it. I certainly don't talk about it, but it's there always, this Dark Passenger. And when he's driving, I feel alive, half sick with the thrill of complete wrongness. I don't fight him, I don't want to. He's all I've got. Nothing else could love me, not even... especially not me. Or is that just a lie the Dark Passenger tells me? Because lately there are these moments when I feel connected to something else... someone. It's like the mask is slipping and things... people... who never mattered before are suddenly starting to matter. It scares the hell out of me.
animefreak_usa wrote...
It scares the hell out of me.

This is barely relevant in any way whatsoever.

& this was just cause I actually like this one.

OT: Whut?
Shit done blew up on the season finally episode of Dexter season 6!
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
animefreak_usa Child of Samael
Muse. Never heard of them are they new or just hipster shit?
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
animefreak_usa wrote...
Muse. Never heard of them are they new or just hipster shit?

They've been around for some time, but all their songs rock.
artcellrox wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Muse. Never heard of them are they new or just hipster shit?

They've been around for some time, but all their songs rock.

On a really old game server I played on we had a radio plugin, and every time anyone played a Muse song the server crashed.
Uh, Freak, you've always been special to me and I care about you. Take care of yourself, okay?
animefreak_usa Child of Samael
Dexter copypasta... tastes like animal tranquilizers and blood.
,,,,,,uuh.. huh.....
so... ure going through man-o-pause?
hope you ok brah
i love dexter.
Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly. &Just because one doesn't believe in god doesn't mean that the devil doesn't believe in you.
Kadushy Douchebag
That's deep.
I know what you're talkin' about, Freak. I've been through a number of shrinks, and all of them helped jack squat.

Just keep on keeping on. I think we're rational enough beings to be able to tell if we're truly on the brink of going off the deep end, and will have enough sense to take the necessary steps to make sure that that doesn't happen.
is this a quote from a book? or a movie...(._.)
Jinrou Koko wrote...
is this a quote from a book? or a movie...(._.)

It's from Dexter.
animefreak_usa wrote...
I'm Freak and I'm not sure what I am.
I just know there's something dark in me and I hide it. I certainly don't talk about it, but it's there always, this Dark Passenger. And when he's driving, I feel alive, half sick with the thrill of complete wrongness. I don't fight him, I don't want to. He's all I've got. Nothing else could love me, not even... especially not me. Or is that just a lie the Dark Passenger tells me? Because lately there are these moments when I feel connected to something else... someone. It's like the mask is slipping and things... people... who never mattered before are suddenly starting to matter. It scares the hell out of me.

after googling this post i and realizing that it was Dexter that was enough to add Dexter season 1-6 in my utorrent queue :) thanks freaky!
[size=8]My troll response is the same as my literal response.[/h]

Lollie loves you, Animefreak_USA!
It's okay.
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