Silent Saturn Translation Commission

Not sure if I'm posting this in the right area or not...

I just recently got my hands on what I think is the complete Silent Saturn collection by Thirty Saver Street 2D Shooting, made available right here on Fakku by the incredibly awesome g-money. Content is bondage and similar material starring Tomoe Hotaru and Chibi-Usa of Sailor Moon fame; a bit younger than my standard fare, but Hotaru's a special case for me.

I'm very interested in seeing this series translated because good Sailor Moon doujins that aren't Black Dog material are rare as hen's teeth and good Sailor Moon doujins that aren't Black Dog material and feature Hotaru are rarer still... but there's the problem of commissioning a translator and paying the requisite fees.

There's a grand total of 1830 pages in the set I linked to, but that includes cover pages and graphic spreads that don't have any speech bubbles on them, so figure about 1790 pages for the whole set. The only translater I know of who does this stuff and isn't currently having issues with their PayPal account getting locked on them (fight the power, LWB!) is SaHa, who charges $1.70 per page. A bit of multiplication gives me a pricetag of roughly $3043 for the whole set. This is more than I make in a year in the part-time job I have now, which I'll be quitting in a month or so to become a full-time college student. Budget constraints and the fact that I won't have any kind of income for the next two years or so mean that I can't afford to spend more than about $200 on this project, and even that's pushing my wallet quite a bit.

So yeah, woe is me.

But I don't think I'm the only one who would want to see this series translated. I can't be the only Sailor Moon fan on Fakku and I sincerely doubt I'm the only one with an extra-strength boner for Saturn, so I turn to YOU, my fellow fappers, for advice on my next course of action. I know our boys on the Fakku translation team probably won't touch this one -- they don't take requests, and even if they did Chibi-Usa's presence makes this one at least partially a loli doujin -- but what about you guys? Anyone know translation groups that do this stuff for free? Anyone willing to help me start up a donation pool? Help me out guys, how can I make this happen?
Hi there Comartemis, it has been some time since I saw you on Fakku. Somehow, I had the feeling you were lurking around with that cute Nanaha and Yuno avatar of yours. :D

Anyway, getting back to business, I received reports that your thread may be better suited for the Requests section. I thought long and hard about it and decided it could stay in the Manga, Doujinshi and Video Discussion.

Here are some reasons to justify my action lest others accuse the staff of double standards:
1) First and foremost, Comartemis made an effort to create this thread with as much information as possible, unlike the usual requests, which tend to be one- or two-liners.

2) I believe Comartemis is asking for suggestions and advice instead of a simple answer to his query.

Now then, my contribution to the thread:
It is easy to tell you to take up Japanese so that you can understand the doujin, but learning and paying the fees isn't always as smooth-sailing. Why not ask some people who are in the midst of learning Japanese to translate the doujin? Although the translation may not be accurate, it does provide some information and it might be good practice for them.

Alternatively, you could ask the various translation groups to do individual chapters, instead of the whole manga or doujin.

I hope I contributed a little.
Holy crap. That's a lot of pages and a lot of money required. Well if your planning to do a commission, you probably don't have to use $200 of your own cash right away. It'll probably take a long while for all of it to be done. LWB is the only group I've ever heard of taking requests. They probably won't do the entire thing but it's worth a shot. I don't know how, but you could start a donation pool and have people donate to the cause. Of course, you should probably put some of your money in it to start it off. Obviously I can't read.
I personally don't have any solutions, though I'd totally love to see the entire series scanlated. Wish I could be of further help.

However, the Silent Saturn series should be updated as of now, missing volumes 10, 11, and 12 from the Silent Saturn SS series.

Silent Saturn SS series, vol 10-12:

Apparently there is a translated version of Silent Saturn vol 1 out there. Problem is, I haven't been able to find a downloadable version, and the torrent I gotta wait. (I could save each individual picture, but feck, that takes forever.)

On that note, if someone can contact this person who goes by the name of aidenke, then perhaps all our issues would be solved. (It would be solved if the guy had a blog...)
Monster Girl
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