Since Jizm ask for it. La meva not.a de suïcidi. ch1

This is a dream i had that i rewrote into a short story about the nigger i call freak.. aka the one who is sick and twisted. I haven't change shit since i wrote it years years ago. Weed and a whore was the cause. I haven't proofread it.. i just wrote it and forgot it. Since gism wanted it.. here it is in it's crappy format. Tl;dr because it's fucking 35 pages in font 10 times roman. Enjoy.. i truly don't giveth a fuck.

What have I done
thinking back I though I was a freak
she just lying there bleeding
and all I could think about was
I want to fuck her
lick her face
drink her blood
taste her love juices
sundome a cock tease
just laying there but my dick ain't working
spank it hard and can't feel shit
I need her
she understands me she got to
she as fuck up as I am
so I lay there wait in till she wake up
I awake up and she sitting on my face
maybe I shouldn't of meet her
It started a couple of week ago

She walk into my class at this second rate college here in the butt hole of the world Fresno. ” Student's we have a transfer student won't you sit in the third row. Why she got to sit by me I though. I didn't even see her, too many people in my way. Fuck it take a nap I lay my head down fast asleep.
“hey can I share your text book in til I get mine. I peek though my arm I see her for the first time now I wish I didn't. Fuck she so freaking hot. She sitting next to me, me a loser. “Sure, whatever you want”.
I can't stop looking a her, she look like a model with A cups maybe B's. Who care a least she got tits. Shit I got wood, think unsexy thoughts. Dead babies, George bush, Sarah Palin... shit getting worse. Please don't notice please don't look. She blushes her hand next to mine, fuck can't stop the felling. Pop go the dynamite.

Shit act normal, getting weak, can't focus. “have a good day”. What class ended great. Well better clean the mess in my pants. I think my nuts are glue to my pants. Then those fateful words I never heard before came out. “I need you bad dude”. “What”? “I need you to show me where the bathroom is”. What the fuck was I thinking, I thought. “ oh sure, OK”.

We walk down the halls to the first floor to the dual door bathrooms. “can you wait for me”. 'OK sure', i'm a fucking idiot, speak motherfucker speak. Shit I still got a bone, crap why I came already. Shit I must be horny. She a hot chick. Creamy white skin, long blond hair, those perky tits. Ah B's the best size. A chick crosses by me dd's good to play with hard to lick right, I thought.

{back to the present}

She still lying there.
Maybe I went to far.
Why she ask for it.
I hate choking chicks.

Sexual quarks.
All people have them.
Some like ass, some like dolls.
Some like chicks, some like men/
I knew This chick who get her jolly with hairy men and can't cum unless they do it old school biblical missionary style, except the dude look like a chick.
My tweet is multi factoral means more than one.
Hot chick with glasses, tibbing on her neck, eating pussy like what Nick Cage said in faceoff ” I can eat a peach for hours”, and my biggie blood.

"Hey Joe what up”. Shit it's Amber, crap I right next to the girl bathroom. ' Ah nothing just waiting for someone'. “A date”. ' No just some one who transfer in today'. “Showing her the campus”. 'Yea'. “ Well show her your dick first I think get a better time out of that then state”. ' Be more blunt'. “Yea, see you later”, and she walk right in the boys side. I told you little tweeks turn the world.

“ Are you still here”. The hot chick calls. 'Yea'. "Can you come in there I need your help". With what I thought. “Please I need you”. Before she hit 'you' I was in that stall. The door unlocks and creep open, slowly I push the door more and more and to my to joy she sat there panty to her knees. Now I don't have a shitting fetish but if the hot chick want it I'm your bitch the shower is on the other side.
“Close the door”. 'OK'. “What wrong”. 'Well I trying not to look at you right now'. “Why never saw a girl pee before”. 'No'. “Still got that hard on from earlier before”. Shit she notice. 'No'. “So why you got one now. Do you like girls peeing dos it turn you on”. ' No' 'Your depantyed'. “Oh” she stood up, the thin white lace dress she was wearing showed the outline of herself, since she wasn't wearing thing underneath. “You sit now”. 'No'. “Come on I give you a treat”. My ass was in before “treat”. “Good boy take off your clothes”. 'OK' so I did.

So I was naked on a seat in the girls room and I can hear amber yell “OK boys show me what you packing”. Why she never did that to me when I was in there. “Close your eyes and stick out your tongue”. 'OK' I thought. Something warm is on my tongue, little lemony a bit salty. “OK Open them” and it was her clit on tongue I got harder, “Now lick”. I grab her ass, pulling and chow down, I can hear her moan little. She pulls away a couple of mins later.

I sit her stunned, did she cum already. Then she said something unbelievable! “I not going to have sex with you, ever!” “A least right now. ” Right after that speech she come back to my tongue. I lick a little more the she said “I'm on my period. My dick get a little harder, I lick with I little more emphasis. “You like that don't you.” 'We” she backs away again. “ I got to go, but I will leave you something to remember me by” and she pull out her tampon and throw it at me, I look at her she slide her panty back on and walk away. Then I realize that I'm naked in the stall of the girls room with a bloody pussy stick in my mouth, so I start sucking and cumming.

Now I stuck in the girls room, in the afternoon fucking scared that someone would find me. I got to escape. 'Sorry boys you all too small for me, little dick motherfucker. 'Damn amber nothing too good for ya. I got to get out of here. I creep out hoping no one would see me. I finally get out of there nearly missing amber on her way out. “Finally got the balls to get out”. ' Wait you were out here whole time' I asked. “It's funny to torment you, I love it you like my treat”. 'Which one the beginning or the end one'. “Both” 'Oh yea love it'. “He he, walk with me”. 'OK OK'.

We walk to the bookstore annex we talked for a bit. I realize I don't even know her name. Shit don't ask, do I call hot chick who I just gave head to and suck her bloody tampon. Shit my mind never works when I want to. She asks “What your major”. 'Oh photography, yours' “Psych”. Awkward since for a while, “Oh my name is Erika”. Why did she mention it right now. 'oh mmm Joe' “Joe Joe what” Joe smith, Joe dirt, Joe doe think of a good name. 'Lyuni'. “Weird name”. Not really your turn what's yours.' “ I don't know I barely know you.” ' I just had your goodie cookie in my mouth a few min ago, I think we know each other good enough'. “Narusegawa” “So why don't your dick work.” 'What my dick work fine, I mean it got hard what do you want from me, sorry that I got a boner when you were on the seat, I got a glimpse of you, sorry that I not normal as these fucking poser fucknuts out here.' …. "no I mean I was stoking you hard and you didn't even notice it..” ' Oh mmm when', “When I was in your mouth”. 'Oh I was busy doing stuff.' “And someone playing with your knob you can't notice”. ' Well I got a problem, ”What jack it to hard”. 'No the wiring down there doesn't hook up to my brain right.' “Really I got to try that out later, oh shit I got to go to class in five mins, could you walk me to it.” 'Sure”. "Do you got class later” 'nah done for the day', “Could you wait for me”. 'Ah for how long', 2:00, 'Sure I got time.' “OK bye”.

Fuck are you a man or a pussy. Fuck it got laptop watch some anime. Shit what taking her so long, fuck it sleep. 2:39 screw it I leave her a note, I post it on the back of the bench, let get the fuck out of here. “ Hey Joe wait” 'Oh hey Erika'. “Sorry it took long”. 'Oh no problem', All fuck think fag think. “Where were you going”. ' The restroom', “Oh I wait”. ' No it OK I can wait for later,” lie motherfucker lie. “OK let go somewhere,” 'OK where', “I got a place”.

We walk, I take out a smoke, light up, take a hit, oh shit I should ask her. ' Do you mind'. “Nah, can I have one,'Yea'. I hand her one she light up. “So what music you listen to”, 'Punk mostly, some ska.' “ What bands”. 'Bad religion, Nofx, some goth stuff '. “oh, so what was that note you left me,” Shit she know I was ditching her. 'Oh nothing', she pulls it out, doesn't look like nothing, fuck when she grab that. “Oh it your email and number.” Oh shit I'm fucked.

“So curious where were going to”. ' No not really' “Oh I thought going to some girl house was great”. 'Wait were going to your place, fuck yea.' “ I still not to fuck you though.” 'Perish the thought'. What with this girl. 'Erika Narusegawa that Japanese right.' “Yeah so”, 'Well your white, blue eyes and blonde it kind of give it away'. …... “Dye, contracts, and im adopted”. 'Oh sorry for prying'. “It's okay”. 'Speak any nipon'. “Yea, a little”. 'Cool, me too I speak it better than write it.' “Yea kanji a bitch”. 'Yeah'. “ You know what we did earlier was called sundome”. 'Really', “yeah”. 'So some pussy eating and some hemophile play so short in Japanese'. “ No it means to stop before coming.” Oh shit that true.

“Well we're here”. I turn to look, it a fucking bad place. A apt with security everywhere. 'Nice'. “ Do you want to come in”. ' Sure hell', let the fuckfest begin. We walk in to her place, third floor. It was so simple, a couch, computer, and what I could see from my viewpoint her bed and chair with handcuffs on there, score. “Make yourself comfortable, I going to take a shower”. Dear penthouse, “No peeking my pet”. I can hear her clothes hit the floor and the water splash on her petite body. I look around, nothing much more. A Japanese scroll, some videos, a dildo, wait what a big black one, my wood was at def-con one now def-con 4. it was hung one bigger than mine, but not by much.

Shower stops, I run back to the couch. She walk out with only a towel on. 'should I get naked now or in the bed room'. “not so fast big boy”, no sex for me. She sit right next to me, I can see a glimpse of her chest, oh shit back to def-con one; off the fucking charts. “You hard again”. 'Ah no'. “Your member tells another tale”. “ Let play a game”. ' Ah, what game'. “Oh a good one”. ' OK shoot'. “ Your not, a least not in till I let you”. What the fuck she talking about. “In till I let you you can't cum, you can't jack it, or touch me.” 'Ah OK I game'.

She takes off the towel, ah my muse. Sleek body, B cups yes, soft skin and there it is beautiful folds, fuck yea. She gets up and sits on my lap. Ah the little one is happy. She started to grind on my me. Oh 'I can't hold it'. “Don't your dare, I haven't gave you permission yet. She start licking my face and lock her tongue down my throat. I can die happy. “ Suck my nipples”. ' Yes master'. I started to suck them gently'. ' Oh I can't hold it'. “No not yet”. “ Take your pants off”. I start to “Not your boxers though”. So I did. She started to bounce my member is barely entering her. She moaning like I killer her “Oh yeah harder”. I start to sweating ' I got to cum' then I happen she whisper in my ear. “OK you got permission”, splash.

We sit on the couch myself cover in gravy in silence. She turns to me “you like my game”. 'Yea yes.' “You got my permission to play with yourself tonight, but tomorrow it a new round, now go I got shit to do leave your boxers here.” ' What?' “In change you can have mine in till tomorrow, clean them.” 'OK' I left. Thinking back maybe this a good thing.

Back to present

Is she dead.
She not moving.
There is a pool of blood,
what have I done.

“Dude are your awake” 'Uh'. “Dude you're sleeping though the lecture”. ' oh hey Angel'. “Sleepy nigga”. 'Ya long night'. “Finally get some”. 'Nah still on the dry spell' fuck, don't tell him about Erika he never believe me. “ dude did you check out the new chick outside”. 'What new chick'. “The one talking to Amber”. What I thought. 'OK I go see'. I walk outside of the photo lab door and two chicks are sitting on the bench. 'Oh hey Erika, Amber.' Amber asks “Still limp”. 'That none of your business babe'. “Sleep good” Erika asks. 'yeah good'. “hey how do you know Joe” amber asked. ' wait how do you know Erika'. “Weird thing she just started talk to me when I came out” Amber said. ' You came out, I proud of you, now I know why you never ask me to see my junk when you went inside the bathroom all those times'. “Fuck you Joe”. “You guys might be close to joke around like that, Erika said. Back to the question how do you know Erika” Amber asked. 'Remember yesterday outside the girls room'. “Oh yeah I forgot, oh shit that was you”. “I guess” Erika said.

Angel walk out. “Who do I got to kill for a blow job around here”. “try Hector” Amber yells. In his best jay voice “Eww I hate guys” and he goes to goodbye horses routine from clerks 2. 'Don't get all Buffalo bill on me, dick tucker'. Screw you Joe, who the hot chick”. 'Nigga she got a name'. “But I don't know it”. It Erika she said. “big angel”. He he damn right, still into ass play angel” amber said. Too bad your dick is to big to please me, Frodo.” “ I wouldn't fuck you, I turn lez before that”. Amber said. I don't fuck midgets. Angel said.

Amber starts beat angel ass. Erika whispers to me. “Round two where my panties”. 'In my bag inside'. “Then go get them”. 'Can I get to you later'. “No now”, 'But there people all round, it kind of embarrassing'. “Then stuff them down your pants.” 'OK I guess'.

I go in dodging people try to avoid Dan don't give any ammo to him on me. “Hey Joe" it hector. “Yo yo you holding”. ' What you need my little junkie cock sucking friend.' “Got any acid”, 'No saliva'. “Any crank”, 'No some ampies.' “How much and how many”. 'Five a tab and twenty tabs.' “ I'll take them”. ' OK hundo right in my hand little man'. “ OK how about a bj”, 'Ah ah get that little one over there to do it and it fifty percent off'. “You mean little ”. ' Yeah I little emo chick like that'. “ Man she would kill me.” OK hundo', “ Shit here”. ' Nice doing businesses with ya'.

I walk out with the shit stuffed down my pants. Erika is sitting on the bench watching angel getting his ass beat by a chick half his size. I sit by her pull out a smoke. 'Want one' “Sure”. “What in it.” 'My special blend Hiroshima'. “Nice name yours”. 'Yea try it'. She sparks up and take a toke... a big one too. “ Not bad little weak though”. 'Bullshit it my best shit I grow'. “ It your strain”, 'Yep'. I take a hit, 'Your right I must of grab the wrong stuff'. Angel walk up on me bloody and take a drag and koff like a virgin, “good shit”. 'He he virgin', “Fuck you Joe”. “Hey give me a hit”, 'Sure amber can you handle it'. “Fuck yea, bitch”. OK.

Five mins later their on the floor laughing their ass off. “What you doing today Joe” Erika asked. You maybe ha maybe! ' Nothing', “Want to go somewhere, angel, amber want to come. What I thought were going ah fuck I though I was going to get some. “OK where”, “My apt” “Sure fuck yeah” Angel said. “ Got blunt got weed”, hector what! “Come Joe I can smell it on you”. “Joe who that” Erika asked “ Woo sexy bitch oh my name is Hector”. “Hey good buddie want to come” Amber asked. “cum yea I need some sweet poon”. “what the fuck man amber help your man out”, angel said. ' Sure you want them at your house' I asked. “Sure it be fun”, “Cram into joe's van”, amber yelled. Party yea.

Were on the road. Angel yells from the back seat “Beer, we need b33r”. ' Who paying', “You” angel said. 'What fuck that you alone would break me'. OK everyone pitch in, but Joe's supplying the weed and gas. So everyone pitch in, we got five 12ers. Ah wasted a some chick I ate and dry humped house, sound normal to me. Angel sleeping it off, amber at his side strange isn't. Hector still drinking and smoking my shit, why did I sell him the ampies. Soon he be asleep GHB great for a quickie. “So bored”, ' No, your still here I'm good'. “Weird that angel is napping on the place we came on.” 'No funny thou'. “Want to go to my room”. Score, stick it in the one hole. 'Sure'.

We went to her room, I m lying on her bed, soft shit down boy. Knack, what the fuck, shit she cuff me to the bed. 'What the hell' I said. “I told you second round, where my underwear at.” 'In my pants next to the unit'. She go down my pant. “Here put in your mouth”. 'OK', wait and fuck if I didn't think of it she undress and wipe herself with it. “Here open wide”, I do she lays it on my tongue. “You like it”. 'Wah', “You are lucky I going to give you a treat”. She goes to her dresser, I thinking please a condom I want so sexual pleasure. She pull out a knife and walks back to me and sits on my lap. She takes the knife and cuts herself with it just above her left breast near the collarbone. “Do it suck my blood”. My dick gets harder. I start suck the warm blood sleeping down my throat. She starts to bounce and grind on me. I think she using me like her own slave clit toy. Oh the feeling can't hold back. “You can cum” splash. She lay on me. She starts kissing me licking the reminisce of her blood on my lips. Fucking magical. Angel wake up and see amber on him. “Fuck not again, did we screw last night.

Mmm mornings sun too fucking bright, soft bed. Ooooh shit I still in bed and i'm naked, and the gang is still out here. I slide out of bed, put on my clothes the handcuffs still attached to me. Walk outside to the living room, no one there. Where did they go to. “They went to get some food” Erika said. “You hungry”, 'Fucking famish'. “Go sit at the table”, so I did. Mmm it smell good, oh crap where did the guys think I was at. Did they think I ditched them or do they know me and Erika were in her room the whole time. Fuck it I don't care. ' Whatcha tell them where I was'. “That you're in my room, were have the best sex since romeo and steve”. 'Oh really”, “No but I did tell them you were in my room sleeping it off on my bed”. 'oh OK I guess'. “Here you go”, she sit down a bowl of miso soup and rice. The best hangover food, 'Thanxs'. We started to eat, a couple of mins later go by and Erika get up and sits on my lap, ” I tried of breakfast I want dessert”.

She take off her robe, sweet white skin, perky tits and her underparts indescribable. She lays on the table and said “Well don't be scared”. 'I'm not scared'. So I dive in head first,' Wait I don't have a rubber'. “ You don't need one yet, now pleasure me”. I nibble on her clit, my middle going in and out in and out, which remind me I want a double double right now. I can feel her climax once thrust thrust twice. Oh she moaning my cock is like a ford(like a rock Mormons). “Ah ah fuck me please fuck me”. I lay over her start kiss her neck to her chest. And I about to start grinding my crankshaft in to her. The tip in.

“Frodo stop fucking hitting me”. Fuck their back finally I was to get some. “The door is unlock” Erika said to me. Shit we jump off the table and get dress the fast time ever. Wish they give me five more mins maybe three god you hate me don't ya. “Shit Joe your up” Amber said. 'Yea still I little buzz'. “Yo dude mcgriddles” Hector said. 'Nah ate already, yo angel throw me a beer the hair of the dog is the cure'. Angel launches the bud and bob me on the head hard, I black out.

Back to the present

She just lying there
I almost fuck her
I still can she won't mind
I started to and I hear “not yet”
fuck it I started to rape her

shit I can't
no fun if she not moving
is she still awake
is she still alive
fuck I want to suck the blood pool.

“Dude are you still alive”. Angel asked. 'Auntie em where Toto'. “Damn angel got to throw that bottle that hard” said amber. “I think he retarded” hector proclaimed. Joe, Hanzo's basket torture time amber yells. I wake up, scream and run to the bathroom. “that wrong with him” Erika asks. We saw the movie Hanzo the razor and one of the scene some chick got tortured by put her in a rope basket naked and slowly lower on this guy's superman dick and spinned like a top. “Scary shit uh” amber said. “Oh I got to remember that for later” Erika whisper to herself. “Dude you got to get out here man, you might die and shit” Angel said. “Oh Joe com out Erika want you bad” Amber yells. I come running out, ' You rang baby'. I pass out again.

Am I dead or in hell right now. I open my eyes and their Erika is sleeping on my chest. I look around no one is near, 'Are we alone' I whisper. “Yea” Erika said. 'Where they at'. “I don't know, they were going to drag you home, but I convince them to leave you here”. “ I told them I would take care of you”. 'Will ya” I asked. “Of course I will”.

We just lay there the whole night me and her together. “Do you want me”. 'Of course I do Jo Jo wants”. “Do you want to finish from earlier...” ' Yes'. “Mmm naw I change my mind Erika said. Wwwhat the fuck. “I just wanted to see your expression”. 'bummer, you just want to mess around'. “Yah”. Almost as good I thought. “ Do you want me to do that basket torture to you later” Erika asked. Damn even she crack a funny on me, all love though. Wait am I her boyfriend or her fuck toy.

End of chapter 1
This is awesome. +rep to ye.

Did you read it...
Antw0n Remember me?
Shouldn't this be in Writing + Fanfics or something?
(I'll read it later)
animefreak_usa wrote...

Did you read it...

Only 10 paragraphs or so.
Not really. I don't care about the story.. i just pass it forward to the one who requested the story... The middle and end is rancid like a freddy nightmare and bad acid. It's was a good dream.
animefreak_usa wrote...
Not really. I don't care about the story.. i just pass it forward to the one who requested the story... The middle and end is rancid like a freddy nightmare and bad acid. It's was a good dream.

Just finished reading them all. Is it weird that I popped a boner?
zeroniv_legend wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Not really. I don't care about the story.. i just pass it forward to the one who requested the story... The middle and end is rancid like a freddy nightmare and bad acid. It's was a good dream.

Just finished reading them all. Is it weird that I popped a boner?

Nah.. i reading the part where i killed a hooker name cherry.
I'm sit there on the floor thinking, hoping, wondering, and wishing I had a knife to chop her up so I could get out of here. What the fuck is wrong with me, am I psychotic. Am I sick or just like the rest of the people out there, but with out a soul or morals. Well stop the bullshiting I got to get rid of the body. No leave it here, I can't be seen with anything of the sort. But some had to see me with her, no only the late clerk but she wasn't with me then. I'm slump, dismemberment or drag the bitch to the van then off the bridge. Can't decide …...... flip a coin.

Off to the river to throw the snack off the bridge. Damn the bitch is heavy. Shit I need a drink after this. Off she goes do the superman off the damn bridge. Splash goes the bitch. Somebody hit the ground. If it wasn't a serious moment I would laugh.
animefreak_usa wrote...
zeroniv_legend wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Not really. I don't care about the story.. i just pass it forward to the one who requested the story... The middle and end is rancid like a freddy nightmare and bad acid. It's was a good dream.

Just finished reading them all. Is it weird that I popped a boner?

Nah.. i reading the part where i killed a hooker name cherry.
I'm sit there on the floor thinking, hoping, wondering, and wishing I had a knife to chop her up so I could get out of here. What the fuck is wrong with me, am I psychotic. Am I sick or just like the rest of the people out there, but with out a soul or morals. Well stop the bullshiting I got to get rid of the body. No leave it here, I can't be seen with anything of the sort. But some had to see me with her, no only the late clerk but she wasn't with me then. I'm slump, dismemberment or drag the bitch to the van then off the bridge. Can't decide …...... flip a coin.

Off to the river to throw the snack off the bridge. Damn the bitch is heavy. Shit I need a drink after this. Off she goes do the superman off the damn bridge. Splash goes the bitch. Somebody hit the ground. If it wasn't a serious moment I would laugh.

I don't see that part. Where did you put it?
It's in future chapters.
animefreak_usa wrote...
It's in future chapters.

Post it.
I came.
I'm all inspired now.
zeroniv_legend wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
It's in future chapters.

Post it.
