So much fucking want

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Ammy wrote...
Drifter995 Neko//Night
I now have the urge to buy a box, put a switch on the top, with a small red light, and wire it up to light up when you turn it on, so basically nothing... and then sell it on ebay, as: 'THE BESTEST FUCKING INVENTION EVER. YOU'LL NEVER BE BORED WITH THIS MAGICAL ITEM. BORED OF THE INTERNET? FLICK THE SWITCH AND BOOM, EVERYTHING IS AMAZING. TIRED OF WORK? FLICK THE SWITCH AND BOOM, A PARTY!...' etc... Could somebody return it and file a complaint thingo on ebay if it turns out to not be fun?

Oh, I didn't watch the video, just saying...
Nice but I've wasted enough of my time on le inteweb so no thank
HOLY SHIT. THAT IS SO CUTE. It really trys to get away????? Omg so much want now!
that is one angry
I really liked the second, and I really wanna know the name of the song on the second vid
mantisprime1250 wrote...
I really liked the second, and I really wanna know the name of the song on the second vid

The second one would make for a great gift
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