Something i wrote..

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A story.

I knock on the door to my girl's place. No answer. I walk away, i hear moans. I go to the sliding glass door and see her fucking some cunt i knew.. a real abuser of women. She going at it like a pro on a Monday. I'm in shock. Who won't be in that situation. I want to kill this bitch. She hated this guy. She hate all perverted men and their chauvinist ways.

I stand there watching him fuck her good. I can her them talking. "Is joe better then this big dick". You can figure what she said. 'Why to i have to be the secret man, dump that loser and be my woman'. She said i love him.. well she said it while cumming from his prick. 'if you love him.. why are you getting fucked by me all the time'? 'Is his dick small or something'? I won't write the answer for you.. i do have a avg penor. 'I'll leave him' she said while the dick was in that nasty asshole of her's. I shed a tear.

I have no idea how i got home that night. I don't remember anything after that. After that, i got a call from her, but... i couldn't answer it. ' Joe, what's wrong? I'll call back later' the voice mail said. After that call, she never called again. I still can't erase her last call.
Loner the People's Senpai
Forum Image:
whores gonna whore.
Hope story isn't true...
Ib-tan gonna truth
It's a more dramatization of a true story of me.. a hentai made me bring up a old memory.
Mass Effect 1 Quick Guide

So like it can get very tedious keeping everyone's weapon/armor/mod up to date giving the annoying inventory system

That was really the only fault the game had
and why obviously it did not get carried over into Mass Effect 2

So here is a quick guide how you play but still have a challenging experience without every having to update squad-mates unless your giving them new armor

You only need to keep Shepard up dated with weapon/armor/mod

A. Set difficulty to casual with high assist

B. Turn off auto level up

C. Focus your points into armor/health and specialties
like hacking/electronics so you can grab better loot from locked chests

D. Don't put all your points into one trait spread your points around
you don't need to maxed out armor off the bat
you don't need to put say your assault rifle pass "sniper riffle unlock" unless you plan on actually using sniper rifles

Note: only max out a weapon later when you exhausted all other traits
Note: don't spend point on weapon traits for squad-mates
Note: always save you game before hacking segments
"She going at it like a pro on a Monday"

artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
So, this was an ex?
One of them. Between the beater and the whore i will curse until jebus comes for my bones.
Shallow people. Sorry man
Sort of.. i wish not to say my real name because.. well it's spelled like a girl's name in english. Also this story is old.. like i was still in college old.
animefreak_usa wrote...
Sort of.. i wish not to say my real name because.. well it's spelled like a girl's name in english. Also this story is old.. like i was still in college old.

8 to 10 years ago, I presume? It's not like you to go all emo about past.
Wait, are you being emo?
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster

But seriously, to see your girlfriend (ex) fucking with someone you know is just fucked up.
Happened to me too...
devsonfire wrote...

But seriously, to see your girlfriend (ex) fucking with someone you know is just fucked up.
Happened to me too...

Would't bother me much.
I would just hope that the guy she was fucking had an STD...
...and that he wasn't wearing a condom.
A hentai made me remember the incident. I like to ntr myself every couple of years so my liver will die before i wake.
if that happened to me now, I'd probably go crazy.. drop everything, wait till she's gone, get my shit, drive home, start trying to find a place to rent in melbourne, and drive up there to live :| also find a job too.. I wouldn't be able to look at her/ anybody again if they cheated on me, let alone stay in the same city.. seeing one of my ex's who cheated on me in town was bad enough >.>
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