sucks being a virgin

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asuka0503 wrote...
well i am in love with alot of anime girls dont get me wrong but i like to do a live action rp once in a while

I doubt you are 23 years old. You sound like some sheltered child that probably plays games and watches anime all day.
You want to find a girl but your thread title is you complaining about being a virgin. I kinda hope no girl goes for you because I don't think you have the best of intentions for whoever you manage to snag.
Forum Image:
y'guise i reely neeeed to find an otaku gurl leik me so i can hav sex otaku gurl is so kawaii (>*-*)>
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
asuka0503 wrote...
well i am in love with alot of anime girls dont get me wrong but i like to do a live action rp once in a while

I doubt you are 23 years old. You sound like some sheltered child that probably plays games and watches anime all day.

Avi sauce? She's a qt.
Pyre wrote...
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
asuka0503 wrote...
well i am in love with alot of anime girls dont get me wrong but i like to do a live action rp once in a while

I doubt you are 23 years old. You sound like some sheltered child that probably plays games and watches anime all day.

Avi sauce? She's a qt.

Thanks. The artist, Kotoba Noriaki, is a recent favorite of mine. His folder takes up a surprisingly large chunk of space considering it's just (really good) art.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
If anyone's post(I didn't read many) was an insult flung at the guy for being a virgin you're seriously disappointing me. What could matter less on the internet? We're all faceless people behind monitors. Pick something better to mock him for. Intelligence, grammatical errors, his poor taste in avatars, anything would be better than mocking the lack of a first experience.
Forum Image:

Still a virgin too, OP.
Imari Little White Butterflies Staff
Waar wrote...
Create a hentai website.

Has met with limited success over here, I must say. It does seem to pull in the man on man action though, if that's your thing. ;)
Meh meh meh whine whine qq. Eh.
Why don't you go out and socialize. Don't limit yourself with just an otaku girl. There are other girls out there who may be interested in you. Stop grumbling if you're still a virgin. At least you ain't physically handicapped! ja?
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Self described "nerds/geeks" and "otaku" are one of the last people anyone should be hooking up with.
hehehehehehe ok then i think its about time i brought this to a end, i love posting this type of stuff for fun just to see how people would react and just as i thought we got a ton of jerks on here. beyond this i do have friends and a social life i love to go out and have fun and i dont mind being single i maybe have my v-card but i am saving it for that special someone
Hurr Durr it was all a joke guys I was just trolling you, don't worry I'm not actually a retard.

Kill yourself.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Sure, like the several other people who posted here being retarded, then brushed it off claiming it was a joke. Very nice save there, bro.

Idiots like you deserve to fuck only STD-riddled hookers.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Peltor wrote...
winter55 wrote...
Why would you want a land whale?

Go browse tumblr or some shit

or try /soc/

/soc/ is 80% dicks, 10% Dick ratings, 5% vocaroo, 4% reposted shit, and 1% timestamped women.


Even if you do find girls on Kik threads, they almost never respond. And when they do, they only speak to you once.
artcellrox wrote...
Sure, like the several other people who posted here being retarded, then brushed it off claiming it was a joke. Very nice save there, bro.

Idiots like you deserve to fuck only STD-riddled hookers.

nope i really mean it man im not really looking for someone at all man i am happy being single
Gravity cat the adequately amused
asuka0503 wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Sure, like the several other people who posted here being retarded, then brushed it off claiming it was a joke. Very nice save there, bro.

Idiots like you deserve to fuck only STD-riddled hookers.

nope i really mean it man im not really looking for someone at all man i am happy being single

That's what they all say when they get called out on their retardation.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Gravity cat wrote...
Peltor wrote...
winter55 wrote...
Why would you want a land whale?

Go browse tumblr or some shit

or try /soc/

/soc/ is 80% dicks, 10% Dick ratings, 5% vocaroo, 4% reposted shit, and 1% timestamped women.


Even if you do find girls on Kik threads, they almost never respond. And when they do, they only speak to you once.

Funnily enough, I've had more luck knowing people in the voice threads than anywhere else.
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
asuka0503 wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Sure, like the several other people who posted here being retarded, then brushed it off claiming it was a joke. Very nice save there, bro.

Idiots like you deserve to fuck only STD-riddled hookers.

nope i really mean it man im not really looking for someone at all man i am happy being single

Look, if you wanted to talk then get on kik or Skype. This isn't the best place to do this.
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