To women who read hentai

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I don't really get all these "wizardy" topics specifically targeted at girls watching/reading "porn"... it's not all that different from guys, if a girl (that you don't know very well) asks you how large your collection is or what perverted fetishes you enjoy or if you masturbate while watching/reading H, are you going to reply truthfully ?!?!?

The same way they behave towards us! I was introduced accidentally to hentai by a girlfriend back in highschool (I was already a guro fan at that time), it's not that rare for girls that are into anime to like hentai (whether yaoi, vanilla, or even gang-rape), what is rare is that they admit it and go full-fan-girl on a random stranger (actually they rarely do even to their boyfriends)... if they do, think about what will be your opinion about them (slut/perv, she desperately wants to get laid, etc)... or better what do these girls think that our opinion will be about them, when reading posts from "wizard-wanna-be" in threads like this ;)
The same reason why I can read science fiction-suspension of disbelief.
I got into it a really long time ago, I'm thoroughly a pervert, in and out. Although, I do not actually like many hentai(s) haha. Since as you said, I can't really fap to girls getting raped, nor does incest really do anything to me. Just can't do it. >_>
As a young lesbian, I started watching hentai because I wanted to see a girl without feeling too guilty for watching porn. It has super cute girls without being too slutty, or it has unrealistic settings that don't make me feel like my sex is objectified. Most doujins don't bother me, but there have been times when things get to severe or "rough" that I get uncomfortable. I think I looked to hentai to teach me how to please my girlfriend at some points...
Men and Women view porn for many different reasons, I don’t think there is ONE specific reason women like porn, or one specific thing that appeals to women.

I like doujinshi because I just happen to find anime girls (and boys) sexy as fuck. I like seeing characters I’m fond of in sexual scenarios and I simply find this kind of art attractive. Where I watch/read a lot of rape and bondage stuff I like knowing there is a disconnect between what appeals to me sexually and the real world. I can’t get off on “live action porn” most of the time so it seems. I just really like reading and watching these anime girls (or boys) get fucked hard.
AbusedTampon wrote...
If you do exist, what got you into reading hentai?
What part about it specifically appeals to you. Does the way doujins portray women annoy you? Since i guess the majority of lead roles are played by the male, and viewed through his point of view. If i ever found some comics that had men in bondage, getting tentacle raped, acting slutty, making obscene faces and generally humiliated, i dont think i would be able to fap to that....

TL;DR: Whats the appeal for women?

I have LONG answers, so I put them in the spoilers brackets to keep this from getting too long.

panluxuria wrote...
I think it's due to the lack of good looking men in porn, and pornstars look horrible!!

xDiabolica wrote...
I wouldnt mind being sold to a young Master who uses me as a maid It doesnt disturb me much since im wicked :P

1. What got you into reading hentai?
TL:DR: There is no short version to this.
Oh wow. I started back in the late 90s (when I probably should not have been) when I found a few gifs that were cut from a hentai on a google search. I was already masturbating at the time (though I didn't know it was called that), and I loved anime. This was a combo of the two and I just went crazy. Then I hit up New Grounds and played a whole bunch of the flash games (the Naruto date sim for one), and became sold on it.

I didn't really start reading doujinshi until middle school when my friends started sharing yaoi with me. It was okay, but either kinda rapey or practically child porn (loveless). Eventually, I found manga for girls that had the very sweet, half cut implied sex scenes between straight couples. I wanted more of that vanilla goodness, so I started browsing cons asking for maleXfemale stuff.

Since I'm a girl people looking for something other than yaoi, people ate that up and it was super easy for me to find whatever I wanted. I started with shonen-ai and the limey straight equivalent and when I hit 18 I fully descended into straight up hentai. No regrets.

2. What part about it specifically appeals to you?
TL:DR The part where I can see my favorite anime couples continue their relationship.
I basically buy doujinshi for my favorite couples as a continuation of the plot. Usually, those are pretty sweetie vanilla. I also love new original stories (velvet kiss comes to mind), and I like one short originals because I can share them with my husband.

I like traditional straight porn, but damn it if all the men are butt ugly! So many hot women, why can't they find attractive men? Yuck! I don't want to see her screw he grandpa with an ugly penis. The female written stuff usually has a better plot, prettier actors (men and women), and is more up my husband's alley.

On the subject of my husband, he's really been what's keeping me in hentai. He's really chill with hentai but he's pretty conservative so yaoi/yuri, tentacles, anatomically incorrect boobs (a lovely pair of coconuts bigger than your head with anti-grav properties) are a no go. Since I'm often uncomfortable with how butt ugly male porn actors often are (seriously, stop picking them by penis porn industry!) we selectively screen his porn and my hentai to suit both our tastes. Works wonders for our relationship.

3. Does the way doujins portray women annoy you?
TLDR: IT HURTS WHEN YOU HIT THE CERVIX. Also, I'd like some boobs my size. If they must be big, avoid the anti-gravity effect. Take an anatomy lesson, damn it. Also, torture porn is something I often avoid.

I actually feel it's often better then the way male marketed western porn portrays women. I'm much more chill with the childhood friend cliche then the "I helped her fix her bike, delivered a pizza, and/or hired a baby sitter and then the sex fell out". Hentai has those plots too, but they're often MUCH sillier and clearly meant to not be taken seriously ("hentai-logic").

I love maids. That really is a plus for hentai because the western maids are all wear too much make-up and it makes them look pre-maturely old. The cutesy, adorable maids are what I love.

Now, things that piss me off:
  • The chubby girl is often not even close to chubby in my opinion. She's rather average, but I suppose average is fat when many girls lack a rib cage huh...
    If you hit my cervix I will scream bloody murder and the sex will stop because I am crumpled into a ball crying.
    Unless I'm supper worked up sex is still painful for me even after marriage. It's just how I'm build I guess. The idea that a women is screaming in pleasure from losing her virginity makes me jealous.
    I really wish there were more mature (20s) girls with A-B-C cup boobs. As a B cup myself I feel very depressed having to pick between loli-con or oppai. I cannot tell you how happy I am when a wild mature pettanko appears. I just wish they wouldn't obsess over their boobs as much as I do. I don't want to be reminded that a B cup is not standard.

4. How do you deal with the rapey, torture, humiliation stuff?
TLDR: I've included my real life story of what it's like to be molested on a train and an explanation of why fantasy differs from that.

For more information about rape/ravishment fantasies in women, I recommend:
I still read some tentacles, lots of bondage, some chikan, some forced and fetish stories. However, once the woman is being tortured I often NOPE the heck out. If she's crying in despair, I nope out. I cannot read guro, period.

Actually, Lustful On All Fours is a pretty accurate representation of what a girl who likes ravishment fantasies is like. What turns me on about the rapey stuff is the idea of being irresistible and rough sex. I like rough sex. I like feeling beautiful. The idea of being so desirable that men throw themselves at you is kinda fun in fantasy. I think you guys can imagine the male equivalent of having women all over you as pretty cool. In fact, I know you do because the large volume of harem works tells me so. Why would that be different for girls? Now, in reality, it's probably terrible and would be a pain to deal with the logistics, but it's neat to imagine of a boring day.

What makes me run away is the idea of being killed or tortured or maimed.

I like the FANTASY of forceful sex because I can pick my partner in my fantasy and just imagine us doing whatever I want. That's hardly rape right?

For more information about rape/ravishment fantasies in women, I recommend:

I also want to second this comment:
xDiabolica wrote...
I wouldnt mind being sold to a young Master who uses me as a maid It doesnt disturb me much since im wicked :P

Let me make it very clear: I don't want to be raped by someone I don't like or find attractive. However, I have some wicked fantasies.

And for a real life example:
I was in Chicago this summer when some guy attempted to molest me on a train. I had seen him at the station and made a one sentence comment on a map to him. I assume he decided "these maps are so confusing" translated to "I want to sex you up. Take me now". Despite the fact that there were many seats open, he sat next to me and blocked me in next to a window. For men that don't know this, THAT IS SCARY AS HELL! I'm claustrophobic and weaker then all of you. If I feel trapped, I PANIC and assume the worst. In this case, it was totally justified.

I tried to be friendly and talk to him. He was terrible at holding a conversation and just kept sneaking glances at me. Every anwser I got out of him was no more than 5 words. The longest one was "I'm a cook at a restaurant". The only questions he asked me the entire time were "What's your name? What do you do? What train will you be taking home this evening". RED FLAG MUCH?![/b] For the record, I lied and lied hard about my travel arrangements.

I was wearing a school length skort, sneakers, a t-shirt and a sweat shirt. He kept letting his hand bump against my thigh. I also had my engagement ring on. I had TOLD him I was getting married in one month and staying with friends in Chicago AS THE FIRST SENTENCE OF THE CONVERSATION.

By this time the conversation had stopped and I was trying to read a magazine. The first time his hand bumped my thigh, I thought it was a mistake and moved over to give him more space. The second time I was suspicious, scared and pissed. The third time was full palm and fingers on thigh, not just a bump. I JUMPED away from him and smashed myself into the train's window to get away. I was panicking and about to punch him. As I worked up the courage to tell this guy "I'm going to need you to stop touching me", I was saved.

Just then, the man guy in front of me struck up a conversation with me about my job. He kept asking me for professional advice. I don't know if he felt his seat shake from my not so subtle recoiling jump, but he saved me for sure. I was elated and spewed out information at a whirlwind pace. As soon as someone else was watching, the "accidental" bumping stopped. Eventually the creeper got off the train and I thanked heaven.

I am still am scared to ride by myself again. I know the whole scenario could have been MUCH worse and I am terrified I might run into creeper McCreeper. If he can't even take "getting married" as a hint that I don't want his nasty hands palming my thigh, then how is he supposed to understand "no means no".

I've always thought it was bullshit how girls in hentai are thinking 'oh no, I'm being molested, someone help!' but not saying anything. When it really happens to you, you're scared to say anything. You don't want to accuse an innocent man of molesting you. You don't want to make a scene and disturb others. You can barely think anything except "HOW DO I MAKE IT STOP!"

All that said, as pissed and upset as I was, my plan was to say "Hey, you're bumping against my thigh a lot" just in case he really was that stupid and didn't notice that his ENTIRE HAND was on my thigh. What I wanted to to which involved a right hook to his face. Obviously, had he continued there would have been much screaming and calling for a conductor. I was able to deal with the situation, but I'm relieved I didn't have too.

There is a big part of me that is still pissed at myself for not reporting him. What if he does it to someone else? I'd never forgive myself. Worse yet, I have been told numerous (7 that I've counted) that I look like I'm 16-18 not 24 years old. What if he does this to a real 16 year old. I feel so stupid!

That kind of stuff is fine in hentai, not cool in real life
Like most cases, I got into hentai because of curiosity. It's always risky reading since we've got a huge family and I don't wanna get in trouble with my parents. I AM underage to read this(or at least that's what they say).
Of course, despite the risks, I've grown to like this and I don't regret doing this~
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I read (initially watched) Hentai because I got bored of professional porn and its repetition and all the niggling things that I grew inreasingly tired of (forced moans, shaky cameras, cameramen that love the sound of their own voice) so I expanded my horizons to Hentai, mostly out of curiosity because I had a growing interest in it since my teenage years.

And fuck did I love it.

I overindulged myself in Hentai for a good half year and my habit of pointing out flaws ruined it for me (repetitive animation, crappy animation, trrible sound effects) so moved on to H-manga, and my first fetish was Incest.

So, what's the appeal? It's fantasy. Anything can happen. That means all sorts of fantasies can be played out.

  • Want to see a housecat turn into a sexy catgirl who fucks her owner and turns dumb from multiple orgasms and creampies? Done.

  • Want to see a demon girl get gang-raped by multiple humans which are affected by demon magic to instantly get hard again after they jizz? Done.

  • Wanna see a girl get raped until she turns into a cockslut? Done.

  • Sisxbro? Done.

  • Favourite animu characters fucking each other's brains out after a confession of love? Done.

  • Wanna see your favourite animu girl with a horse's dick fucking another girl? Done.

You get the idea.


I got bored of porn and the 2D fantasy world opens up the porn industry to all sorts of fantasies.

Also I'm a guy, because fuck you.
The appeal is that it turns me on, and it can cater to whatever I want at the time with relative ease.
Also, I've always had a fascination with male ejaculation, since I learnt about it. I always wondered what it felt like to guys, and I find the thought of what their feelings might be seriously arousing.
I always self-insert as the guy.

Evangelion doujins got me into it, since for some reason Shinji fucking any of the older ladies is my thing. I self-insert as Shinji. Misato's tits, man. You can't beat that.

I think that to be offended by how women are portrayed is rather pointless and hypocritical. These are fictional women, this is created to turn certain people on, just like Fabio McBigDick in women's smut books is created to turn them on. I'm never paying too much attention to the woman, unless she's a large-titted MILF, then I'm loving it, regardless of whether she's being tied up on gangbanged or what have you. I draw the line at abuse, but no form of abuse turns me on so I think it's unrelated to women.
Well I got into anime/manga first and then I found out they made anime/manga porn I was like "FUUUUCK YEEEES"

Not sure how it appeals to me. I prefer it over normal porn. I almost never watch real porn. and never to get off or to enjoy it. I usually only see real porn when it's something like efukt, just to laugh at or go "wtf" to.

As for how women are portrayed, I don't really have an opinion. Most of the stuff I read is Vanilla anyway. I think anime girls are attractive, that's why I like hentai. I'm not attracted to real women, but for some reason I am attracted to anime girls (non sexually)

Also while I'm not a yaoi fanatic I do like some of it, especially if it involves Levi from Shingeki no Kyojin. hnnnng
Same as lollikitty
I enjoy hentai because I enjoy good art/story, pleasure, and learning. I'm a horny pervy woman and I have no shame in enjoying those activities/thoughts. I had absolutely no experience with the opposite sex until college and viewing these things gave me some insight into coitus and intimacy.

I also don't have an issue with the way that women are portrayed in hentai/doushinji. I think everyone has fantasies and art allows you to bring them to life safely as well as allow giving others the ability to fantasize too. I enjoy a lot of different genres for both men and women. Even though I read it, I don't wish to do most of them in real life. I just enjoy seeing the creations that others make; I'm curious by nature, but I stand by my morals.
Seems like a lot of women secretly fantasize about being dominated, bondage and consensual rape. What a fun world. Have fun, ladies
Huh, second time I've come across this question.

For me, I tend to go for really exciting, and uncommon things so same goes for porn. I've been watching porn vids/hentai and reading hentai manga ever since 6th grade I think, or probably earlier (I'm already in my second year of college). Not sure, memory's hazy. What actually got me into it isn't really the hentai ads on Newgrounds but mostly because I was too goddamn curious about things so I just click whatever looks interesting. I actually thought I was a real pervert back then since I was still 11/12 years old when I started this. But nowadays, I read it when I'm really bored, among other things. I even got my bestfriend into reading hentai a few months ago.

I'm mostly into vanilla and some weird stuff like incest, futanari, bestiality, humiliation, domination (I guess? But mostly with the begging) -- all that taboo/crazy stuff. I guess that's what appeals to me but that's on a personal POV. But tbh, I think it's the same for guys as well, I mean, not sure if any other girls fap to the manga but I mean in the sense that big boobs look awesome to me. That, and seriously, anime sex is WAY better than porn videos. I swear to God, those things are nasty and just ugh. REAL GUYS DONT EVEN CUM AS MUCH AS ANIME GUYS AND WHEN THE REAL GIRLS HAVE BIG BOOBS IT JUST LOOKS SO UGLY. I tend to stay away from them whenever I can (there are some really nice ones though once you get used to watching real people have sex). Plus most of the time, there's a story. I'm a sucker for stories. Porn videos? Uh no, all they do is have sex, that's about it. It's pretty boring, the only point is to fap to them, or watch them if you're bored.

But as I was saying, we're not that different from guys. Girls have fantasies, though sometimes they're a bit different from guys, we still have them. Some girls fantasize about being dominated or to dominate somebody, or to have sex in public, or watch somebody else have sex while having sex. I mean, anime does so much more compared to porn. So many possibilities and they all look beautiful drawn.

AbusedTampon wrote...
If i ever found some comics that had men in bondage, getting tentacle raped, acting slutty, making obscene faces and generally humiliated, i dont think i would be able to fap to that....

Hahaha, those sound like yaoi manga. I've always seen those situations in yaoi manga, except for tentacles. Yaoi manga are rarely overboard with the fantasies. Mostly just cats ugh, which freaking sucks. That would be super interesting.
I like reading hentai because IRL loli porn is illegal. :\
I like reading hentai because IRL loli porn is illegal. :\

Yo the fuck dude?

On topic.

I found a yuri video by accident once, and since that day I loved yuri.
So I started to watch and read hentai after that. End of story.
I honestly have no idea how or when I started with hentai 0-o

I always like anime and manga growing up and my first experience with porn was in late elementary school as I was always hanging out with boys. Being one the guys'all through my schoolgirl days desensitized me to sexual stuff. They always talked about it in such detail so I always though it was a normal thing. There was no gender roles or barriers saying that I shouldn't or be shy about it.

I guess I got into yaoi later around jr. high and that was my first manga like or drawn porn. I was (still am) obsessed with it but it never physically turned me on. They're like awesome cheesy romance novels to me.

Much later did I get into straight hentai. I think it's bc there's not as much feeling or emotion drawn into it as yaoi is. I eventually got into it, seeing that just like yaoi there are good works and bad works.

Yeah some hentai heroines and situations are pretty ridiculous but bc it's drawn I believe there's some exaggeration allowed.

It's all cool as long as you return to the real world knowing where the limits are.
I started reading hentai due to reading this hentai manga I stumbled upon when I first started to really get into reading manga. Can't remember the name but that Manga-ka produced a lot of hentai works (Shinjo Mayu, her manga about childhood friends studying for a High School entrance exam and getting it on). I also read Midnight Secretary, way before Twilight, and I quite enjoyed reading that since it was a bit mature and not the usual Shoujo manga.

From then on I had this curiosity on the hentai part of manga, as well as the hentai anime and real life stuff which lead me to finding Fakku! a couple years back. I found that the hentai manga and doujinshi here is much better than real life sex and all that since it seems less staged.

I feel like, personally, that reading hentai manga satisfies that part of me which is interested in hentai, definitely not porn because porn for me seems fake but hentai manga provides really good artwork as well as an interesting plot in a hentai way. I don't think I can express well why I read hentai since I think I just confused myself there lol but I enjoy it very much, especially if I want to read some raunchy doujinshi.

Lol also it satisfies my non-active sex life haha, this makes it complete yet a lot to crave. Reading hentai also educates me since I got no clue on most of this sexual stuff.
I was really into reading erotica since i was 15. Then i started watching anime, after like 3 years i first watched hentai. Hentai anime and manga show so much feelings, and are quite graphic which is a plus for me. And it usually has some story unlike most porns.

I love when the guy is dominant.It seems like i am a submissive type. I like to put myself in place of the female characters and kinda have a fantasy. It feels so good.
I usually watch a bit hard core ones. Anyway it is a great stress outlet.
I also enjoy the girls' moaning very much. I hate when they start talking noncessantly tho.
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