Valentine's day PMs :3

(If this doesn't fit in random, mods, please move it to the place you think it fits in, whether that is IB or Love/romance/relationships.)

So, I had a little idea for Valentine's day coming up.

If there are any of you who admire, love, have a crush on or just simply like a Fakku user, you'd love to send them a Valentine's card, now wouldn't you? :3

Unfortunately, the world is big and postcards take way too long to cross such distances, so I thought making Valentines PMs would be a good thing too.

With this thread I want to encourage users to send these Pms at valentines day as well as to function for some way for people to be anonymous. You can send me your valentines Pm and I will send it to your crush on valentine's day. Rest assure your secret is perfectly safe with me! Don't worry, I won't tell anyone!

But if you really don't want me to have them, you can send them to Quadratic. This could also work in case you want an anounymous card send to me.

So why am I doing this? Because I think some of you probably never get the joy of receiving these cards. I haven't had one last year either, so I do hope I'll get them this year. :3

Please participate, people!
Because anonymous internet stalkers are all the more lovable right?

Also, do you know how many guy x guy love letters there would be? You're declaring your love or at least saying you like someone in a suggestive manner to that you have no clue as to what their real gender might be. If I want a bunch of guys messaging me because they think I'm a chick, I will go on Modern Warfare 2 and put my clan tag as G!RL.
Lol, might as well. It's a good idea. ^^

EDIT: It seems I'll be the one receiving the PMs and sending them back out. So yeah, I think it's best if I tell you before hundreds of people receive Valentine's Day PMs.
Sounds like a very good idea, me shall do it!, even though i havent really been on here long enough to know people ; ~ ;
Animeholic wrote...
Because anonymous internet stalkers are all the more lovable right?

Also, do you know how many guy x guy love letters there would be? You're declaring your love or at least saying you like someone in a suggestive manner to that you have no clue as to what their real gender might be. If I want a bunch of guys messaging me because they think I'm a chick, I will go on Modern Warfare 2 and put my clan tag as G!RL.

If they want to do that, then they can go ahead, lol. XD

Also, I think some member here made it pretty clear what gender they are.
You will all feel the wrath of my valentines day PMS.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
I applaud your idea, I won't move this thread but another mod may. I'd like this to get some views before it's moved.
Waar wrote...
I applaud your idea, I won't move this thread but another mod may. I'd like this to get some views before it's moved.

And before it spirals downward into some pathetic joke thread where harmonian sends one to everybody.
Waar wrote...
I applaud your idea, I won't move this thread but another mod may. I'd like this to get some views before it's moved.

Thanks! I somehow thought you wouldn't like it...
asaforever The Lord of Butts!
Quadratic wrote...

And before it spirals downward into some pathetic joke thread where harmonian sends one to everybody.

Dont try to give him ideas >_>

I like your idea, haburi-chan
Haburi-Chan wrote...
Also, I think some member here made it pretty clear what gender they are. [/color]

Sure, and you're just gonna take their word for that huh? I know a couple people here who started out as claiming to be one gender, but later saying the opposite.

I just don't think it as such a good idea, but then again this is Fakku and there are certain things that only happen on fakku. So. *Shrugs*
I support this idea.
TehMikuruSlave wrote...
I support this idea.
Animeholic wrote...
Haburi-Chan wrote...
Also, I think some member here made it pretty clear what gender they are. [/color]

Sure, and you're just gonna take their word for that huh? I know a couple people here who started out as claiming to be one gender, but later saying the opposite.

I just don't think it as such a good idea, but then again this is Fakku and there are certain things that only happen on fakku. So. *Shrugs*

Of course I will...
I think it's kind of too early since V-day is still 3 weeks from now, but it doesn't hurt to starts early sometimes. Guy x guy love letters? Sounds like a good idea for me ha.
Rin_Penelope wrote...
I think it's kind of too early since V-day is still 3 weeks from now, but it doesn't hurt to starts early sometimes. Guy x guy love letters? Sounds like a good idea for me ha.

I thought it'd be a good idea to start early so that people have enough time to think about it. And if the thread exists longer everyone knows about it earlier too.
Gonna send mine to Pretty Little Girl. <3 I hear she's a classy lady.
Tegumi "im always cute"
I'd better get Valentine's PM's from ALL OF YOU.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
I will ban any user that does not send me one...

i'm not kidding.
I hear someone with a certain classy dick will be getting a certain classy pm.
Monster Girl
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