Virgins Unite!(Virgins' Club)

February 18th, 2010
Current VUVC Council of 2010

VUVC President-Zeph=3
VUVC Vice President- Ulan
Secretary- Haru-chan
Treasurer- Polter
Resources Manager- Is yet to be decided because of both nominees having other jobs they had won that they were nominated for.
Virgin's Club Artist- Hoshi
Virgin's Club Counselor on Losing Your Virginity- Unos Hambalos
Virgin's Club Counselor on Maintaining Your Virginity(etc)- mrprince04
Virgin's Club Counselor For Men- ImperialX
Virgin's Club Counselor For Women- Shia
Virgin's Club Idea Specialist- Yuri Hyuga
Virgin's Club Contest Maker- zeKer
Virgin's Club Recruiter- Rovencrone
Virgin's Club Army Administrator- Guilty Guardian
Virgin's Club Motivator- Mibuchiha

yeah... so i said i would make a virgin's club to kamille and so.. HERE IT IS! comment on why you are still a virgin, how it feels not to have been smexed, or how long you have been a virgin ^_^ or other stuff XD

-been a virgin since i was born
-i choose to have smex after marriage ;D
-when people say, "since you may be the only virgin here..." or something along those lines, it hurts a little ^_^

Vice President-kamillebidan
Resources Manager-Cayena89
Virgin's Club Artist-super scrub
Virgin's Club Counselor on Losing Your Virginity-Waar (maybe? he hasn't given an answer)
Virgin's Club Counselor on Maintaining Your Virginity(etc)-neko-chan
Virgin's Club Counselor For Men-ThorW
Virgin's Club Counselor For Women-LostQuartet
Virgin's Club Idea Specialist-KaosArvison227
Virgin's Club Contest Maker-Unsigned
Virgin's Club Poll Maker-Morning Star
Virgin's Club Recruiter-Kadushy
Virgin's Club Army Administrator-Morning Star
Virgin's Club Motivator-

VUVC's Website made by Polter-sama!
Zeph=3 wrote...
yeah... so i said i would make a virgin's club to kamille and so.. HERE IT IS! comment on why you are still a virgin, how it feels not to have been smexed, or how long you have been a virgin ^_^ or other stuff XD

Ojou-sama! You're the best!
Here's a rep for you! ^_^
OK, I'm in!!

Since I was born, I'm still a virgin!
I'm still a virgin because I don't want any... yet...
I've made a promise to myself that I'll lose my virginity when I got married to a girl I loved...

I don't feel embarrassed or something due to my virginity... I'm so proud about it!
hehe... ^_^

Besides, when I tried to have a chat with girls around me, even just a little chat, someone always got in the way... *sigh* -__-
(Have I told you the story about someone very 'annoying' in my life? :P)

Zeph=3 wrote...

-when people say, "since you may be the only virgin here..." or something along those lines, it hurts a little ^_^

I'm sorry bout this... TT__TT" *sobs*
OK, looks fun, i join in too.

let's see... been a virgin for 26 years, yes i'm 26 years old.
still a virgin cause didn't got the balls to do my previous girl friend(my friends call me a chicken for this), well truth be told. i promise myself i will only lose my virginity after i married my true love.( Wherever she is-_-") looks like most of us took the promise ourself, huh?(give me five!)

I'm proud of still being a virgin and still do. nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed. Besides getting annoyed by friends who always makes a big deal about my virginity.>_<"

well. nice to know there are people like me around. and thanks Zeph<3 for making this post.
I'm a virgin and it sucks. In 2 or so months I will be 20. I know this one person who sleeps with any girl he can find. He is 27 years old trying to start and finish college, or so he says. I see him talk to girls and what questions he asked them and just by watching him you can tell he does not care about any women at all. It disgusts me how people that go to parties act like this and this is considered normal behavior in this day and age. I want to meet someone I like instead of getting drunk and screwing some random chick.
super scrub wrote...
I'm a virgin and it sucks. In 2 or so months I will be 20. I know this one person who sleeps with any girl he can find. He is 27 years old trying to start and finish college, or so he says. I see him talk to girls and what questions he asked them and just by watching him you can tell he does not care about any women at all. It disgusts me how people that go to parties act like this and this is considered normal behavior in this day and age. I want to meet someone I like instead of getting drunk and screwing some random chick.

Your way of thinking is so close to mine that it's almost scary. Specially the party type of people thing.

I'm not a virgin-till-marriege guy, but I'm also not giving to just some girl. It'll have to be to the person I spend the rest of my life with. Well, that's basically it.
Still a virgin here. No real particular desire to lose my virginity either. It'll happen, when it'll happen, if it'll happen.
There's nothing really sacred or special about virginity, and I also don't see what's so important about losing it as fast as possible, I mean for fucks sakes it's just sticking your dick into a cunt for the first time, it's not that special. Fuck that abstinence shit, I don't even plan on getting married.

If I get laid, I'll be glad. If not, then I won't be too sad.
Rbz wrote...
There's nothing really sacred or special about virginity, and I also don't see what's so important about losing it as fast as possible, I mean for fucks sakes it's just sticking your dick into a cunt for the first time, it's not that special. Fuck that abstinence shit, I don't even plan on getting married.

If I get laid, I'll be glad. If not, then I won't be too sad.

Sounds good to me. It is just sex, after all. Everyone will make many more important decisions in their life. Sex isn't all that grandiose.
Rbz wrote...
There's nothing really sacred or special about virginity, and I also don't see what's so important about losing it as fast as possible, I mean for fucks sakes it's just sticking your dick into a cunt for the first time, it's not that special. Fuck that abstinence shit, I don't even plan on getting married.

If I get laid, I'll be glad. If not, then I won't be too sad.

I am a little embarassed by this club.
As a virgin, I don't want a support group to validate what choice I made as a human relating itself to sex. Like Rbz said, it's just sticking one genital into another, not making a broken promise.
Well, I'm not a virgin myself but everyone have different views and experiences when it comes to sex and their opinions on virginity. To some it may just sticking one thing into another while for others it may be something a lot more. But some don't even got the choice to be a virgin or not but it's good to see that some isn't afraid to admit their proud to be a virgin. I mean the public put such pressure on virgins
cayena89 wrote...
it's good to see that some isn't afraid to admit their proud to be a virgin

Really? Proud of being a virgin? Damn it people, being a virgin isn't an accomplishment, you're born one.
Rbz wrote...

Really? Proud of being a virgin? Damn it people, being a virgin isn't an accomplishment, you're born one.

Yeah, but there are so many people that go and have sex because they feel forced to. Because if your an virgin and people find out they label them as losers. So people lie instead of admitting their a virgin or they desperately try to loose their virginity due to pressure and not because their actually horny and wanting it.
I understand if you're proud of choosing to stay a virgin but being proud of something you didn't attain on your own isn't something someone should take pride in.

What you're talking about is choosing to stay a virgin in spite of social pressure, which is something one could value enough to have pride in.
That's exactly what I'm saying o.o
cayena89 wrote...
proud to be a virgin

This is what I have a problem with. It's disingenuous to say you're "proud to be a virgin" if you're only proud of the decisions you have made that keep you a virgin.
Rbz wrote...

This is what I have a problem with. It's disingenuous to say you're "proud to be a virgin" if you're only proud of the decisions you have made that keep you a virgin.

Well those who usually are proud of being a virgin usually is it by a choice. If you want to have sex you won't be proud that you haven't accomplished that goal you'll be disappointed or at least not proud. So I guess I should have explained myself better that it's good to see someone that don't want to follow the mainstream views and being proud of that.
Have been a virgin since birth! ...rather obvious!
Why? Mainly because I have better things to waste my time on. Yes, waste, because I'm pretty sure I'd epic fail even if I tried. Of course, you can never say you can't do something if you've never tried, so...
How do I feel about it? Nothing. I don't really feel like it impacts my life, as amongst my friends sex isn't really an open subject so I'm kind of never confronted with the fact that I'm one of the only persons amongst my friends that isn't getting any.

In fact, I wouldn't be so depressed if I never get laid. I mean, if I never get laid, I can't know what I'm missing, right?
I don't know, some believe that our want to have sex with another human being is our animal instinct to mate and produce an heir so if that's true I don't really believe the hole uninterested in sex for a hole life.

Though it depends on the person, a lot of depression can cause lack of sexual desire not that I'm saying your depressed either but sex is overrated. In fact I enjoy reading hentai a hole lot more then I do having sex.
I'm a virgin ... The only problem is I had a chance to actually lose it about a month ago and couldn't because an issue occurred. I don't wanna talk about it. >_>
I been thinking if your a virgin that apparently that makes other people think you're instantly bad at sex but after you have sex once you apparently know what you are doing. I mean I'd imagine be bad at fucking for at least the first five or six times. Unless somehow, someway I am just a natural at it, which would be SO awesome.
Monster Girl
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