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FuckYoHouse wrote...
Forum Image: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7150825728/h0A0E504F/


Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1044099_644083145604431_139479338_n.png
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Come on guys! We can use whales! WHAAAAAAAAAAAALES

artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Opaz wrote...
Screw whales! Save the platypuses...platypee....platypi?

artcellrox wrote...
Opaz wrote...
Screw whales! Save the platypuses...platypee....platypi?


Kristoffer wrote...
One of my friends who I play MH with lives in Whales, we always try and talk whale to him...

He doesn't like it.

Who the fuck are you?
Ryssen wrote...
Kristoffer wrote...
One of my friends who I play MH with lives in Whales, we always try and talk whale to him...

He doesn't like it.

Who the fuck are you?

Someone who browses the Fakku forums and a rogue uploader/fakku helper.

Sheesh, no need to swear at me :<.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Opaz wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Opaz wrote...
Screw whales! Save the platypuses...platypee....platypi?



Drifter995 Neko//Night
First question: Can you stick your dick in it?
Second question: From a scale of 1-10, 1 being YOU DED NAO, 10 being, u get da secks. How likely are you to die from question 1
Third question: What am I actually asking in regards to? Playpus? Whales? Mike? Misty?

[size=8]It's obviously not misty, don't get mad son[/h]
Kristoffer wrote...
Ryssen wrote...
Kristoffer wrote...
One of my friends who I play MH with lives in Whales, we always try and talk whale to him...

He doesn't like it.

Who the fuck are you?

Someone who browses the Fakku forums and a rogue uploader/fakku helper.

Sheesh, no need to swear at me :<.

I have a lot of reasons to swear.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Drifter995 wrote...
First question: Can you stick your dick in it?
Second question: From a scale of 1-10, 1 being YOU DED NAO, 10 being, u get da secks. How likely are you to die from question 1
Third question: What am I actually asking in regards to? Playpus? Whales? Mike? Misty?

[size=8]It's obviously not misty, don't get mad son[/h]

My cat Misty could transform into a catgirl and I get a 10.
Drifter995 Neko//Night
Gravity cat wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
First question: Can you stick your dick in it?
Second question: From a scale of 1-10, 1 being YOU DED NAO, 10 being, u get da secks. How likely are you to die from question 1
Third question: What am I actually asking in regards to? Playpus? Whales? Mike? Misty?

[size=8]It's obviously not misty, don't get mad son[/h]

My cat Misty could transform into a catgirl and I get a 10.

I feel it could be a trap, but catgirls are good
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