What is your virgin power level?

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What is your virgin power level?

Total Votes : 86
Forum Image: http://i42.tinypic.com/24v8so3.jpg
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Me: Almost 4.

What happened:
> No interest in opposite sex until high school
> Went to all male high school (...)
> Can't hold conversation with chicks! (working on it!)

What about you other virgins?
P.S. When you level up, edit your original post so we can congratulate you!
When you are no longer virgin, edit your post so we can grill you >:(

jks jks

To virgins with great power
If you have power 5 and above please tell us what happened so your fellow virgins can help bring your power back to a stable level
Edit: Someone voted 7. Troll or not?
Edit1: see you again when i reach power level 0.
P.P.S. Be nice folks!
Edit: Well it's IB. Let it rip?
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I lost my magic 5 years ago.
Level 1, with serious possibility of losing it. Now to fight her off...
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Somewhere between 2 to 4. I have female friends, but never had a kiss, and I think I tried one hug with a female friend, but that was when I puberty did hit physically for both of us, but I still didn't differentiate friends gender-wise, i.e., I tried to hug her like I would any friend. Awkward...
I saw the title and I cannot leave until I posted this.....
artcellrox wrote...
Somewhere between 2 to 4. I have female friends, but never had a kiss, and I think I tried one hug with a female friend, but that was when I puberty did hit physically for both of us, but I still didn't differentiate friends gender-wise, i.e., I tried to hug her like I would any friend. Awkward...

You have female friends so your power level is two =)
[color=#2e1a6b]I'm a 2, slowly moving up the scale (I've got plenty of time)
Higufuuindo The Enlightened
Huh, my power level is 2 apparently. I have many female friends but never had a GF.
I think I'd be about a 2. Still have some time...
Level one, but with a guy.
Lost it about 3 years ago
Been doing my gf since i got her 6 years ago :P I lost it at my 20th's
I'm sure I could have been one though, just really bad at relationship stuff.

living in the boonies doesn't help much
Sad virginal weebs.. im over 9000.
1, two girlfriends, I am too lazy to find a girl again! pew pew pew!
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
MWWAAA HA! HA! HA! Only months ago I was level 4. Now I have ascended to level 1! Beacuse I am awesome!
echoeagle3 wrote...
MWWAAA HA! HA! HA! Only months ago I was level 4. Now I have ascended to level 1! Beacuse I am awesome!

Congratz! Notify us when you reach level 0 ;)
Tegumi "im always cute"
3+ sounds pretty hard to achieve. Some of my friends are super huggy types.
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