what type of girl or boy you like to be your bf or gf....

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Matou Sakura, that girl is incredibly cute and loving and I'd let her take care of me any day. So what if she's sorta an evil Yandere, without the grail that's no problem at all. She's just my type, all cute and loving, not to mention she's beautiful.

i m still with real loving person XD.

hehe 2D never go 3D right... but its our feeling... feel love before u die XD

or you will regret someday....
Kona-chan wrote...
I've recently started to love Nayuki a lot more than before...

I quite understand that lol! please send me the previous image of nayuki you had in your avatar (I think the one she was with Konata).

And well, of course 3D OWNS 2D, but he is just asking out of curiosity. I doubt (I hope) anybody here thinks otherwise.
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